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There's a Temple That Was Recently Built Local to My Area.

edited September 2011 in Buddhism Basics
What is the first and proper thing to do if we were to go?


  • Wear clean socks, 'cos you take your shoes off before you enter the meditation area.

    That's about it. It's not as scary as you think; Buddhists are just normal 'ooman beings.
  • Lol! 'ooman? How's that pronounced? Aaauuummman? :D

    Thanks @Tosh
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    @Simplewitness -- As uncertain as you may feel, I think you can assume that those running the place will probably be all over you like white on rice once they understand that you are a newcomer. The memory of one's own faltering first steps usually creates a very helpful atmosphere.

    Don't worry -- they probably won't ask you to swallow the goldfish until Thursday. :)

    Seriously, relax and enjoy yourself.
  • Call them first, express interest, ask questions, and tell them you'd like to come. Many sanghas/zendos have beginner instruction to give you basic etiquette info such as shoes off, or not turning your back on the altar, and/or other things pertinent to that sangha/zendo.
  • Have fun ! :)
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