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What the Vatican's Chief Exorcist Has to Say About Yoga

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited November 2011 in General Banter
Yoga is the work of the devil.. like Harry Potter. Also, watch out for clubs. Clubs always lead to: alcohol, sex, drugs and Satanic sects. True story.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    You know what they say, @MindGate.... "The Devil finds work for idle hands....."

    Really, is this important?
    Haven't you got anything better to do? :rolleyes:
    The words of one senile ignorant individual does not a religious profile make.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Really, is this important?
    Nope. But does it have to be?
    Haven't you got anything better to do? :rolleyes:
    The words of one senile ignorant individual does not a religious profile make.
    Never said it did. I just thought this article was funny. Decided to share it with all the lovely people at NewBuddhist since I have no friends. That is all.
  • Oyvay mindgate. Maybe I can do that as my career. I'll post on Craig's list: buddhist exorcist. I work for peas and beans (peace and beings).
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Didn't know they attempted long-distance exorcism on Hitler...

    I must be possessed cause looking at this priest's picture made me feel I wanna run away. :mullet:

    not sure this has anything to do with the topic.

    but hey the catholics are allowed to speak with the buddhists according to this document.

  • Didn't know they attempted long-distance exorcism on Hitler...

    I must be possessed cause looking at this priest's picture made me feel I wanna run away. :mullet:
    The power of Christ compels you!! - The Exorcist, as they talk to the demon
  • You know what they say, @MindGate.... "The Devil finds work for idle hands....."

    Really, is this important?
    Haven't you got anything better to do? :rolleyes:
    The words of one senile ignorant individual does not a religious profile make.
    This *is* General Banter after all, what's the big deal for him to offer others' opinions? You're just bringing him down for no good reason, other than because you are a mod, you can. That's how I see it. Feeling does not make fact,however.

    Moderating is one thing,pissing in someone's cornflakes quite another.

    While I agree with you on many things, this is a time where I do not,not that *my* opinion matters, however I feel that we as a membership should be able to question the mods too.

  • Yoga is the work of the devil.. like Harry Potter. Also, watch out for clubs. Clubs always lead to: alcohol, sex, drugs and Satanic sects. True story.
    That was interesting.

    Thanks for posting the headline, @Mindgate!
  • Reading this man's words gives me chills, because it's proof that humanity never changes. This Priest, a few hundred years ago, would have been in charge of the inquisition and tortured and killed people with no remorse, because he's fighting a war against Satan and anyone he tags as on the side of evil deserves torture and death.

    The fact that the Catholic church still has an office dedicated to driving demons out of people using magic rituals tells me they are incapable of changing.
  • Wow most of the comments from the article fully agree with the man.

    I don't know why @Fede needed to make a big deal out of this post, especially when this forum is made for small talk or discussion, but it shows that people take this type of talk very seriously and it's good to understand the world you live in IMO.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2011

    This *is* General Banter after all, what's the big deal for him to offer others' opinions?
    That's because I moved it to general banter....
    You're just bringing him down for no good reason, other than because you are a mod, you can. That's how I see it. Feeling does not make fact,however.
    You are naturally entitled to see it that way.
    But I had different and legitimate reasons for moving it.
    See, I have to think of the bigger picture, and the fact that we have a lot of anonymous visitors coming on here, to peruse the board, and this kind of idle gossiping mockery of a different religion really doesn't put us in a very good light.
    Moderating is one thing,pissing in someone's cornflakes quite another.

    While I agree with you on many things, this is a time where I do not,not that *my* opinion matters, however I feel that we as a membership should be able to question the mods too.
    Then feel free to do so, but in future, do so privately.
    It's forum decorum, and better than being argumentative in a thread, which ultimately takes it off topic.
    I'm very happy to listen to any concerns you may have, and answer your points as appropriate, but on forum, it's not an ideal thing to pursue.

  • You're just bringing him down for no good reason, other than because you are a mod, you can. That's how I see it. Feeling does not make fact,however.
    You are naturally entitled to see it that way.
    But I had different and legitimate reasons for moving it.
    See, I have to think of the bigger picture, and the fact that we have a lot of anonymous visitors coming on here, to peruse the board, and this kind of idle gossiping mockery of a different religion really doesn't put us in a very good light.
    Moderating is one thing,pissing in someone's cornflakes quite another.

    While I agree with you on many things, this is a time where I do not,not that *my* opinion matters, however I feel that we as a membership should be able to question the mods too.
    Then feel free to do so, but in future, do so privately.
    It's forum decorum, and better than being argumentative in a thread, which ultimately takes it off topic.
    I'm very happy to listen to any concerns you may have, and answer your points as appropriate, but on forum, it's not an ideal thing to pursue.

    Hubris was talking to you as a member u
    You know what they say, @MindGate.... "The Devil finds work for idle hands....."

    Really, is this important?
    Haven't you got anything better to do? :rolleyes:
    The words of one senile ignorant individual does not a religious profile make.
    Hi @Fede

    Without deleting my post, and talking as a member (which is how I presumed you were addressing @MindGate when you did it rather impolitely) - it seems that when you called the subject of the article "a senile ignorant individual" that was rather inappropriate and not conducive to how this forum looks, if that is a concern now?

    The Catholic Church individual who said this, sees it this way and that seems rather legitimate to be understood.

    And being confrontational first and then asking others to do so privately with you under moderator rules seems a bit odd when you are talking as a member.

    And since when do members dictate to others which topics are interesting or not? Forum decor is obvious / if you aren't interested, don't respond!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I never stop being a member while a Moderator, and vice-versa.
  • @Federica, I hope you are okay, because of late I have noticed a distinctly negative vibe coming from you,on a few threads. I am not the only who has noticed it would seem.

    My apologies, since I had not known you'd moved the thread from wherever else. It had not been mentioned.

    Anyway, I have to agree with @Abu, as moderator you must walk the talk in case a random passer-by happens upon this site. Moderation as well as membership would seem to be a fine line.

  • Haven't you got anything better to do? :rolleyes:
    I would think the more apt question would be: doesn't the Catholic Church (or its chief exorcist) have anything better to do than issue denunciations of other spiritual disciplines? lol !
    But I had different and legitimate reasons for moving it.
    My understanding was that Hubris' concern was about dissing MG's OP, not about moving it. I agree, and I've posted this on several other occasions: to the membership (and mod-ship) in general, let's try to refrain from dissing other people's thread topics. If you don't agree with the topic, simply move on and leave it for others to enjoy. Fede, didn't I see you post on another thread a lament about the decline of courtesy on the internet or in society in general?

    I didn't know the Catholic Church has a chief exorcist. And Tibetan Buddhism has a State Oracle. Actually, traditional Tibetan oracles also function as exorcists, though I've never heard of the State Oracle performing that function. Thanks, MG, it was eye-opening.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    No, it was clearly simply an observation, not a lament.

    And hang on - Why am I not allowed to diss a topic? Others do it....As a Mod, it's sometimes my JOB to diss a topic! I just don't always mention it - this time - I chose to mention it!

    Jeesh...I'd be grateful if someone could point out to me where it says a Mod also has to be superhuman.
    I'm just doing my job here, ok?

    Enough please.
  • No, others don't do it, with very rare exception, in my observation. I think that's why objections have been raised. Unless a topic is way out of line for some reason, is there call to diss it? Maybe this is what the rest of us need to understand. And if MG's topic was out of line, for example if there's an unspoken courtesy rule about not dissing Christianity, it would be helpful for the rest of us to know, so we can keep that in mind in our own posts. Trying to look constructively at this issue, now that it's come up. Isn't it up to Mods to set the tone for a forum, and model the behavior they want the members to follow?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    There is an unspoken rule about not dissing anybody else's beliefs, whatever they may be. Everyone has a right to believe whatever they would like. We have almost a duty to respect the fact that others follow different paths, and have every right to do so if that's what they feel they must do.....

    The current thread here -

    - is a prime example of how really our attitude towards Christianity should be.

    And that is precisely why I was EXACTLY trying to set the tone for the forum.
    Which is why I moved it to general banter.
    Really, is this important?
    Nope. But does it have to be?
    The fact that it was originally put into Current Events just goes to show how thoughtless this post was.... 'Current events' are usually a matter of topical importance, aren't they....?

    I could have dumped it, but recognised that no matter how unskillful I believed the post to be, it was still an opinion.
    I didn't agree with the tone of it.

    I'm done justifying or explaining it all.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited November 2011
    I put this in Current Events as it is a recent article. You moved it. That was all that was needed to be done.

    Now, I would like for you to explain to me, Fede, where I "dissed Christianity." All I did was repeat what this man said. Really.

    So, by spewing out the same. exact. mindless. words. he said is now considered "dissing Christianity?" How does that work? You called him a senile ignorant individual. I restated what he said and simply posted a link to the article in Current Events, as it was a current article. I believed it was related to Buddhism, as yoga/meditation is "Buddhistic." Thus, I felt no need to put it in General Banter. Though, you moved it, and it was no big deal for me. The problem is when you started writing a passive aggressive mild insult/condemnation.

    You could have left it at moving the thread, if that is what you saw fit to do. If you had a TRUE concern about this thread, you could have edited it, deleted it, locked it, or sunk it. Simply condemning it verbally is not a wise thing to do and not what I would have done as a mod. I am one of five mods on a Religion forum with 10,000 subscribers and 800 daily visitors. That is not something I would do and I'd hope my fellow mods wouldn't do so either. If there is significant discrimination towards one religion in a thread, we close the thread. We don't leave it open and just tell the guy that he is wasting his time. That is not proper, good-willed behavior.

    Now, mods don't have to be perfect, but as with anybody in power, they have to watch what they say and do more closely. In this case, Fede, methinks that you are indeed wrong in your actions. Me and others told you how we felt, as you should openly accept responses about how people feel about your modding abilities.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    LOL I just noticed the thread is sunk.
  • It may sound silly, saying yoga and Harry Potter is the work of the Devil, but I've read in Buddhist literature that killing insects creates the causes of being a mass murderer.

    And the Daily Mail (aka the Daily Wail) is the UK's equivalent to Fox News (I think); it's not a respected newspaper.

    Look into any religion, and you'll find some pretty funny stuff; including Buddhism.
  • edited November 2011
    It may sound silly, saying yoga and Harry Potter is the work of the Devil, but I've read in Buddhist literature that killing insects creates the causes of being a mass murderer.
    This latter point isn't so far-fetched. The ordinary swatting of flies people do is one thing. But kids who delight in torturing the flies, picking the wings off, and other gross fascinations tend to not have normal pscyhological profiles. Some get into torturing pets when they get a little older. Some of those do develop into psychopaths. From an early age they lack empathy. But a blanket statement that killing insects lays the foundation for being a serial murderer or mass murderer is clearly an exaggeration.

    They must consider Harry Potter to be the work of the devil because of the sorcery in the stories. That attitude really does hark back to the Inquisition, as someone already observed. But just because someone in the Vatican declares it, doesn't mean that the rest of the Catholic world believes it or lives by it. Catholicism and Buddhism both have their anachronisms.

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