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Scientifical Animal Experiments? Moral/Ethical? and So On?

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited September 2011 in Philosophy
Scientifical Animal Experiments? Is it moral/ethical? Is it right? And so on?
Rats, Cats, Dogs? I think it's not, but that is just me.


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited September 2011
    I used to be against even experiments on plants! Plants are people, too! um...:scratch: ... I mean... uh...

    But seriously, if we were to analyze this, we might apply the "greater good" principle. :p (Sorry, I have a hard time picturing the poor critters in those experiments...) As I was saying :sawed: (oops, sorry, difficult subject matter...) if experimenting on animals helps save or extend human lives, especially thousands of human lives, then, maybe technically, going strictly by the bodhisattva vows, one might say it's moral. You probably wouldn't hear me saying it, but someone might say it. :eek:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I used to be against even experiments on plants! Plants are people, too! um...:scratch: ... I mean... uh...

    But seriously, if we were to analyze this, we might apply the "greater good" principle. :p (Sorry, I have a hard time picturing the poor critters in those experiments...) As I was saying :eek: (oops, sorry, difficult subject matter...) if experimenting on animals helps save or extend human lives, especially thousands of human lives, then, maybe technically, going strictly by the bodhisattva vows, one might say it's moral. You probably wouldn't hear me saying it, but someone might say it. :hair:
    Yes, plants too!!!!! That one book, "The Secret Life of Plants."
    Is a very good read!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I used to be against even experiments on plants! Plants are people, too! um...:scratch: ... I mean... uh...

    But seriously, if we were to analyze this, we might apply the "greater good" principle. :p (Sorry, I have a hard time picturing the poor critters in those experiments...) As I was saying :sawed: (oops, sorry, difficult subject matter...) if experimenting on animals helps save or extend human lives, especially thousands of human lives, then, maybe technically, going strictly by the bodhisattva vows, one might say it's moral. You probably wouldn't hear me saying it, but someone might say it. :eek:
    I see what you saying. Or other people are thinking/saying.
  • I've read articles about this kind of research, but I somehow missed this book. The customer reviews make me really curious. Thanks. :) I'd much rather read a book like this than contemplate your OP, Leon! (lol)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I've read articles about this kind of research, but I somehow missed this book. The customer reviews make me really curious. Thanks. :) I'd much rather read a book like this than contemplate your OP, Leon! (lol)
  • the "greater good" principle.
  • The only problem with the 'greater good' justification for animal research is that many animal studies are actually pointless, scientifically speaking..

    On top of that you have the incredible cruelty and suffering they inflict on the animals themselves.
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