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Whats the 1 thing that really, really bugs you?

Weird_ArtistWeird_Artist Explorer
edited September 2011 in General Banter
yes, I know we should analyse what is going on and realise there is no reason to be angry, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a really trigger.

Mine is parents who do not really want their children. I love my son dearly and we had some horrible stuff going on when he was conceived, but we worked hard as a family to bring him up right, we are still enjoying every day with him and I don't see that ever changing even when he leaves home and I only see him on his terms... Why would they have a bunch of babies all together to (and I quote) "Get the potty training and nappies and sleepless nights all over and done with at once" or "there's 2 years between all of mine except the youngest [no 5!] when there is only 20 months, which is really hard to cope with sometimes , except my 11 year old helps out" why do they have 5 is they are finding it hard to cope? why does the 11 years old have to help out? She should be enjoying her own childhood :'( sorry, just thought a space to rant might help those of us trying really hard not to upset people.


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Life is not always fair or kind and it certainly isn't in business to agree with any of us, whatever our views. If something pisses you off you can do one of two things: 1. really enjoy and wallow in being pissed off or 2. find out who is pissed off and try to discover if the pissed-off one is likewise pissed off.
  • People have kids for all kinds of reasons, many of which don't make sense, Artist. And some people aren't cut out for having kids, but do anyway. I thought things had changed in the last few decades, since the 50's and earlier, when everyone was expected to have kids, and so they did, just because it was expected. I thought nowadays it was more of an intelligent choice. There are plenty of couples who choose not to have kids, and they don't get pressured to do so, the way couples used to get pressured. But maybe that depends on whether or not they're living in a conservative community or not.

    In many traditional societies around the world, the oldest, upon reaching a certain age, is expected to help care for the little ones. Depending on how the oldest one is raised, and how close the relationship is between him/her and the parents, that can be ok, and can help develop a sense of responsibility.

    To answer your OP question, which is different from the text of your OP, the 1 thing that really bugs me is arrogance. Ego.

  • The *one* thing that really bugs me:

    1. People having kids who have no business having kids

    2. People having animals who have no business having animals

    3. People hating other people because they look/think/act/have sex/eat/wear clothes that are different from the "norm"

    4. People who start wars in the misguided belief that it will solve something

    5. People who masquerade behind so-called "religion" in order to persecute or kill

    6. People who drive in the left lane on the highway even if there's no one in the right lane

    I could go on and on :)

  • Oh, ok, I have one more: child abuse. Abuse of any kind.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited September 2011
    Racism bugs me. I hate the haters, so to speak.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    American politicians who have forgotten that their job and oath is to represent ALL the people of their jurisdiction. And right now, that's most of them. A bunch of...oops, I almost forgot where I was! As Gillis on the old Life Of Riley t.v. series always said, "And I still say trow da bums out!"
  • Racism bugs me. I hate the haters, so to speak.
    Yeah, racism, but isn't it on the way out? I sort of feel like there's hope of rectifying that one, whereas it seems like in so many other areas, we're stuck. You know what's great about the tech field, is that the employers can't afford to discriminate against anyone, they need all the brainpower they can find, so companies like Microsoft have a good, healthy mix of ethnicities. It's a good model for other companies and the world in general.
  • Yeah, racism, but isn't it on the way out?
    Oh you starry-eyed girl you! Would that it were so. Maybe it's a little better in America (in some parts at least), but in the world?
  • I was speaking of the US. And I forgot about the anti-Arab riots in Europe, and there have been incidents here in the US, too. *sigh* There's no end to samsara.... :(
  • The *one* thing that really bugs me:

    1. People having kids who have no business having kids

    2. People having animals who have no business having animals
    What in your opinion qualifies as 'no business having'? Is this a matter of economics, living situation, personality, health status, or something different?

    My main bugbear is those vacuous 'girly girl' types who wear loads of makeup and giggle and simper their way through life, being nice to each other's faces and then tearing each other apart behind each other's backs. Luckily I don't have much contact with that type of person these days, which makes it much easier for me to include them in metta meditation from time to time. ;)
  • Oh wow :) I don't see much racism where I am (but you can be sure I hate that it still exists anywhere) but also sexism (both for men and women) and homophobia, and lack of understanding for the transgendered individual, really bug me too... Its silly that something so trivial as skin tone, gender, religion or sexuality drive us apart instead of draw us together to enjoy our diversity.
  • Its silly that something so trivial as skin tone, gender, religion or sexuality drive us apart instead of draw us together to enjoy our diversity.
    YES! Hooray for diversity! It would be a sad and drab world without it! Dig it!! :D
  • Racism, homophobia, sexism, jingoism, provincialism. And I live in the southern US so I see a lot of each! Ha!

    Mega-corporations pulling the wool over people's eyes to justify their own greed, and the politicians (most of them!) who only help them.

    "Religious" people (please note the quotes).

    Spousal, child and animal abuse.

    And birth control is not rocket science.
  • pens without caps, they leak
  • yes, not just major corporations @riverflow but everyone with power, ever read Naomi Klein? Shes on youtube too, its incredible to get your head around what the rich&powerful do.

    Birth control can be a tricky one though, we were using it carefully when our wonderful baby came along and we would never regret him, but it goes to show how easy it is to fail... I think sterilisation should be available to anybody who wants it, not just 'women over 30 with too many kids' as it is here...

    @AHeerdt me too.
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Pettyness. There is a lot of that going on around me right now in my life, and so far I am managing to not get drawn into it myself, although I am struggling to stay calm and collected. It drives me a bit mad to be honest.
  • What in your opinion qualifies as 'no business having'? Is this a matter of economics, living situation, personality, health status, or something different?
    Any of the above. Plus (and this is what I was really getting at) people who have kids or animals and treat them like they're unimportant. Ignore them. Chain dogs to a tree or put them in a little cage and leave them. Have kids and never interact with them except to scold and punish them. I see it all the time. Kids and dogs are social animals. If you want a pet you can pretty much ignore, get a snake.
  • Midges! 1000's of relentless microscopic pests... and locusts. For what purpose do they exist? :rant:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited September 2011
    1000's of microscopic pests... Is this why you have 1000 odd socks?
    Locusts are food for many bird species, and I suspect they may feed on microscopic pests in the soil, but I'm not sure. They must serve a function in the environmental pecking order. Maybe modern farming methods (or mass agriculture in general) caused these locust plagues, by creating enormous fields of their favorite food, miles and miles of land full of their favorite food. Just a guess.
    I know that in China, when Mao initiated a campaign of killing all the birds in Peking, the locust visitation in the agricultural areas in subsequent years was horrific. Mao had unwittingly removed the locusts' predators.
  • edited September 2011
    It's one thing to curtail the reproductive capacity of an animal or insect but to remove it completely!?

    .. but I like the addage: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: In this case, keeping the population at a healthy level from the outset as opposed to knocking it out from the equation.

  • FLIES!!! I have about 5-6 flying around me in the kitchen right now. We do not have screens on all the doors and it is too hot to keep the house closed, oh dear. It is hard to meditate with those little tickly buggers
  • yes I have a fly around right now! I have issues with things crawling on my skin (fine with all bugs as long as they don't touch me.. except earwigs but that's another story) and it keeps landing on my bare arms :( wish it would land on my top or jeans instead!
  • yes, not just major corporations @riverflow but everyone with power, ever read Naomi Klein? Shes on youtube too, its incredible to get your head around what the rich&powerful do.
    Yes, she is good. I've read a couple of her books a few years ago (Disaster Capitalism, and also No Logo, which is a very good book). Sad to say I avoid political discourse mostly these days. Too depressing. The only thing I'm afraid that might rein it all in will be hubris.
  • FLIES!!! I have about 5-6 flying around me in the kitchen right now. We do not have screens on all the doors and it is too hot to keep the house closed, oh dear. It is hard to meditate with those little tickly buggers
    It got so bad in my place I had no choice but to put up flypaper (my small town here has actually had a plague of them).

    Striking the fly,
    I hit also
    A flowering plant.

  • @Mountains - if no-one had kids unless they were healthy, mentally stable, could afford them and had room for them, then the human race would die out and no-one would have the opportunity to take human rebirth.

    The truth as I see it, as a mother of two under-5s myself, is that NO-ONE can 'afford' children. There is always going to be something that makes you less than ideal as a candidate for parenthood. There is never enough time, room, money or patience. What children need is LOVE, and lots of it. All the other stuff is just detail and can be worked around.

    Child and animal neglect/abuse, however, is a serious issue. The thing is, people who do this aren't always 'bad' people. You can't always spot them just by looking, and observing isolated occasions where a parent doesn't seem to be interacting except to scold does not necessarily mean that abuse is taking place. It could just mean that the parent and child are having a tough time at the moment.
  • consumer culture
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