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What in the world are we supposed to do?

betaboybetaboy Veteran
edited November 2011 in Buddhism Basics
As Buddhists, what are we supposed to do in the world? Wait it out ... till we become enlightened?


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Whatever you feel you need to do, Mindfully & skilfully.
  • I'm no speak only for myself in saying this, but my goal is to enjoy myself and help others.
  • Practice the teaching, till you become enlightened.
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    edited November 2011
    "Whatever you are doing, that is your Buddha Nature."

    I really like the way you put that question, "What are we supposed to be doing in the world?"

    So what ARE we supposed to be doing? Zen would say "Wash the dishes" but like everything Zen, it means exactly what it says while pointing to a deeper truth. The truth is, Buddhism doesn't have an answer to that question, not the way it is asked. Other religions do. Oh yes, they will certainly tell you what your purpose is in life. But here, you are handed a list of guidelines in your behavior and told to figure it out for yourself. Frustrating.

    We as Buddhists often succumb to the party line that we are put here to seek enlightenment, and that is our purpose. So everything we do is for that elusive, multi-lifetime goal of escaping the world. Even helping other people becomes just a tool to that selfish goal, like giving money just so you can get the tax advantage at the end of the year. The danger is that we end up spending all our effort looking for an exit instead of appreciating the time we have in this life or working to make it a better life for everyone--better not because we must have compassion on some checklist of how to be enlightenened, but because we see suffering and respond, nothing more or less.

    So what are we supposed to be doing? That's the same thing as asking, what is my purpose in life? Do we as Buddhists fight for a better world for everyone, or is that trying to empty the ocean with a spoon? Do we strive for personal enlightenment so one less person is suffering, or is the selfish nature of the goal self-defeating?

    In other words, do we shrug our shoulders or roll up our sleeves?

    And of course, you won't get a straight answer from me, because it's not an either-or response when you work toward a clear mind. What should you be doing? What is it that needs done? Try doing that, and see what happens.

    Whatever you are doing, that is your Buddha Nature. It's so simple, it's almost impossible to comprehend. Our minds insist on some big, complex secret to life.

  • As Buddhists, what are we supposed to do in the world? Wait it out ... till we become enlightened?
    Striving to be of benefit to all sentient beings is the essence of Buddhism.
    It is also the basis upon which enlightenment is eventually built.

  • edited November 2011
    It's not so much what we do, as it is how we do it.

    And Cinorjer that was beautiful
  • "How shall I get liberation?"
    "Find out who has bound you," said the Master.

    The disciple returned after a week and said, "No one has bound me."
    "Then why ask to be liberated?"

    That was a moment of Enlightenment for the disciple, who suddenly became free.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    I think things will be OK when you stop imagining you a 'supposed' to do anything.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Sentient beings are numberless. We vow to save them all.
    Delusions are endless. We vow to cut through them all.
    The teachings are infinite. We vow to learn them all.
    The Buddha Way is inconceivable. We vow to attain it.
  • As Buddhists, what are we supposed to do in the world? Wait it out ... till we become enlightened?
    Striving to be of benefit to all sentient beings is the essence of Buddhism.
    It is also the basis upon which enlightenment is eventually built.

    We also need to take the time to enjoy, non-striving.


  • FoibleFullFoibleFull Canada Veteran
    You don't "become enlightened". We have everything we need to be enlightened, except our proper perspective.

    Our goal? Our purpose? My teacher tells us it is to become enlightened for the sake of all sentient beings, so that we can then help them, too, be enlightened (not "become" ... "be").
  • @Cinorjer That was beautiful to read, thank you.
  • I don't know...

    Be kind, have compassion, strive for happiness?
  • Isn't aimlessness one of the Three Doors to Liberation? The problem might be your question then, not the answer.
  • Since we don't know, I think the best thing is to start with whatever is close at hand. We all have some sense of direction, and we all have some sense of whose advice could be valuable, so we might as well try it. This could mean to stop in our tracks, and just look inward, or it could mean to snap out of a passive state and become more active in your local surroundings, depending on the person. In my experience, it's not so hard to find things that could be worth doing 'in the world', the actual doing is much harder :-)

    ps I agree with lufool, the how is very important. Eckhart Tolle says some interesting things about that in the last chapters of his book A new earth.
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