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As per Buddha, who experiences pain and pleasure?



  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    Hi federica,
    Agreed that my above post is not significant from Buddhist perspective, but if we keep aside Who said above and Where(in which religion) is the above said and we just think about What is being said - would then the above make any significance.

    Hi All,
    Buddha did not answered the questions relating to whether body and soul are different, what happens after death etc saying these are not useful as these does not help one to get rid of suffering and consequently on the path of Nirvana. Agreed that these questions does not help in achieving Nirvana.

    Buddha said everything is conditioned. So all this birth and death are part of a continuous series. Again how the series started is not useful. Agreed this is also not useful. But a query raises in my mind - if we see the world population 50 years back and currently, it has doubled i think. So how come these new human beings or series came into being, what was its source - is it something like a desire of becoming in an abstract sense(with no one desiring it in actuality) led to a form being created having senses in it, leading to the summation of 5 aggregates - but how is this possible - what actually went in the physical elements to give life in it? This question is similar to the question - who lives in me?

    Hope the above questions make some sense, rather than being totally non-sense.

    I believe the answers shall come only on Enlightenment. But still we can at least have some view on above questions. Any views on above please.

  • Why not look at any population of beings. You can often see the conditions that lead to a population explosion.
    On the coast where I live humans wiped out the sea otter population for their fur. As a result the sea urchin population exploded resulting in the decimation of the kelp forests which were habitat for many juvenile fish. Now the otters are coming back things are returning to normal.
    In our case you could probably blame it on industrial agriculture and improved methods of transporting food quickly as well as improvements in health care among other things.
    I think you are looking for an answer that explains where all the human awareness came from. Im not sure if there is any other kind of answer to that question.
    If there is one Taiyaki will probably come up with it. That guy is making more sense to me lately. Or maybe I'm getting used to his style.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    Hi All,
    just refreshing my thread again. Any views please. Thanks in advance.
  • You still don’t know?
    Well count me in. I don’t know either.

    The way I see it this is the crucial question; which can be phrased in many different words.
    So when I take a blow in life. When it hurts; that’s a good moment. That’s a good moment for asking the question. What is this? (Or who?)
    Not knowing the answer is crucial though. The way I see it, it is the asking which opens things up; not the answering.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    You do. The question isn't really who experiences pain and pleasure but rather what is the true nature of that which experiences. Our normal experiential level, not an abstract intellectual idea, of ourselves is of an independent, solid thing. In reality we are constantly changing and shifting from moment to moment and made up of things that are not 'self' and dependent upon things from outside. This level of understanding can't come through words or ideas as they are too clumsy and rigid to describe it, it can only come about through direct perception.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2012
    @misecmisc1 More or less that's the conclusion I've come to, how you summarized it.
    I've scoured the internet, youtube, and PM'd some people here, and I can't find that fab video someone posted here a few months ago. And before that, someone else posted a science article on the same subject. I need to learn to bookmark the good stuff.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    @misecmisc1 Can you accept that you will never find the answer to those questions?
  • According to scripture, individuality is manos as mentioned that holding firmly on the eight seed consciousness that storing all data arises from six consciousness that six senses in contact with the six phenomena. And even if one has no eyes and cant see, consicousness does arises from the seeing. the 2 birds analogy is dualism and buddhism is non dualism.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Good link @sukhita....

    Three pages of responses which to date you have found unacceptable, @misecmisc1...

    maybe, instead of continuing to ask, you could consider all responses carefully, to see the truth in them - or absence - and go from there...
    Ultimately, the only reasonable conclusion you will come to, is the one you reach for yourself.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Hi All,

    One question just now came to my mind, and i am not able to understand it - in 5 aggregates, consciousness is an aggregate and is of six types based on six sense organs.

    if we take eye as an example, it is said when there is eye, object, light and attention, then visual consciousness arises - but what is this consciousness actually? means what happens in case of a blind person - we can say visual consciousness is absent in a blind person - but what does this mean - what is this visual consciousness , does it mean the eyes are living in a normal person and not living in a blind person something like this?

    it can be a too idiotic question. but please help me to understand consciousness as an aggregate in 5 aggregates. Thanks in advance.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    can somebody help me to understand the above query. thanks in advance.
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