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what's your life's project (the non-buddhist part)

VincenziVincenzi Veteran
edited June 2011 in General Banter


  • robotrobot Veteran
    Work on my sailing skills so I can retire to life of ocean voyaging.
  • @robot

    that's a nice project.

    mine is to have a life that allows me to advance creative projects (mostly art, literature, music and design).
  • robotrobot Veteran

    that's a nice project.

    mine is to have a life that allows me to advance creative projects (mostly art, literature, music and design).
    You are fortunate to have the opportunity to live a creative life. I have worked hard to give my kids a chance to choose careers other than physical work in harvesting or extracting resource industries.
  • @robot

    I try... this new era will need some creative solutions and creativity in general.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    I think this won't stay the same for each of our whole lives. I want to do some small things, but a big goal is to learn many programming skills and get my own website online where I can have a mental wellness and illness center: info, bulletin board, pen pal, alternative therapies, blog and inspirations, and advertisements donating to mental health america or national association for the research of schizophrenia and depression
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Can you give some examples of what "non-buddhist" might mean?

  • @genkaku

    basically anything that isn't practiced mainly to become a buddha.
  • I intend on spending more effort at work, helping the students I work with, I will complete my degree at the same time, and will eventually complete my teaching certificate. I will then go on to teach special needs students. I am considering having another child with my partner. I also want to see my son grow up well (and continue to work on this.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran

    basically anything that isn't practiced mainly to become a buddha.
    @Vincenzi ... I see what you are getting at, and, for a while, it makes some sense. But I think that Buddhism is probably better thought of as what might be called a "whole-life" practice and there isn't a single breath or a single peanut butter and jelly sandwich that isn't part and parcel of our Buddhist efforts.
  • aka what do you do when you aren't meditating, and what are your hopes for the future?
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited June 2011
    I'd like to teach meditation to teens, gang affected youth, or other young people who want to learn to tame their mind :om: Also I want to go back to school and get a degree in religious studies.

    Ideally I'd like to become enlightened :)
  • H,mm, my list is varied and I know some may happen and some may not despite my effort.

    So I want to be trilingual, teach meditation to Spanish speakers, own a little house, spend a summer at South Haven just writing, finish all my novel ideas, be a good friend and partner with my boyfriend, crochet rugs out of used plastic bags (okay I have done that one), and I think that is all I can recall right now.
  • @AHeerdt

    why only spanish speakers?
  • Hmm, not only Spanish speakers however it is an idea of mine. It stems from my background in an independant Catholic church and a desire to show that meditation does not need to mean you cannot be Christian. I think in any religion or lack thereof it is important to spend time 'listening' as well as 'talking (praying)'. And I live and work in areas that are largely Spanish speaking after all.
  • @AHeerdt

    I think meditation counts as buddhist...
  • Finishing school, paying off my debt, then being able to work just enough to have time and money to travel abroad as much as I can in order to help those who don't have access to health care (using the skills acquired above). I want to live as simply as I can and try to help those who have nothing.
  • spend a summer at South Haven just writing
    South Haven - in Michigan? Great place to do that! Good peaches in the summertime, too. Can't beat a nice juicy Red Haven peach! :)
  • I am halfway to South Haven right now! I am in Iowa with my grandma (drove from Colorado this morning) The family is meeting there for a week at the beach (and they promised me some writing time)
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