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America's Got Talent - Silhouettes

personperson Don't believe everything you thinkThe liminal space Veteran
edited September 2011 in General Banter
I thought the story of this group and the performance was beautiful, it brought a tear to my eye, so I thought I'd share in case anyone here might be interested.


  • I think they will take the win, they are awesome!
  • Results of the show tonight =) Whoever wins, both Silhouettes and Illuminate are amazing acts.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Results of the show tonight =) Whoever wins, both Silhouettes and Illuminate are amazing acts.
    Agreed, Landau could win too since he absolutly killed it last night.
  • Landau got his dream! Happy for him and his family. Stunned that Silhouettes did not take it, however realistically, as children, they would have a hard time being an act in Vegas.
    Now back to your regularly scheduled dharma. :)
  • edited September 2011
    I saw a segment of this show that had a girls' gymnastic/dance group that was stupendous. Really energizing, dynamic, flawlessly executed in spite of very challenging moves, and exceptionally well choreographed. They got cut halfway through the process, and the judges' only reason was that they were young. And yet, another "kiddie act", a ballroom dance couple, got to continue, even though they were younger than the group act. I've also seen a segment where two similar acts made it to the final competition, and the one that didn't make it was clearly the superior act: better costumes, more daring and difficult gymnastics, and so on. Why didn't they make it? They were Black, and America voted for the White guys, even though the judges had told the latter group that they had a long way to go to beat the competition.

    So all I'm saying is that these talent shows sometimes seem to have inexplicable hidden agendas (former contestants have spoken publicly about this), and also, the voting doesn't always make sense. I mean really: if the reason Silouhettes didn't make it to the top was that they're too young to be a good Vegas act, then why admit children at all? But the show is still great entertainment if you don't get too hung up on the details. Thanks for posting this, person; you've reminded me of what I'm missing out on by renouncing my tv!
  • I do not mean to say that Silhouettes are not entertaining nor worthwhile, I love them! However the youngest is like 4, and how would they work a Vegas "career" in between schooling and travel? There are 42 of them, most minors.
    If anything Landau was chosen because he was novelty, a black man who sounds like one of the latter day crooners, had he not been a man of color he would likely have been long since eliminated. Remember it was the public votes who chose the winner, not the judges. So the demographics watching the show count for something.
  • Points well taken, thanks for the info, Hubris. I didn't see the winning act.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I think they said last night that although Landau would be headlining the Vegas show the other final 4 contestants and some of the top ten would also be in the show. So, yeah, I don't know how that would work for acts like Silhouettes, Pop Lyfe, or West Springfield dance team.

    @compassionte_warrior Voting for these kind of shows is really fickle. First, you got to figure the demographic that is voting the most are young people. Second, its easy for those who like the really good acts to get complacent and assume that others will vote for them. It also depends alot on how the performance was that particular week and not always about who's the better act.
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