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Thinking in terms of rebirth

betaboybetaboy Veteran
edited June 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Many times when I observe myself, I feel I have too many defects, a mind that isn't tamed, a heart burning with desires, and so forth. In short, I am a complete and utter mess.

So for a guy like me, is it okay to think in terms of rebirth - there's only so much I can do this time, so maybe next time I can do a little bit more. That way, I won't judge myself too harshly, nor would I have any unrealistic expectations.

What do you think?


  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Better to hop in the shower and wash now. How old are you? You surely have time before giving up.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    The large majority of Buddhists believe in rebirth. Get going in this life and next time the karma you generate now will make it easier to progress in the next life.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Many times when I observe myself, I feel I have too many defects, a mind that isn't tamed, a heart burning with desires, and so forth. In short, I am a complete and utter mess.

    So for a guy like me, is it okay to think in terms of rebirth - there's only so much I can do this time, so maybe next time I can do a little bit more. That way, I won't judge myself too harshly, nor would I have any unrealistic expectations.

    What do you think?
    I think the important is to make the effort now, to ensure a 'next time' doesn't occur....
    If I am not mistaken (and please correct/forgive me if I am) I believe this is a definite Hindu concept/train of thinking too.

    And diverting slightly, it's why the Council of Rome decided to "abolish" the concept of re-birth in Christian doctrine, precisely because they didn't want people believing they would have a 'next time' to make more effort.
    What they imposed instead was a vengeful God, a jealous God, one who could mete out eternal damnation if you didn't toe the line...back in days of yore, this was some pretty serious threat, and people didn't take it lightly....

    But insofar as Buddhism is concerned, sure: you can think of "Must try harder next time"...but this is no reason to become complacent and relax your efforts "this time". This is why you have the 8Fold path to walk on....

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Observe if it is helpful or not. Does it energize your practice? We don't really know the answer but it is possible. We only create the conditions for enlightenment. Until practice is energized we tweak our attitude and it doesn't matter if we change our beliefs along the way so long as we are always questioning things.
  • Maybe the path goes nowhere - its still the best path to travel.

  • nlightennlighten Explorer
    Just do as much as you can and as best as you can now. Because maybe next time you will be able to do more...OR maybe you will be able to do LESS! it really worth the risk?
  • Observe if it is helpful or not. Does it energize your practice?
    I think that's the important thing. Buddhists find inspiration in different teachings.

  • Very rare is the human rebirth. Most of the time the "next life" is not as a human, and so the conditions for practicing the Dharma are not as beneficial, and the chances of commiting unskillful karma is more likely. You should use this precious opportunity for perfecting yourself as best as you can. Obviously it can be extremely difficult at times (I have many obstacles on my own path as well.) Keep optimistic and confident in your efforts.
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    edited June 2011
    A view on Rebirth:

    If you realize that Rebirth is the continuation of karmic potential (a subtle stream of karma), and you are a caring/loving person, You owe it to that person that is going to be reaping the consequences of this karmic stream. Don't make the mistake of "I can't do much, but maybe I can do more in the next life", because you have left Rebirth and gone into Reincarnation. There is no 'you' that gets to continue on. You cease as death is certain.

    It helps me to think of Rebirth as this: I share a certain karmic stream with many people/beings for eternity past and for eternity on, and I need to play my part as best as I can so to as to free this stream from continual attachment to beings. I think it sounds amazing that I have a missing piece of the 'big puzzle' and I have the opportunity to help return it/place it correctly. Get what I am saying?

    Talisman is right, you have a very rare opportunity to cultivate large amounts of positive karma by practicing the Dharma. It'd be a shame to waste it :)
  • Great point, Yishai! I had never thought of rebirth in the way of sharing karmic stream with many people/beings... thanks, that will help me!
  • Don't get attached to the round of births as if it's yours to call your own. If you just let it go and relax then everything, including the round of births, will sort itself out. ;)
  • That's not pure thinking, seems to be wrong view.
  • edited June 2011
    I think its important to focus on practice in the here and now rather than speculate about the future or dwell in the past.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Here I dive....

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