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The return of General Banter
From now on, General Banter will only be filtered for guests, not when you're logged in (previously no General Banter discussions showed on the main page for anyone).
Members can change what categories show up on their main page on their own. Go here:
http://newbuddhist.com/categories/all and click "Unfollow" on any category you don't wish to see. It will remove those discussions from the main list, and remove that category from the sidebar.
To see categories you've unfollowed, go back to the link above, and look in the sidebar for "Category Management". That will let you show all and change your settings.
Also, how about leaving the status quo as an option? IOW so one can click and view the banter page if one wants to from a link in the side bar. The way you describe it, this won't be possible with the new settings, it's either all or nothing....
Thanks for all your work and good intentions :-)
The "Unfollow" mechanism is baked into Vanilla, and I decided it was superior to my solution. Preserving the status quo is more work I'm not interested in doing.
What about a feature that, when you post in any discussion, you automatically come subscribed to it, so you get notifications if there is further discussion, and can manage subscriptions in your profile or something?