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Won Buddhism

TakuanTakuan Veteran
edited August 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Does anyone have any experience with this school?


  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    Anyone have experience with Won Buddhism? I'm planning on attending the "applied meditation" master's degree program, offered by their college in Philadelphia. I've viewed their dharma talks, and it seems that they are a sect of Korean Zen.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Oh, lol I thought you meant you were victorious over Buddhism. :lol:

  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    LOL that's a funny comic, person!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Anyone have experience with Won Buddhism? I'm planning on attending the "applied meditation" master's degree program.....
    what does the Master's degree qualify you to do?

  • When I was in Korea, I used to see the Won Buddhists meeting in the parks under their simple banner of a circle. They are a relatively new (founded early twentieth century) sect of Korean Zen that seems to have expanded and found their place after the overall decimation of the Japanese occupation and Korean war.

    I never had the chance to talk to a Won Buddhist, but from what I read, they just restated and did a bit of reorganizing of typical Buddhist practice. Traditionalists would sniff at this upstart sect and continue to visit the Seon temples, I suppose. Being American and already practicing an upstart, even newer version of Zen called Kwan Um, I just shrug my shoulders. If a Won Buddhist group were near me, I'd go there since I don't have a Kwan Um Zen group within driving distance.
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    Anyone have experience with Won Buddhism? I'm planning on attending the "applied meditation" master's degree program.....
    what does the Master's degree qualify you to do?

    I want to study zen and meditation in a classroom setting and eventually become a chaplain.
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