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Chakra system, pranic healing and buddhism

edited December 2011 in General Banter
- Does Buddhism acknowledge the existence of chakras and does it use them?

- Is yoga and chakra "manipulation" a help or a hindrance from a buddhist standpoint? Do monks do any of this?

- Anyone here know about Arhatic Yoga/Pranic Healing? How does it relate to buddhism?

As I explore spirituality, I'm slightly anxious of losing a sense of congruence. But at the end of the day, there is stuff like energy healing that sounds very interesting, but it seems to work with different systems too...kinda like kundalini knowledge. I don't know if these are topics addressed by buddhists within the confines of monasteries or not....


  • We had a thread on just this topic a few months ago. Vajrayana works with the Kundalini energy, and so I would think that at that stage of practice, the chakras would be important to address. I wonder if there's any overlap between Reiki and any of the Zen sects.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Tantric Buddhism uses the subtle winds (prana) of the body in its more advanced practices.
  • Yes i've been researching this for a while.

    Physical body
    Subtle body or chakras
    Potential thoughts or thought seeds

    The purpose of yoga in the tibetan buddhism is to work first from thought seeds to grosser forms like thoughts, chakras, breath and body.

    Then it is to see the different levels and how they interact, etc.

    We plant wholesome seeds. Thua wholeaome thoughts. Etc.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    I have been doing reiki everyday with the guidance of a Shaman to help me through my brain/mental difficulties. I can't say it's been effective for the last couple weeks. However it may help me become centered and calm.

    I noticed in one Suttra I read on the internet called "The Total Annhilation of The Dhamma", the Buddha seems to mention people who will roughly: "drain their vital force".

    Interested in this thread thank you.

  • Shanyin, you might enjoy the film "Bioenergy", about a Polish healer now living in the US, who had among his patients a little two-year-old girl with very severe epilepsy. His treatments were remarkably effective. A scientist studied him in a lab and found that he generated huge surges of energy when he was doing his healing thing. The scientist said, according to known science, this is impossible, but it happened. " The machines don't lie. I'm pretty sure the film is available on Amazon.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    thank you! I am also reading a book about shamanism and energy healing and it noted an observable effect on brain chemistry. some call reiki faith healing but even if it just calms the mind, psychosomatic or whatever you want to call it, mind has effect on the body.
  • Put "Bioenergy" into the search function on Netflix and you get Ernest Borgnine films :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2012
    Put "Bioenergy" into the search function on Netflix and you get Ernest Borgnine films :)
    I've been told that Netflix only carries popular films, not more obscure films or documentaries. Strange, though: Bioenergy ---> Ernest Borgnine.

    @shanyin & Mts: 2 copies on Amazon, used, $22. You might be able to buy it directly from the healer:
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    thanks again, ill likely get my dad to order that tommorow :D
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