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Mental Vomit: becoming aware of cycles (birth,death,rebirth)

tmottestmottes Veteran
edited October 2011 in Philosophy
I recently read the book Flatland, by Edwin A. Abbott (Here is the wiki, you can download the book for free from a number of sources at the bottom of the page). I would highly recommend it.

Anyway, it got me thinking a lot about my perception of dimensions. I wanted to try and perceive a fourth dimension. So, for a period of time I messed around with my perception of the 3rd dimension. I would close just one of my eyes and things would revert to two dimensions, then I would quickly open my closed eye and the third dimension would appear. This "space" would just pop out during this exercise. I would then open and close one eye very rapidly to see if I could pin down what this dimension is/was so that I could possibly translate it to understanding the 4th. This got me to thinking about something he said in the book. The two-dimensional square noted that although he could only move through two dimensions, he had an implied 3rd dimension that was subtly known to him. From his perspective he could move through depth (forward and backward) and width (left and right), and yet although he couldn't move or specifically point to a height dimension, he was subtly aware of it. From his perspective, without height, the world would be invisible but he could perceive things, so height must exist.

Back to our reality. If we extrapolate his findings to our world, it seems to suggest that although we operate in three dimensions, we can be subtly aware of fourth dimension. It seems to make the most sense if I posit that time is the fourth dimension. I am subtly aware of time, I perceive movement through this fourth dimension, but I don't explicitly "see" it. In fact, I would be willing to bet that even the two dimensional square from the story subtly perceives the fourth dimension of time as well. This seems to imply that everything could exist in all dimensions, whether there is awareness of them or not.

Why do I bring all this up? It started back when I read about the tralfamadorians from Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. For those of you not familiar, this is an alien race that can see things in four dimensions. For example if they saw an apple, they would see the see, the sapling, the tree, the blossom, the green apple, the ripe apple, the rotting apple, etc. At the time, I thought to myself how could it be possible to see something in four dimensions? When does one thing end, and another begin? I would literally have to see everything all at once to see an apple in the fourth dimension, since that apple was a culmination of quite literally everything up to that point (although it continues on after that too). I left this train of thought open ended for years, until I learned more about dependent origination. Then things started to fall into place.

Recently, this realization has been rearing its head more and more. I have begun to see everything (physical objects, thoughts, creatures ,etc) in my reality as a cyclical processes that interact with and consist of other cyclical processes (AKA fractals). Anywhere and at any magnification level I look in life, I can see a cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Things on large scales cycle (even if it takes generations of humans to record it). Things on small scales cycle (even if it takes vipassana to realize it). To fully realize this, I must start with a cycle I am VERY familiar with: my breathing. As I practice becoming aware of the rising and falling of my breath, I am able to discern faster and faster cycles. In this way I am able "catch up" with time and see these cycles as I see the cycle of my breathing. To fully/unbiasedly perceive things in reference to time, is to realize their impermanence (as it is all the table at this point).

I will leave it here for now. Thoughts, comments, corrections are appreciated.


  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    Wow, this is something to think about. While walking, or so, I always take as an 'object of study', if I see one, a beggar, or some rich guy, suit, tie and polished shoes, and try to mentally retrace his life.I see what would be his childhood, his teenage-hood , his adult-hood, and his death. To be honest, it would be a pretty big progress for the mind to see clearly in the 4th dimension ( the unidimensional time) and to know in what manner should I address, if needed to the 'object of study'.
  • ...To be honest, it would be a pretty big progress for the mind to see clearly in the 4th dimension ( the unidimensional time) and to know in what manner should I address, if needed to the 'object of study'.
    @NomaDBuddha Conceptually speaking yes, I think it would be quite the feat. However, I think that once you begin the process of becoming aware of the cycles (or perhaps even more accurately waves), the assumption of objects ceases and the assumption of processes is much more apparent. Take an action like walking. Would you describe walking as an object? What does walking look like as an object? Although, I suppose that by calling these things processes or cycles they have been objectified as well.
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    I thought for a bit. That even with this power, when it would come to the future of things, it would be like a big black spot. Keeping it real, means that the future is soemthing created in the present moment, and, it doesn't really exist in a single line time. From the present moment, which would be a point ( geometrically speaking) of intersection between a lot of time-lines, each one of them being the future , and also a possibility of existence. Not to complicate things, time ( from the ability's point of view) is a single line, until the present moment.
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    Aaaaand, all the objects or processes exist strictly now. In the future, or past, those would be :what it would be walking and what has been walking.
  • @NomaDBuddha To me the past and future are not something that really exist. Like you said, the future only follows from the current moment, but by the time there is awareness of it, it is the present moment or possibly past. The past is being aware of our most recent awareness, but it doesn't mean that there is anything really there, and is thus the same as the future.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2011
    lol, I watched a youtube video that illustrated in a very effective manner the 11 dimensions. It left me considering how I would be or the world would be in the 4th dimension. You would be one contineuous stretch of matter, but then if you take into account rebirth as you have stated, it becomes even more confusing. I will try and find the video and post it up here if you want, it is in 2 parts, each 10 minutes if I am not wrong.

    Here it is

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Nice vid Tom, it only goes to 10 dimensions though. In string theory they talk about 11 dimensions. Not sure how they could get there from 10, they must have a Spinal Tap amp that cranks it to 11.
  • @person 0-10 is 11 :)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited October 2011
    :) spinal tap

  • @ThailandTom thanks for sharing that video. I enjoy stuff like that immensely. The fact that some of the dimensions are reduced to a single point relative to the others is very telling. It is just more cycles. Hell....maybe what we consider to be a single point (no dimension) is in reality all 11 dimensions of another thing. This goes back to my thoughts about fractals.
  • It is something that one can go insane thinking over, but I do enjoy watching videos and learning about science along side buddhism, like many others I am sure. No probs about the video, I knew it was apt in this thread and it depicts the 11 dimensions in a very efficient way if I do say so myself.
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