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What kind of pets do NB members have?



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    a monster and a wiener.
    and a cat
    There's a joke in there somewhere

    i think that was it.... :D

  • a monster and a wiener.
    and a cat
    There's a joke in there somewhere

    i think that was it.... :D

    Ah, I'll blame it on old age ;)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I blame everything on old age..... works for me!
  • My boys.

    Azreal - Lurcher - 4

    Gelert-Laika II - Irish wolfhound - Just under 2 years.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    @Lookingformyway The post is about pets not monstrous creatures on loan from the zoo! ;)
  • Yhea, Gelert gets that reaction from people :) 150lb and going :) he's big big cuddly bear, that I promise :)
  • We have a yellow lab who is approaching 15 living in our house. He's lovely. Sadly, it's his last days and his owner will have to decide very soon whether to put him down. I could use some advice actually, since it's so difficult to decide when is the right time.
    Usually the dog will let you know. One day they just seem to give up and it's a huge change you notice if you're paying attention. They stop eating entirely and sort of just wait for the end. If you take them to the vet for the shot, please have someone they know and love be there to hold them, even though it's hard.
  • I'll post pictures when I get home, but the wife and I have three dogs (one is officially our daughter's but considers me his human) and the wife has a parrot that is in love with her to the extent if I kiss or hug my wife in the same room, he goes ballistic and launches himself at me. Then cozies up to her and wants hugs. Won't let me pet him. She offered to get rid of him, but I admire his courage. He defends his woman against a rival ten times his size.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran

    I don't have any animals right now, but I really want a dog. A Lhasa Apso (but not with those godawful dog show haircuts) or Pug...
  • DaftChrisDaftChris Spiritually conflicted. Not of this world. Veteran
    I have a dog; a basset hound and lab mix. He's my fat boy. :)

    I would love a Bearded dragon.
  • Yhea, Gelert gets that reaction from people :) 150lb and going :) he's big big cuddly bear, that I promise :)
    your monsters weigh more than me!

    Um, isn't azrael the angel of death? Lol

  • I have a dog; a basset hound and lab mix. He's my fat boy. :)

    I would love a Bearded dragon.
    Pictures please, darling.
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