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Rejoicing in my enemy's misfortune...

edited October 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Hey all,

So, there was this girl in my graduate program who was pretty mean to me and talked bad things about me behind my back.

I haven't seen her in a while at school and I was just told that she failed out of the program.

Of course the Buddhist side of me went.. "oh no, poor thing." Yet, I couldn't help but to feel a sense of joy to know that I won't have to see her again at school.

I feel somewhat guilty that I felt the joy out of her failing out of school. I wish her well and I wouldn't do anything that would harm her. I'm not sure how I should go about dealing with this inner conflict within me.

Any thoughts? Thank you.


  • you see her in such way because of what she did to you. cause/effect.

    since you practice buddhism you also feel compassion for the suffering of beings. cause/effect.

    realize whether you feel joy at her misfortunes or compassion for her it is just impersonal processes of causation playing about. you reap what you sow. what you reap is based on the conditions presented.

    is guiltiness yours? is joy yours? is compassion yours?

    can you own these things? are the graspable? can you find these things? where are they? do you control these things?

    also who are you? where are you? who is she? what is she? what is you?

    examine your underlying assumptions.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Keep and eye on it ... wait a week ... things will change.
  • you see her in such way because of what she did to you. cause/effect.

    since you practice buddhism you also feel compassion for the suffering of beings. cause/effect.

    realize whether you feel joy at her misfortunes or compassion for her it is just impersonal processes of causation playing about. you reap what you sow. what you reap is based on the conditions presented.

    is guiltiness yours? is joy yours? is compassion yours?

    can you own these things? are the graspable? can you find these things? where are they? do you control these things?

    also who are you? where are you? who is she? what is she? what is you?

    examine your underlying assumptions.
    mind = blown
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