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being attached to expectations, not just the big stuff

edited July 2011 in General Banter
I am on vacation with extended family which is always interesting. Since I am fairly new here I will provide the statistics, I am a 44 yo single mom with kids 14, 17 and 20. I brought my younger 2 from Colorado to South Haven MI to meet up with my parents and my sister and her family (nephews are 6 and 8, and her hubby). We have a pretty nice family overall, no major drama or bad behavior so that is very good.

My mom is a very typical of her generation and midwest area, I am the free spirit of the family to say the least. They have actually done a great job getting used to some of what I do like meditating. However I have noticed (with compassion and not judgement, sometime internet communication does express well) that the idea of expectation and attachment is rampant and interesting. So a typical conversation with my mom is fraught with expectation and although it is not a conflicted situation but it is fascinating. She will call and does not ever leave an open ended question, so it will be "hi, are you in the car or at home?" she is really good at saying 2 things that are both not true. Today I came back from the beach to make a couple sandwiches and it is another one. I think it is not conflicted because I do not react, however she asked me what I was looking for in the fridge, then told me wher lettuce is and then got out the lettuce and then pointed out another thing, and then asked me again how many chips i wanted, oh dear. Like I mentioned I am 44 and have not lived with her since 18 so I am really capable of making a sandwich, but she is really attached to her idea of what kind of mom/grandma she needs to be. That includes fixing every bite of food for everyone.

It is just interesting, that many people have expectations and how that is shown with my mother in having all conversations where she gives choices but can not handle free floating open ended questions. Hmmm


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    funny story.. wheres the lettuce?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    AHeerdt - Thanks for sharing!
    Just be patient and continue being compassionate.
    I am in the same boat with my grandparents and my parents.
    However, I am 26. Lol.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    And then there's the problem of expecting mom to act otherwise.
  • Oh I am over expecting mom to act otherwise, I just watch. But when I have not been around her often then I forget what it is like and am surprised again. The only time it is potential conflict is when she is at my house and then of course has an expectation that I do what she would do. When I was in the middle of caring for 3 teens with mental illness and trying to short sale my house she visited and found a quarter on the floor. Of course she asked me who it belonged to, I answered her now! Sometimes I will say something specific like 'I do not expect to wash every towel every use while we are at the beach', or 'please do not serve my kids breakfast, it has taken a long time to teach them to feed themselves'. I still kinda expect her to be the same,
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