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What's the difference between fetter and poisons? Are the 3 fetters the same as the 3 poisons?

thickpaperthickpaper Veteran
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Thanks in advance:)


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2011
    to my mind, the 3 poisons are an inflitration of our psyche, laid to work within our system and eating us up from within.
    we have to purge and cleanse our systems of these three, or they will overcome us and destroy us....

    I have not come across the three poisons referred to as fetters, but the fetters traditionally, are 10:

    I believe these are conditioned and learnt....They are not inherent. They bind us to illusory attachments. But can be unfastened....

    but this is a good article, and mentions Ignorance (one of the Three Poisons) acting also as a fetter.....

    Good question!

    Closely read second article,and realise that Hatred is also mentioned as a Hindrance and fetter also.

    Much overlap.
    Maybe because Hatred manifests in many ways?
  • The fetters are what bind people to samsara. The three fetters are actually just the first three of ten fetters:
    1. identity view
    2. doubt or uncertainty
    3. attachment to rites and rituals
    4. sensual desire
    5. ill will
    6. lust for material existence (such as for a material rebirth)
    7. lust for immaterial existence (such as a formless rebirth)
    8. conceit
    9. restlessness
    10. ignorance

    The three poisons (or defilements, afflictions, etc.) are mental states which manifest in unskillful actions, and are obstructions of wisdom and knowledge. Three poisons are usually referred to as “greed, hatred, and delusion” but are actually just the first three of the “ten poisons” enumerated on in the Abhidhamma:
    1. greed
    2. hate
    3. delusion
    4. conceit
    5. wrong views
    6. doubt
    7. torpor
    8. restlessness
    9. shamelessness

    There is definitely an overlap and correspondence between the fetters, poisons, and even the five hindrances. The “fetters” are what actually binds us in samsara, while the hindrances are a bit more temporary obstacles to concentration. The “poisons” encompass all unskillful mental states, including both the fetters and five hindrances.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Well that cleared that up....! :D
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