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What would you do if you had 1 month left?

jlljll Veteran
edited October 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Buddha asked us to think about death daily.
If your doctor told you that you had 1 mth left,
how would you live your life?


  • quit my job and hang out with the people i enjoy and eat good pizza/beer.

    then start to let go of everything. first physically by giving away everything i own. then mentally by forgiving myself and others. letting go of attachments to others and myself.

    we come naked and leave naked.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited October 2011
    (I may actually only have 1 month left and just not know it)

    I would hang out on the forum awhile. Then go outside and have a smoke. Then play video games. Then order a pizza because my mom is out with her friends and I hate to cook just for myself (or maybe I will just make some soup?)

    In the evening I do some walking meditation, some sitting meditation, and some reading. Dedicate the merits to all beings. Take refuge in the buddha.
  • lol good point.

    not sure? haha
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Meditation, meditation, meditation :)
  • jlljll Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I like the part about letting go.

    but I wouldnt wanna be naked in the coffin.
    (i havent been working out, so I'm a bit out
    of shape. if you know what i mean).
    it would be a different story if i had a hot body.
    quit my job and hang out with the people i enjoy and eat good pizza/beer.

    then start to let go of everything. first physically by giving away everything i own. then mentally by forgiving myself and others. letting go of attachments to others and myself.

    we come naked and leave naked.
  • If the doctor told me I had a month to live I would likely be in a ward somewhere receiving hourly injections of morphine. I would be attempting to be conscious and present for my family and putting my affairs in order.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    A little less than a year ago it appeared that I had a VERY serious heart condition. It wasn't a matter of months by any means, but it appeared that major heart attack or stroke was a likely turn of events at some point in the future. About the only thing I did differently was to put my financial affairs and will in order, and I began to prepare my mind for the eventuality and various medical procedures that certainly wouldn't have been pleasant. Otherwise, I lived life pretty much as I had, with some modifications of life style for the condition.

    Fortunately, the preliminary diagnosis was incorrect. Turns out that I have no serious heart problem at all. But it was all a good lesson.
  • Interesting, what @vinlyn mentioned up there mirrors what I thought when I read this question - what if the doctor told me that, I did a bunch of wild and crazy things, then found out I wasn't dying after all? Lol

    Taken in the spirit of the question though, which I think presumes that we would definitely pass away in a month, I suppose I would quit my job, and go on a nice backpacking trip in the White Mountains here in AZ. I would want to spend some time communing with nature again - something I just haven't had much chance to do much lately here in "Bablyon."

    Other than that, I would probably try to spend a little time with my family doing fun stuff. And indeed, I would like to take my immediate family on the backpacking trip so we could all spend some nice time together in the peace and beauty of nature.

    Of course, I try to live my life in such a manner that any day could be my last, and I have no regrets. But I would be dishonest if I said I wouldn't do some special things if I KNEW for certain that I only had a short time to go.

    Gee, having written this makes me think I REALLY need to get out to the woods again - soon! Like someone else said - why wait?

    Many Blessings : )

    Kwan Kev
  • This much I do know, trying my best to avoid indulging in too many romantic notions:

    Quit my job.

    Sell off just about everything and take that money and also my money in savings and transfer those funds to my GF (who lives in New Zealand - I won't be moving there for another couple years). It wouldn't be much, but its money I've been saving for us as a nest egg.

    My large accumulation of Buddhist literature I would donate to a small sangha that could put those books to good use.

    I'd have to give away my sweet cat, Issa to a good home.

    I would spend one whole day with my GF online just reading poetry to her (Rilke, Neruda, Octavio Paz, Mary Oliver, haiku). Then I would say my goodbyes to her, and family and friends.

    Disconnect the internet.

    Zazen. Play the shakuhachi. Write haiku.

    My only "special request" is that I listen to Bach's cello suites one final time (don't ask me WHICH recording-- there are at least three I'd have a hard time choosing), and Beethoven's sixth symphony, which I've loved since I was a child.

    Still an awful lot of romantic notions in there... LOL
  • Also, has anyone here seen Akira Kurosawa's film Ikiru? Its about this very topic. It is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful film. I can't tell you just how beautiful it is...

  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Hi jll,
    Buddha asked us to think about death daily.
    If your doctor told you that you had 1 mth left,
    how would you live your life?
    If the terminal condition still allowed me to travel to India to do a pilgrimage of the Holy Sites, I'd probably do that. Apparently if you die on pilgrimage you have a good rebirth.

    The Buddha advised his monks to train as if each in-breath and each out-breath could be their last. Will we live a whole month, regardless of whether the doctor diagnoses us with a terminal condition? Who knows!


  • i would let things happen the way they would
  • auraaura Veteran
    I would do what I always do...
  • I would do what I always do...
    Best answer, I must admit! :bowdown:
  • I also would keep doing what I am doing .... maybe with a bit more appreciation.
  • Also I think I would not even read the online threads about rebirth anymore - as I still do, sometimes :coffee:
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited October 2011
    -Sex probably every day.

    -I would invest in a new suit of Kendo armor. Then travel around SoCal and I would fight at all the best dojos, and be sure I exchanged swords, and words with the head of each dojo.

    -I would compliment all the body builders that I always admired at my gym and tell them how good they look, and encourage them to keep at it, since I would no longer be able to.

    -Catch up with all my friends, and family current and old. And tie up any loose ends.

    -Write a will, share some final thoughts, some esoteric secrets I learned, and other things that could serve as a guide for my brother, or any others who have dealt with much adversity.

    Probably a few other things too, but that's all that comes to mind for the moment.
  • I would cry - for sadness - and for joy. A month is no time at all.

    I knew a young man who died at 21 a mere 17 weeks after the doctor gave him his stage four cancer diagnosis. He tried to live because the doctor told him - I told him - his mother told him - his friends told him - "Choose life, you are young, your will tolerate the treatment - you will beat this cancer." He tried to live. He died. I cried. He was my son.

    So I would cry - try to live - and die.
  • I wouldn't waste time on tears and moping. I wouldn't cry because no one ever told us how much time we have here. I would love my life and spend it with those I love I would devote time to reading and getting ready to pass on to the next life. I would spend time with those I love but times in solitude. I think we can't plan what we do if we only had one month because when the situation is actually happening we might react different.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    When I was studying Shiatsu, I had a voluntary client who had a terminal illness.
    She became very ill, and was confined to hospital.
    I visited her one day, and she was positively beaming.
    So I told her she looked happy.
    To paraphrase, she replied:
    "I am, I'm very happy. I've dealt with the sale of my house, I've got rid of all the furniture, I've tied up all my amenity bills and outstanding accounts, I've advised my bank of transfer of authority, I've cancelled the milk, I've re-homed my pet - I have done everything I need to do, and now, all I have left is to talk to all my good friends, and say goodbye! Everything's sorted, and I have nothing to worry about. If I die now, I die in the safe and secure knowledge that I have left nothing to chance.

    We're all dying now. Right now.
    Every breath, is one breath less, every day is one day less.
    No guarantees.
    Tell me.... how much do you have, "left to chance"....?
  • "Though thou shouldst be going to live three thousand years, and as many times ten thousand years, still remember that no man loses any other life than this which he now lives, nor lives any other than this which he now loses. The longest and shortest are thus brought to the same. For the present is the same to all, though that which perishes is not the same; and so that which is lost appears to be a mere moment. For a man cannot lose either the past or the future: for what a man has not, how can any one take this from him?"

    ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Interesting to see the topics listed on the forum bulletin board at the moment I was reading:

    "What would you do if you had 1 month left?" is followed by "Say fuck it!"
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Short, sweet, basic and very much to the point.....! :D
  • Floating_AbuFloating_Abu Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Also I think I would not even read the online threads about rebirth anymore - as I still do, sometimes :coffee:

    The first thing I would do is not come online again. I think it is one of the most meaningless things I do actually.
  • So I would cry - try to live - and die.

  • Also, has anyone here seen Akira Kurosawa's film Ikiru? Its about this very topic. It is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful film. I can't tell you just how beautiful it is...

    One of my favorite films...

  • @ironrabbit

    Your story made me cry at my desk. This world is so full of suffering. Thank you for sharing that.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I would drop this life like a hot coal and become a homeless vagabond, then spend 100% of my remaining energy detaching from the world and examining every moment's arising and passing. That could be deadly if I didn't find food when I was hungry, but hey with only 1 month left, what the hell eh?
  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    edited October 2011
    He died. I cried. He was my son.
    My heart skipped a beat. So sorry..................................
  • Also, has anyone here seen Akira Kurosawa's film Ikiru? Its about this very topic. It is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful film. I can't tell you just how beautiful it is...

    One of my favorite films...

    Thank you for the recommendation - will definately seek a copy and watch it, love film and haven't seen this one, thanks again.

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Spend time with my family/friends/girlfriend. Meditative, Prepare myself for transcending. Play NBA2k12, Run, Walk, Go to the Beach, Smile, Say hello to random people. Eat Sushi. And on and on it goes!:) I will die doing something I love doing.
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