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Meditation Breakthrough

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited January 2012 in Meditation
I have meditated for over 10 years. A breakthrough has happened at this time. I can effortlessly just meditate for hours and hours with breaks for walking meditation. It has greatly helped with my calm in between sessions too. I feel happy and I am glad I had the patience to stick with it.

Anyone else experience something similar? I wasn't sure if I should share this.


  • So non meditation?

    Abiding in presense/awareness see both the luminousity and emptiness of all things.

    All things self liberate. All is already buddha nature. Smile.
  • Impermanence. My mind got tired and 20 minutes seemed like hours. Ha ha :)
  • One thing i've been noticing is the lack of agency. Everything that arises is arising because of causes and conditions.

    All i can do is respond and create future karma.

    So we cannot change the pleasant or unplesant feelings or thoughts on this moment. Unless we have good enough karma for a momentum of change to occur. Say that the emptiness of unpleasant feelings is realized. But usually it is a projection. Thus we are highly dependent on the impersonal processes of dependent origination.

    There is only pure action with no doer. We exist only as nominal projections with no true referents.

    No control. Everything self liberatea upon inception.

    Knowing this is to relax and be confident.

    I wish you well my friend.
    Do not focus on content. See that everyhing has the same taste of luminousity and emptiness.
  • All i can do is respond and create future karma.
    Have you ever had a feeling that you had to somehow go beyond that? As if past, present, and future were somehow all partially linked in the wheel of samsara? It felt like that to me once.

  • @taiyaki, I'm not really analyzing in my meditation. I am just resting with whatever is there. So it is more a non- than an is- meditation.

    "The Blessed One said: "There is the case, monks, where an uninstructed run-of-the-mill person — who has no regard for noble ones, is not well-versed or disciplined in their Dhamma; who has no regard for men of integrity, is not well-versed or disciplined in their Dhamma — perceives earth as earth. Perceiving earth as earth, he conceives [things] about earth, he conceives [things] in earth, he conceives [things] coming out of earth, he conceives earth as 'mine,' he delights in earth. Why is that? Because he has not comprehended it, I tell you.


    "A monk who is a trainee — yearning for the unexcelled relief from bondage, his aspirations as yet unfulfilled — directly knows earth as earth. Directly knowing earth as earth, let him not conceive things about earth, let him not conceive things in earth, let him not conceive things coming out of earth, let him not conceive earth as 'mine,' let him not delight in earth. Why is that? So that he may comprehend it, I tell you.


    "A monk who is a Worthy One, devoid of mental fermentations — who has attained completion, finished the task, laid down the burden, attained the true goal, destroyed the fetters of becoming, and is released through right knowledge — directly knows earth as earth. Directly knowing earth as earth, he does not conceive things about earth, does not conceive things in earth, does not conceive things coming out of earth, does not conceive earth as 'mine,' does not delight in earth. Why is that? Because he has comprehended it, I tell you.


    "The Tathagata — a worthy one, rightly self-awakened — directly knows earth as earth. Directly knowing earth as earth, he does not conceive things about earth, does not conceive things in earth, does not conceive things coming out of earth, does not conceive earth as 'mine,' does not delight in earth. Why is that? Because the Tathagata has comprehended it to the end, I tell you.
  • All i can do is respond and create future karma.
    Have you ever had a feeling that you had to somehow go beyond that? As if past, present, and future were somehow all partially linked in the wheel of samsara? It felt like that to me once.

    In a way yes but it is to see both the absolute and relative. Samsara and nirvana are just projections. Renouncing both the motivation is to save all beings. Again another projection. But if are going to project lets go big.

    The wheel isn't a problem when your focus in on everyone else. Then nirvana can be realized and it won't mean anything.

    Suffering or bliss. Dedicate it all to sentient beings.
  • MTCB 4: The Arising and Passing Away 4. The Arising and Passing Away;jsessionid=DB4DF130ED3858F9C7714C29771F5FFF?p_r_p_185834411_title=MCTB 4. The Arising and Passing Away

    Reality is perceived directly with great clarity, and great bliss, rapture, equanimity, mindfulness, concentration, and other positive qualities arise. Practice is extremely profound and sustainable, and there may be no pain even after hours of sitting.

    4. Knowledge of Arising and Passing Away: The Ten Corruptions of Insight

    There arises in him energy that is neither too lax nor too tense but is vigorous and acts evenly. For formerly his energy was sometimes lax, and so he was overpowered by sloth and torpor; hence he could not notice keenly and continuously the objects as they became evident, and his understanding, too, was not clear. And at other times his energy was too tense, and so he was overpowered by agitation, with the same result of being unable to notice keenly, etc. But now his energy is neither too lax nor too tense, but is vigorous and acts evenly; and so, overcoming these shortcomings of sloth, torpor, and agitation, he is able to notice the objects present keenly and continuously, and his understanding is quite clear, too.

    There also arises in him strong equanimity associated with insight, which is neutral towards all formations. Under its influence he regards with neutrality even his examination of the nature of these formations with respect to their being impermanent, etc.; and he is able to notice keenly and continuously the bodily and mental processes arising at the time. Then his activity of noticing is carried on without effort, and proceeds, as it were, of itself. Also in adverting to the objects, there arises in him strong equanimity, by virtue of which his mind enters, as it were, quickly into the objects of advertence.[32]

    great for you!! hope you can take this opportunity while it present itself.
    as, like everything else, it won't last forever :)
  • It happened to countless people, this is why the old dudes wrote about those things so we can learn from others experience.

    as in:
    A: "Hey, XYZ happen to me."
    B: "Oh it happened to me too, what did you do then?"
    A: "I just sat and enjoyed the feeling. Then XYZ seemed to stop after couple days and i went back to life as usual"
    B: "good for you. Jeff is the most experienced with XYZ, he teach us that once you get the hang of it, you can trigger this effortlessly by doing this and that."
    A: "Ah i see, i guess thats what i did but i wasn't conscious of the process.."
    B: "and apparently, if you observe the 3 characteristics enough while you experience XYZ, then all kind of interesting stuff will happen as well..."

    This is the point of having teachers and map :)
  • Suffering or bliss. Dedicate it all to sentient beings.
    I remeber that now from our daily practice many years back. Thank you for reminding me. :)

    Sabbe sattā sukhitā hontu.

    May all living beings be happy.

    Sabbe sattā averā hontu.

    May all living beings be free from animosity.

    Sabbe sattā abyāpajjhā hontu.

    May all living beings be free from oppression.

    Sabbe sattā anīghā hontu.

    May all living beings be free from trouble.

    Sabbe sattā sukhī attānaṃ pariharantu.

    May all living beings look after themselves with ease.
  • You get what you pay for, and 10 years worth of meditation looks as if it has payed off for you Jeffrey :) :thumbsup:
  • Thanks Tom, thanks everyone!!
  • congrats on your progress man! :)
  • I have meditated for over 10 years. A breakthrough has happened at this time. I can effortlessly just meditate for hours and hours with breaks for walking meditation. It has greatly helped with my calm in between sessions too. I feel happy and I am glad I had the patience to stick with it. Anyone else experience something similar? I wasn't sure if I should share this.
    Hi Jeffrey,

    if you don't mind me asking, did meditating longer have any advantages over meditating shorter? I'd say that longer is better if your meditation is moving you in the right direction. You mentioned that you are "just" resting with what is; did resting with what is for a longer time have added benefits?
    In my humble opinion (not speaking from experience, using my intuition), the qualities described in patbb's comment would mark progress. Would you say that meditating longer brought these qualities (or other ones) to your meditation? I'm not criticizing, just hoping to learn something from your experience and maybe others who can comment on this.

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