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Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?

edited October 2011 in General Banter
1. Vinko Rajic is talking about in his videos on YouTube that he can use telepathy all the time and 100% correct on few kilometer.
Uri Geller could give evidence for telepathy at Stanford University.

2. At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy is possible.
The Edinburgh University Koestler Lab could never confirm if telepathy works but they never did any experiment on Vinko Rajic
or Uri Geller, maybe they do not want to find that what are they looking for.

3. James Randi offer 1000000$ for any paranormal evidence, but Vinko and Uri can use telepathy or maybe NOT?

4. CIA's "remote viewing" , "Stargate Project", the ability to psychically "see" events, sites,
or information from a great distance.
Actually there is not evidence that this would be possible. Telepathic people like Vinko Rajic never know who is
sending to them. Human brains have not any number and is maybe impossible to know from which head you are receiving and to
which head you are sending. Theoretical this is impossible to localize someone on very long distance and connect it.

5. Grigori Rasputin , "the Mad Monk". There is evidence that he could use paranormal mind control.
Rasputin's influence over the royal family was used against him and the Romanovs by politicians and journalists who
wanted to weaken the integrity of the dynasty, force the Tsar to give up his absolute political power and separate the
Russian Orthodox Church from the state.
On November 19, 1916, Purishkevich made a rousing speech in the Duma, in which he stated,
"The tsar's ministers who have been turned into marionettes, marionettes whose threads have been taken firmly in hand by Rasputin
and the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna , the evil genius of Russia and the tsaritsa .

6. What is Schizophrenia? Schneider's symptoms of the first rank:

- Audible thoughts
- Voices heard arguing
- Voices heard commenting on one’s actions
- The experience of influences playing on the body
- Thought withdrawal and other interference with thought
- Diffusion of thought
- Delusional perception
- Feelings, impulses and volitional acts experienced as the work or influence of others

Using telepathy you can create most of "Schneider's symptoms of the first rank" on Vinko Rajic.

Why they do not do research on Vinko Rajic or on some other telepath and publish that?
Also telepathy is possible???????????


  • It's pretty much impossible to design a true scientific study on this sort of thing. Also, sadly, there's no $$$ in it for anyone, so the research won't be funded.
  • edited October 2011
    The Institute of Noetic Science in California does small research projects along these lines.

    Telepathy is possible because consciousness is a field that permeates the universe, according to scientists. In other words, "mind" is non-local. That opens up all kinds of possibilities.

    I don't know about Uri Geller's telepathy, but he faked some of his pscyhic phenomena. He claimed he had telekenetic powers, but when he demonstrated an example of this in front of a camera, the cameraman caught him cheating. So I don't know if the rest of it was for real. I haven't heard of his telepathic ability. Now you've got me curious. I'll look up Rajic, too. McGill University in Canada has done some research on paranormal abilities, in particular, aspects of hands-on-healing.
  • Please resend this to other people , many people together can solve this tragedy, please suport this letter of Vinko Rajic,
    help to find out what is this about:
    I am maybe the only really telepathic person in the world. You should not think that I could be Schizophrenic.


    Can you please resend this email to other scientists, please save me of this terror.
    Can you please give me advice , what I can do against gang that torture me for last 10 Years.
    They cost me all important things in my life for last 10 years.
    I can not pay back money to CSN, I am this winter going to finish on the street.
    I have to get polisen to start arresting them.
    Academic degree, job, marriage, sex, pleasure, homeland... and all other things , I have nothing and they talk to me using telepathy:
    - "you lost everything and I get paid, they paid me every day and you losing your life time"
    - "you future wife is fu__ing someone else and you are mas__rbating and living single"

    HEHEH, you suck, I get big money for it, ...

    I can exchange voice, video, smell, people can move small move muscles on my body from distance up to few kilometer and much more
    and all messages from me are transmitted to big number of people so I am a Mental Radio.
    One of the most advanced things I can do is to talk brain to brain and it is very fascinating,
    works 100% all the time and it is really talk direct to brain.

    I never found any document about any other existing person in human history like myself, but
    science never did serious research on me and I actually did not exist in world of science.
    I could easy give evidence for telepathy.Maybe some of Neurologist or scientist
    could help me or is maybe interesting to make research on my phenomena.

    What I find most fascinating my telepathy is nearly identical what Schizophrenics experiences.
    They can get voice, videos and smell, I can transmit voice , video and smell using telepathy.
    People can connect my brain in such a way that they are like running my thinking, it is like you connect
    some ones head and when you think he fill it like he is thinking, difficult to explain.
    When someone connect me he can think own thoughts inside my brain and that is exact what Schizophrenics are
    talking about "delusional thinking".
    My telepathy manifest itself exact like "Schneider's first-rank symptoms".
    Very fascinating but some people found some very fuj person to run
    thoughts in my head and that's really nightmare. That person has very good knowledge in psycho terror , probably he learn how to
    psycho break people in war camps in Bosnia.

    Person they finance is suported by some psyckopat Church or Swedish and Norwegian media.
    I think sh-it pervert is receiving information how to find me of that sh-it pervert new Church.
    I do not know what kind of network they use to collect money and how they find me.
    I was in Tibet and Africa and in remote part of Tibet and Africa they could't find me but Europa and Australia they find me
    and they send sh-it pervert to place where I am to terroroze me.

    What I want to tell is that I think that is very big mistake not to take me seriously and make research with me and stop using me
    for creating some idiot show in which my life is just getting vested and some idiots find employment.
    I think that some of "Schizophrenics" are just receiving from some person from very long distance.

    They are few important differences, moving small muscles on my body and sex.
    People can tell me that they are going to move some small muscle on my body and really move it.
    One of most fascinating things is pen-is erection. It is possible to get my penis erected from distance any time ,
    it means I can have sex forever and very intensive , something like Tantra.

    I am working on to get asylum for USA and some other states, maybe they are going to stop this mad terror on me.
    I have very bad problem in Sweden, bad that Swedish do not understand how miserable my life is
    or they understand but not care.
    Swedish polisen just ignore this, they could easy stop this, they could call my ex. Lisa Herne from Halmstad
    and she could give them informations on peoples working on this.
    I think Swedish police think this is show and I am psycho torrturized for 10 Years or I do not understand what
    is wrong with police department in Sweden.

    Problem is that for the last 10 Years they paid some very offul person to terrorize me from distance
    using telepathy. Problem is that that person found mad fun , something like guards in concentration camps.
    People they employ is probably are homosexual, shit, anal perverts with very good knoalage in psycko terror.
    Typically Bosnians contrecations cam guard, really nigtmare there.

    1. I am Software developer and i have to contrecate on my work but he is spending all day long talking to me
    15-17 hours a day and he is using tactics of psycho terror, usually used on war prisoners in concentration camps
    in Bosnia. He wake me up any time in the night just to psycho break me.

    2. Diarrhea problem. He can move muscles in my stomach and he do it all the time, he is in distance of few kilometer day and
    night and terrorizing my stomach. He or group of shit perverts is working
    day and night around me on it.
    At the end my stomach is really not working and I have eating problems and
    can get diarrea. I am getting to look similar to war prisoner.
    He like to watch me go to the toilet and he talk to me all the time when I sitt in the
    toilet, those people are toatal dirty shit perverts.
    And than he is joking , "hehe you are thin, you have no chance in fighting me."
    "You just try to atack me I am efficient going to hit you in the head and send into coma".
    Problem is that he keep distance of few kilometer and I have no chance to find out who he/she is.

    3. Stalking and no privacy. He is stalking on me day and night , in shower, toilet, when doing my
    intimacy things and more. He has no respect for privacy. Dirty perverts.

    Right what I know :
    - someone can communicate with me using telepathy
    - some percent of people can receive telepathic messages of me
    - some people started money collecting and they collected big money
    - money has been collected in Sweden, Norway and few other places
    - it should be illegal money transfer in size of 250 000 - 600 000 Euro , also illegal paiments to shit perverts
    ( what is really interesting they do not care about "illegal money transfer", "illegal paiments to terrorize someone",
    "illegal cash transfers",
    they do not care that I am going to call police and tell them this . )

    What kind of people is transfering hunderts of tousend Euro and using it to terrorize someone and just do
    not care for police and Justice.

    Right-- when I tell them "live me alone, I am going to inform police about this they do not care"
    And what they do is: illegal money transfer, illegal work, stalking, psycko terror ...
    But they do not care for Justice. How can this be possible? Someone is advertising crime or what??
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I'm no expert but that sounds like schizophrenia to me. He claims its not but has he ever tried to verify with someone who's thoughts he could read?

    Really gives a good look into a schizophrenic mind, I feel bad for anyone who has to live with that.
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