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Do you believe in borders?

GuiGui Veteran
edited November 2011 in General Banter
Do you agree or not with the concept of political borders; those that deliniate countries in particular.


  • Does it matter if we agree or disagree? They exist, and there's zero chance they will cease to exist in the remainder of human history. The better question is, can we choose to live with them peacefully and not allow artificial borders (mind creations of separateness and disconnectedness) to define who we are?
  • I personally have thought about these boarders for a long time now. I kind of am a hippie when it comes to the subject, and most people shoot me down saying that it would be impossible to not have them blablabla. But this is a world where we should be able to walk free from here and there as we wish. Who says they can 'own' part of this world, who owned it in the first place? Look at the world from a map and then look at the world from space.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    As much as I believe in social order. I guess a world without tribes and borders where we all love each other and human vice is unheard of would be great but barring that we still need rules and borders.
  • I personally have thought about these boarders for a long time now.
    Boarders? As in coming aboard, or those who pay for their meals? :)
  • jeez mountains, why do you always have to point out my spelling errors? :banghead: Ever since I had a seziure, my spelling and general memory has been brought down a few pegs or two. Plus I never proof read anything I write on here, maybe I should...
  • I believe in skateboarders!

    Seriously I think there are bound to be some type of borders. There really are huge differences between people of the various lands.
  • Sorry Tom :) I guess I was born with the dreaded "red pen" in my hand!
  • All the Borders in my town closed. I think it was the kindle that killed them.
  • Yes, we are not perfect and if my spelling annoys you, try to let it go. I could nit-pick at certain aspects of people and their personalities, but I am not so judgemental. Einstein had dyslexia (I am not saying I am anything close to an Einstein here), but it is annoying when someone will keep picking at something I cannot really help.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Serj, please take it from here:

  • Or.....

  • Tom - I wasn't annoyed and I wasn't trying to judge anyone. This is the internet, and not everything is as sinister as it might appear :)
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    I love the idea of no borders. For example, the free movement within the EU is a blessing imo. Though some Daily Mail readers would disagree no doubt. I hope one day we can abolish them (the borders that is!).
  • No worries mountains, again as you said with the internet, things do not always come across in the way they are intended-I was not royaly pissed off, I was just making a point.

    In the idealistic world there would be no need for a passport, or immigration. You could come and go, to and fro without control. But in that idealistic world, you would also need the human race to have advanced to the point where they understand the value of compassion and people can abstain from greed and crimes such as terrorism and all that jazz.
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