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Herman Cain's Campaign Ad is Amazing

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited October 2011 in General Banter

This is a serious ad. WTF? Really? What was with the ciga-... and the musi-... and the smi-... WHAT?


  • He's a bizarre man, why expect anything different? It just goes to show how utterly and completely out of touch they are with reality.

    But give Cain credit... he (or somebody) came up with a deceptively simple sounding tax plan that doesn't require the masses to think much (at all, really). It hooks 'em in thinking (incorrectly) that they'll get a big fat tax cut if he gets elected. And it might (frighteningly) get him elected, but I doubt it.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Herman Cain, as I've said from day 1, will NEVER get elected. That won't happen. He is going to be another Bachmann and Perry - popular until he messes up. Though, if I am wrong and he does win the primaries (I highly doubt it), he won't win the national election.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    hahaha. awesome. the ratio of likes to dislikes on this ad are pretty impressive.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    He's a bizarre man, why expect anything different? It just goes to show how utterly and completely out of touch they are with reality.

    But give Cain credit... he (or somebody) came up with a deceptively simple sounding tax plan that doesn't require the masses to think much (at all, really). It hooks 'em in thinking (incorrectly) that they'll get a big fat tax cut if he gets elected. And it might (frighteningly) get him elected, but I doubt it.
    did you watch the recent republican debate? i believe that the very first question involved his 999 plan and every other candidate was itching to get a piece of him.
  • So cool, pulling a drag on a cancer stick... just makes me want to vote for Cain. :cool:

  • did you watch the recent republican debate?
    Life is *far* too short for me to waste my time like that...
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    did you watch the recent republican debate?
    Life is *far* too short for me to waste my time like that...
    LOL - Well, for me personally, politics is my sport of choice. Most people watch football, or baseball, or hockey - I watch political debates. Most people watch ESPN, I watch C-span. Its all good entertainment for me. :p
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    did you watch the recent republican debate?
    Life is *far* too short for me to waste my time like that...
    LOL - Well, for me personally, politics is my sport of choice. Most people watch football, or baseball, or hockey - I watch political debates. Most people watch ESPN, I watch C-span. Its all good entertainment for me. :p
    agreed. i waste my time doing far more wasteful things than being informed about politics.
  • @mountains, I hear you. Politics is just a fact of swings and round-a-bouts. It is always the same BS.

  • In fact, I am going to have a little rant. I do not even have a TV and have not had one for the past few weeks for that matter, I do not watch the news and only get email updates on flooding in Thailand as that is quite important to my current situation (unlike annoying american politicians), yet these political silly little hyped up peices of junk, that for some reason seem to get people so captivated still slip through the net.

    It is always going to be 2-3 major parties with liars, people with false promises and hopes, corruption and not to mention the vast amount of greed and ignorance that end up with a similar outcome, not everybody will be pleased, the poop hits the fan and someone gets the blame, bla bla bla bla
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited October 2011
    @ThailandTom like it or not, this is the way america works. i understand your point, i'm dissatisfied with the party system as well, BUT... i still well realize that it's better to be informed vs. uninformed because i do vote in every election. our system may not be perfect, but i don't think the answer is total lack of involvement.
  • Oh, I was not pointing my remarks directly at American politics, sorry if it came across that way. I have just gotten so bored about hearing, reading and seeing media coverage on politics. It just seems like a never ending string of BS that people love to discuss and gossip about.

    Normally I would take things like this with a pinch of salt so to speak, but today I don't know, I am just really bored of it and so I had a rant, rant over :)
  • Don't take my comment to mean I'm not extremely politically well informed and engaged. Far from it. I consider myself more politically informed than most people I know, and I **always** vote. I've voted in every single election (as far as I'm aware) in which I was eligible to vote since the day I turned 18.

    I just don't like to watch freak shows...
  • lol, I guess you cannot complain if you do not vote. I never got the chance in the UK and here, well even if I was allowed both outcomes would have churned out similar situations.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Jon Huntsman's daughters made this little spoof of the commercial for their dad.

  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    you guys should check out herman cain's newest video....
    He's got my vote. Two words Pizza Pthursdays!

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