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What's the next step?

levilevi New
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I've practiced zazen meditation daily for a couple months. I'm just wondering if I'm supposed to progress into a different meditation or just continue doing what I'm doing. Thank you for any advice.


  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Continue doing what you are doing is what has worked for me. Even Zen Masters still practice Zazen daily. However, there are different kinds of Zazen. Generally "breath counting", then "breath following", then "Shikiantaza". Once you become proficient in one then you can move on to the next as they become progressively more difficult.
  • Can you please explain what shikiantaza is. Is it the emptiness meditation?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    just sitting in zazen. like the sky i allow all objects to appear and fall. i hold no judgement of such objects, though some nice and some not so nice.

    i scan my body for tension, i scan my eyes for tiredness. i watch emotions arise. i watch different sensations manifest.

    just accepting it all. just sitting zazen. just this.


    "Shikan" means nothing but, "Ta" means to hit, "Za" means to sit.

    SHIKANTAZA, or "just sitting," is alert nonselective attention which neither pursues nor suppresses thoughts, sensations, etc., but, rather, gives alert detached attention to whatever arises in and vanishes from consciousness.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Meditation is a lifetime practice. Even the most realized masters still meditate. Try to develop the mindset of following this path for the rest of your life, you can always go deeper.

    Of course maybe you have some short term goal of some peace of mind or not being so reactive to negative situations. Thats fine and meditation will slowly help improve things like that too.

    In meditation generally you start with watching the breath and being aware of bodily sensations. As you become more aware of your mental activities you will naturally transition to watching your thoughts and emotions more.

    There are other types of meditation such as metta meditation, analytical meditation, in Vajrayana theres deity visualization as well as others. I only have a basic knowledge of zen but I believe they just stick with awareness meditation mostly, so I'd stick with that unless you can get some meditation instruction from an actual teacher.
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