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On your next birthday do you want to change your age to 48 but not really be 48?

edited August 2011 in General Banter
Also what is it like to be 48?


  • I'll be 50 on my next birthday, and I don't want to change it to anything other than what it is. I *surely* don't want to repeat the last year!

    What's it like to be 48? Just like being 47 as far as I can tell. And pretty much like being 49.

  • Same here I'm 48 and i feel like 47,46,45
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2011
    My mother once told me, about men in general:
    "It doesn't matter what clothes they wear, what job they do, what car they drive, what house they live in or how much they earn: Every man, no matter what, - is 9."

    I've pretty much found this to be completely true.
    The only people I have ever had to Moderate or ban, off here, or the other sites I Moderate - have all been men.
    And all, pretty much, for puerile, childish behaviour. Akin to a 9-year-old, in fact....

    me? I'm 54. And I don't feel any older than 20.
    Why '20'?
    I have no idea..... seems an ideal figure to me.
    Old enough to be mature when necessary, but still young enough to be young at heart.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    @federica -- A one-time girlfriend's mother once asked me speculatively whether I thought men or women were more imaginative. I guessed (at a very young age) women. Without rancor, the woman said she had always thought men were more imaginative. It wasn't one of those true-and-chiseled-in-stone conversations ... just easy banter.

    And in the same bantering tone, now that I'm older, I tend to agree with that woman. Imagination, whether profound or puerile, requires a willingness to be idiotic, to jump off the barn roof to find out if you can fly. If I had to guess, I would guess there are more men with broken limbs than women. Women, after all, are all 11. :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    (My husband scathingly insists he's 9-and-a-half..... :lol: )
  • @genkaku
    Imagination, whether profound or puerile, requires a willingness to be idiotic, to jump off the barn roof to find out if you can fly. If I had to guess, I would guess there are more men with broken limbs than women. Women, after all, are all 11. :)
    One key difference between males and females is the level of autistic and empathic intelligence. Males tend to be immature *empathetically*, so when you see a group of guys laughing, goofing off and treading on someone elses emotions, it's their way of saying 'I'm not taking- or can't take- responsibility for this persons feelings'

    Take the story of the fisher king, for example (either the film or the arthurian legend) In Terry Gilliams film, Jack, a man with wealth, power, and responsibility mishandles his position and wriecks real lives due to a basic lack of care and ends up having to fix the damage he has done.

    In the legend, a simple joke & irresponsible fool, who no-one takes seriously, has the exact quality needed to heal the king, finding the holy grail where his bravest and brightest could not.

  • i'm 23.

    does it get better with age?
  • I find that statistically 2/3 of women like to rant about men :)
  • i thought women only talk about other women.

    my mind is blown.
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