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Movie Suggestions Please

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited January 2012 in Buddhism Basics
I am hoping that the people of New Buddhist would suggest a few movie titles to me as more recently I have been watching 3-4 movies a day, I seem to be losing myself in a fantasy world. But at the moment that is no problem, I just have ran out of ideas. It would help if people could suggest maybe 5-10 of their favourite movies, independent or box office it does not matter. I would appreciate it a lot :) Kob khun kab :bowdown:


  • synecdoche, new york
  • Comedy: Ferris Bueler's day off
    Drama: the Dead Poet's society
  • A wonderful film and one that deals with Buddhist principles: Kim ki-duk's Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
  • @weighted that movie is what actually brought me to buddhism over 3 years ago :)
  • @ThailandTom It's a great film!
  • 50 first dates
    Money Ball
  • Amadeus
    Shakespear in Love
    Dead Poets Society (great pick @Jeffery)
    Pan's Labyrinth
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited January 2012
    A wonderful film and one that deals with Buddhist principles: Kim ki-duk's Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

    I double that!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I also highly suggest Netflix! That website is amazing! It is only $9 a month!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited January 2012
    If You read leon ^^^ Spring summer Autumn Winter is what actually enspired me into buddhism over 3 years ago. Thanks for the other suggestions people, although they do not have to be buddhist related movies, anything!
  • Mua'Dib
  • What dreams may come, 300, gladiator, blade, underworld, princes bride, legend, ever after, Gabriel, hell boy...
  • swaydamswaydam Veteran
    edited January 2012
    fierce grace, baraka
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2012
    3-4 movies/day? Call me a party-pooper, but...let me get the picture straight: you're off drugs and alcohol, but now it's compulsive movie-watching? I guess that's better than the alternative you left behind, but ... this seems like substituting one fix for another. Just thought I'd point that out. Didn't mean to be a downer.

    I found "Spring summer fall winter" to be depressing. Probably none of the films I'd recommend would be on Netflix, except maybe Lion King, ha. There are two sequels, the one called "Lion King 1-1/2" is good, too.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Wheel of Time
    Seven Years in Tibet

    All good ones. :)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    3-4 movies/day? Call me a party-pooper, but...let me get the picture straight: you're off drugs and alcohol, but now it's compulsive movie-watching? I guess that's better than the alternative you left behind, but ... this seems like substituting one fix for another. Just thought I'd point that out. Didn't mean to be a downer.

    I found "Spring summer fall winter" to be depressing. Probably none of the films I'd recommend would be on Netflix, except maybe Lion King, ha. There are two sequels, the one called "Lion King 1-1/2" is good, too.
    Lol! You are too much! Let him at least indulge in movies for a while, before he realizes...:)
  • The Bourne series is great.
  • Star gate...
  • The bourne series is great yes, I have not seen any of them for a long long time. And I have noticed that I am endulging in movies a whole lot yes. I guess it is a lot better than indulging in drugs and alcohol, but still cross addicting. At least it is not porn or comfort eating. Getting myself cultured :p :dunce:
  • I think some indulgents are ok...the more time you put between you and the past, the easier it will get.

    Move on to TV series...lots there
  • LMAO, I have burnt out TV series. Indulged in nestolgia in UK comedy on youtube and ran out of ideas. I have so much time on my hands that 3-4 movies in a day is easily done among other things I do such as gardening, reading, designing etc.

    I read on here a few days ago on the thread about somebies meditation room (which looks very tranquil and amazing btw), that if your feet are facing the door when you sleep at night, all of your good luck flows out of the house. Psssh I first thought. The person who said it also did not believe much in it, but seemed to have some striking results. So I changed my bed around 3 days ago and since then I have had some pretty good luck I must say. For example, 2moro I have an appointment for a graphic design job. For a foreigner in Thailand this is pretty unheard of. It is through one of the 2 women I know well at the pharmacy I frequent. Because I have been going there a lot and speak thai, they have become kind of friends. They actually brought me out of my valium binge if I think about it, as now they are the only ones with a permit to sell valium over the counter and they won't sell me more than 10 at a time which is good. But fingers crossed, I think routine will be really positive to have, whereas now I have none!
  • Oh, I am keeping them cross.

    No more Valium Mister...
  • I'm sorry what the hell is Valium ...or do I want to know?
  • DIazepam is the medical term. I still take valium but nowhere near the extent I use to take it. It is normally perscribed by doctors for anxiety disorders and shouldn't really be used over a long period of time. I have had a kind of history with it for the past 18 months or so. I have social anxiety and take about 30mgs a day. I have been thinking of using something different, so on tuesday when I get my test results I may speak to my doctor about it. You cannot live a life on valium, your brain will turn to mush. Google it if you must :coffee:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    The Bourne series is great.
    I have only seen the first one. Is the recent one good?
  • Oh Tom...I didn't know.

    What are you beeing tested for if you don't mind me asking...I just remember you mentioning it a while back...
  • @leonbasin...if you like shaky camera angles...sure.

    I would run away with Matt Damon too.
  • The Bourne series is great.
    I have only seen the first one. Is the recent one good?
    Yea, as for most series the first one is the best.
  • Well I had a sore throat in the mornings for 10 minutes, then it got worse ans turned into a permanent thing. It would only be not felt if I was asleep. Along with that I have constant mucus, my voice changed for a brief period, it nearly went in fact and getting out of breath easily. The sore throat went on for 4 weeks or so, it has kind of come back now as I have ran out of medicine, but they are testing my thyroid and cancer.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    Not a movie, but a series. But check out "Heroic Age" It's an anime sure, and quite a bit of violence. But I picked up on quite a large line of Buddhist-like thinking that eventually triumphs over the violence.
  • Tom...let me know when you find out.

    I'm sure it's nothing.
  • The best dharma film I have seen for a long time is Incendies - the French film.

    It is a powerful work about love and forgiveness.
  • The best dharma film I have seen for a long time is Incendies - the French film.

    It is a powerful work about love and forgiveness.
  • Only have 2 more days to find out so not long to wait, my mum and dad have thyroid issues so it may be something to do with that.
    @zayl that sounds interesting, I will look it up thanks. And @dharmafield I have never heard of Incendies before, I guess there are not too many dharma movies, well box office wise anyway. Independent movies have a certain quality to them though.
  • We're No Angels - Little Big Man - The Extra Man - The Good Heart - Little Miss Sunshine - Inception - Memento - Tetro - Girl With A Pearl Earing - Starman - The Big Lebowski - Elizabeth: The Golden Age - Dangerous Liasons - Quills - Orlando - Temple Grandin - A Fish Named Wanda - Trainspotting - Snatch - Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Twelve Monkeys - Fight Club - Ladyhawke - Gladiator - Braveheart - Rob Roy
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I just saw "War Horse" by Spielberg. WOW!
  • of the best I've seen in years. 13 assassins, Apocalypto. I'm trying to list movies a young fella like yourself may not have seen
  • Matrix trilogy
  • I have seen Apocalypto before, that is quite cleverly made. The matrix triology has been burnt out by me personally Alison lol. Maybe the animatrix is an idea. I watched a clockwork orange and the shining yesterday, good movies. I started watching inception because I have heard a lot about it, but I got bored after the first 30 minutes. I also have never heard of war horse, but a 'wow' was given so it must be good :D
  • Howz about Groundhog Day with Bill Murry.
  • I saw that once, quite a long time ago actually. Thank you for the suggestion
  • ArthurbodhiArthurbodhi Mars Veteran
    Howz about Groundhog Day with Bill Murry.
    Wonderful movie, the director said that buddhism was an inspiration for the plot.
  • Really, I watched it when I was still a kid, way before I had any concept of buddhism. I should watch it again now with different eyes so to speak.
  • Tom, how about it's time to throw the fribee and get alittle air.

    Have you bathe? Lol
  • Throw the fribee? Do you mean frizbee? Get some air, bathe lol.. Sorry I do not follow. Are you calling me a hippy? :confused:
  • ohhhhh I think I just got it, you are suggesting I get outside. By chance today it is raining for the first time in about 5 weeks or so. Also, I am VERY VERY pissed off at myself. If I could, I would kick myself in the face. I had a chance today to enquire about a graphic design job through the woman who works at the pharmacy I go to which happens to be somewhat of a friend now lol. But I went to sleep with the notion that I would not go. I woke up at 6am but nope, I could not go. I am so bored of having this issue, it doesn't make me depressed anymore, I just have lost energy to go on and am fed up of it. The reality of taking 'medicine' for the rest of my days is not a good idea, so I am trying to work out what to do at the moment apart from just eat the rest of my valium and sleep for 2 days
  • I saw Whale Rider on tv last night. It was pretty good and reminded me of two other movies from New Zealand. Broken English, and the best of the best, Once were Warriors.
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