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What's in a name? Your username, more specifically.

edited August 2011 in General Banter
I have noticed that there are some really intriguing user names in the forum, so I got to wondering just how people came up with the one they use here?

For example, my user name - Kwantum Kev - is a bit of a play on words, mixing two of my very favorite things with my name: the Boddhisatva Kwan Yin, and quantum physics, along with my name (Kevin).

So how did you come up with the name you use here? Does it have any special meaning? Thanks for your openness to this question, and for taking the time to read, and hopefully answer : )


Kwan Kev


  • My user name is MamaLotus because I like the Lotus symbol, and I am a grandma....
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Interesting post, OP. I have to admit that there are a few user names that I feel are definitely egotistical.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Genkaku is the Dharma name given to me by my teacher, Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi. It means, roughly, "original realization" or "original understanding."
  • Easy - I love the mountains. It's where I live. When I'm in the mountains, I feel like the earth is giving me a hug. Never been a flatlander, although I grew up in the flatlands of southern Michigan and have spent a good deal of my life (sadly) in Florida. The first chance I got, I moved to the mountains.
  • As a hobby I create ambient music (or noise, depending on your perspective). Static Toybox is the "band" name I choose for this. It has no deep meaning really, I just thought it sounded cool.
  • robotrobot Veteran
    Robot comes from Robust which is the name of my fishboat.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    "Cloud" is easy. Same principle as ocean of emptiness.
  • Heh. Cinorjer is simply the very first username my wife and I came up with on the old 9600 baud dial up modem AOL service way back when. Just shorthand for "Cindy or Jerry" but I also like that it's sorta like saying "synergy" so I kept using it all these years. My wife has long since moved on to usernames of her own. I'm kinda nostalgic that way.
  • My name is Jeffrey and it means peace? joy? freedom? of God.
  • Interesting post, OP. I have to admit that there are a few user names that I feel are definitely egotistical.
    lol, WOW!!

  • Its my name!!
  • Interesting post, OP. I have to admit that there are a few user names that I feel are definitely egotistical.
    Hubris means pride or arrogance...pride always goeth before a fall, and I like to remind myself of this. It keeps my ego in check. So actually mine is meant to be anti-ego. I have borne my share of hubris before, and learned from it.

    Ass u me.
  • My real name is Victoria, and those closest to me call me Vix. I am 'vixthenomad' because the nomadic lifestyle has always appealed to me. Being on the move, setting up camp under the stars, only the bare essentials on my back, seeing new things and meeting new people every day...something about it just makes sense on a very deep level. I have a feeling that at some point in this lifetime I will actually take up this way of life. For now I am happy being a wife and mother and being settled in one place. But I feel that eventually I will go on a long journey in a very literal as well as spiritual sense.
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Dandelion is the name of my little plump kitten. He's a persian and so has the flat round fluffy head to boot (so cute!) and when I choose him from the litter I thought his little head looked a bit like a Dandelion, and his amber eyes reminded me of the colour of Dandelions. I didn't really want to use my real name as I don't personally know anyone on here so that is just a privacy thing really, so I picked my kittens name instead, i'm sure he doesn't mind!
  • robotrobot Veteran
    Cats are the best!
  • "Riverflow" - from two quotes (one western, one eastern) that stem from my interest in impermanence and emptiness, which brought me to Buddhism in the first place:

    “Everything changes and nothing remains still... you cannot step twice into the same river.” ~ Heraclitus

    “The flowing river never stops and yet the water never stays the same.” ~ Kamo No Chomei

    And then reading Bodhipaksa's book Living As A River.
  • I use the word "dorje" because it is part of my refuge name. It also helps to remind me that Buddhism, like the prongs of the dorje "also known as vajra in Sanskrit", although has many different paths and traditions, come from the same source and all have the same goal.
  • I love this post!! It's so interesting as I have often wondered about certain login names. Anyway, mine is MrsWigs.. I am married to a man who's nickname when we met was "wiggy". Which was ofen shortened to "wigs". When we got together I was known as Mrs Wiggy, which I shortened to MrsWigs :)
  • @MrsWigs - I'm glad you like the post :)

    I am enjoying reading everyone's reasons for their names too. Some I might have guessed. And then some - like yours - there's no way I ever would have! Lol. So it's really fun and interesting to hear about. Thanks for adding yours :)


    Kwan Kev
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