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Killing Insects

edited June 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I know similar topics have been brought up on here and I'm sorry for this but I was wondering what I can or should do about killing spiders in my home. I usually do a catch and release back outside but sometimes the size of the spider of my wife or even my healthy fear of spiders make it impossable for me to not kill them. I have a 1 year old daughter that's allways on the floor and she doesn't know anybetter to not play with these suckers if she finds them. I know what the 5 precepts says and I just don't know what to do. I feel bad killing them I know it sounds stupid but I apologize before and after I do it. I feel bad on a personal level I allways have. Anyone have any suggestions? For my wolf spider emademic?


  • I killed a bee the other day that flew in the car window while I was driving. My girlfriend is deathly allergic. It seemed like the only option at the time but prior contemplation left me feeling very guilty. I should have been smarter and rescued the bee instead of killing it. Mindfulness Mindfulness Mindfulness
  • sandysandy Explorer
    I had an instant reflex when a damn palmetto bug fell out of a drawer and onto me and I killed it. Is it possible to have a pest control company come put a barrier down? I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do, I was going to suggest some things like putting borax along the walls but that's potentially toxic for your daughter.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    For me, it's situational. If I'm out walking and I see an ant on the sidewalk, I will actually step around it. It's doing me no harm, can't do me any harm.

    But if I find a spider in my house, it'll be eradicated.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    I know it sounds stupid but I apologize before and after I do it.
    That is not stupid at all. That is compassion!


    There are natural means to repel spiders and insects. Supposedly mustard oil and cedar wood oil work ok for spiders. They also have ultrasonic pest repellent devices that supposedly work to keep them away.
  • Terminix does a good job on my black widow infestation (save for the one that spun her web on the outside mirror of my car this morning!).
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    You can just pick them up on a paper towel or something and put them outside. Personally, if they're in an out of the way place I just let them be so they can do the dirty work of killing the ants for me. :-/
  • sandysandy Explorer
    Terminix does a good job on my black widow infestation (save for the one that spun her web on the outside mirror of my car this morning!).
    *faints* Those are my worst nightmares.
  • jlljll Veteran
    Would you kill a poisonous snake in your house?
    I would not. We seem to value the life of insects much less than other bigger animals. Not too long ago, bats were suspected of carrying a deadly virus, should we exterminate them. I think we should have compassion for all creatures. As one famous biologist put it, humans as a species is very arrogant to think that our lives must take precedence over all other life forms.
  • jlljll Veteran
    'Would you kill a poisonous snake in your house?
    I would not.' Just to clarify, I would not just let the snake bite my kids.
    I would run out & call Bindi Irwin.
  • Thanks everyone for the responses. I have the same mentality as a lot of the replys but an exterminator is not an option for me. Paying someone to kill them is the same as killing them myself the blood is still on my hands. Why can't it all be easy and effortless to follow the dharma haha. I will continue my catch and release efforts maybe even take some spider speaking classes and just ask them to leave you know call a meeting together and see if we can work something out. :rolleyes:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    You will need:
    A glass or see-thru plastic cup, and a piece of stiff paper.

    Cover insect with cup.
    Slide paper between cup and surface insect is on.
    Trap insect in glass/cup.
    Transport outside.
    Wave bye bye, and say "don't forget to write!"

    Incidentally, bees have a 'territory' of anything up to 5 miles, and snails, 2 miles.
    Other insects such as spiders are opportunistic and build a web where they happen to be....

    So you could theoretically transport a spider to a neighbouring area, and it would stay there.... Snails come back, as do bees.
    Flies go where the food source is....
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