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Movie Suggestions Please



  • Tom I thought you were all excited about the job prospect...?

    Yeah I can't spell sorry

    I meant go outside in nature

    Might feel better
  • Cold Turkey..?
  • I just took frizbee, outside, have a bath as a suggestion that I am a hippy lol. I was excitied, but I knew there would be that one thing in my way and it screwed me over again! People will try to play it down, but if it was not such a biggie, it would not be such a problem. Blaaah, I have too much to vent and curse, so I will just shut up about it. Cold turkey is when you stop taking a substance abruptly. With some substances it is fine and advised, with others it can be a bad choice, sometimes leathal.
  • Oh, forgive my ignorance.
  • lol, too polite. I have written down a nice list of movies anyway, thank you people. I think I am going to knock myself out and go back to sleep. Good night all or good morning in the east :)
  • Night.
  • Night? Its 10 in the morning here in Thailand.
  • I'm in Texas and Tom hasn't been sleeping well.
  • True. Still, it's pretty lively most places here in the daytime Hot too. I guess that's why the Valium.
  • It's ten at night and sixty five degrees in the winter.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    @leonbasin...if you like shaky camera angles...sure.

    I would run away with Matt Damon too.
    HAHA! Sometimes. Like Paranormal Activity..>EWWWW! That movie was so ehh. Then there have been another 2 or 3. I haven't watched them and don't ever intend to.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    The Bourne series is great.
    I have only seen the first one. Is the recent one good?
    Yea, as for most series the first one is the best.
    Thank you!
    Will definitely check it out!
    What about Tom Cruise movie series?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Matrix trilogy
    The first one is my favorite and then it becomes about the usual.. Money, Greed from the directors/writers and producers.
  • The first martrix ismy favourite as well because it shows neo as a normal, unknowing human being caught in the matrix, then how he becomes brought into the next world. I dare say that the fellowship of the ring may be the best IMO in the triology. but that is a close call.
    I woke up at 6am, f***ed up my chances to go out and get that job which was basically waiting for me so I decided to knock myself out with the rest of the diazepam I had left. You live in Thailand robot? Are you thai or an expat, or on holiday for that matter?
  • Hey Tom. I'm on holiday. I've been here for six weeks and I'm going home next week. Definitely coming here sooner and staying longer next time. I can see why you like living here.
  • Yes, the culture around the whole of south east asia suits me a lot better than the west. The west seems to have gone wrong somewhere along the lines IMO. I am glad you had a nice stay, where did you visit? I prefer to stay away from the major 'touristy' areas as they have lost a lot of the thai culture.
  • I've been in Chiang Mai mainly. Took a motorbike to Mae Hong Son via Pai and Soppong. Also just got back from Mae Sai, Chaing Kong, Chiang Rai also by bike. Saw the White Temple. Quite an eye opener.
    I've also been to Krabi, Koh Lanta, Langkawi, Penang.
    Also Pattaya for two nights. Pretty intense.Not for me.
    I like the north the best so far. What area do you live in?
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited January 2012
    I live in Hua Hin, 2 and a bit hours south of bangkok just after Cha-am, the kings favourite town/city. Not too big and touristy and not too rural. I have never been to pattaya and I never will. I know enough about that place without going there. Patong in Phuket was bad enough. I have been to Penang, if you refer to the Malaysian Peneng that is. My english friend rode a bike from Hua Hin to Peneng lol, it took him 5 days.
  • That's interesting. I think I will buy a motor bike next time I come over. I want to ride from Chiang Mai to Krabi or farther south. Spend maybe a month on the road. Also look around the northeast part of the country.
    I have enjoyed spending time in some places where I saw no other farang. Like Fang or Nakhon Si Thammarat. But I find the language barrier to be stressful after a while. I have never traveled overseas before so culture shock has been a factor.
    It must have been difficult to learn enough Thai to get by on.
  • I had never been to Asia before, but I had been to quite a few places in the EU. But the move here was actually really easy going on me for some reason. I feel more at home here. I have had to learn thai as my GF speaks very little english. She is not a typical bar girl, I learned long ago that if you get into a relationship, there are certain places you really do not look for one.

    Your notion of buying a bike sounds like fun, but on a serious note be careful. I am sure you are aware of how easy it is to die on the roads here. I myself have crashed twice. I had never crashed a motorbike in my life and then crashed twice in two days, once at 90kmh. I tried riding from Hua Hin to Prachuap at night in the rain after some whisky, folly yes. That is the only time I have felt really cold here.

    When I was in Phang gna (not the tourist bay but the town), me and my friend were the only farang around, that was quite interesting. We found a guest house that was 150baht a night with 2 beds! But I have spent 99% of my time here in Hua Hin, now i have a house and this place seems perfect to me. It is situated on the coast, all along here there are god places to visit, Cha Am, Hua Hin, Prachuap, Chumpong, all within 4 hours of each and on the coast. Next time you visit, be sure to come around mid march so you can enjoy SongKran, that is one holiday like no other. A 3 day water fight nation wide :D
  • Fortunately for me I have quite a bit of biking experience. Also I am not riding at night. The thing that really scares me is the idea of getting into a mini bus. Those guys are nuts.
  • I use to race motorcross when I was a kid, so have had my fair share of experience. I just made some stupid decisions. Yes, the mini buses are notorious for crashing. The rule is never to use them in the early hours of the morning as the drivers are often sleeping and forced to drive fast to meet deadlines (sorry for the pun). A lot of the time seatbelts are rare in them also. The worse thing which is so common here is 3-4 on a motorbike with a baby, craziness in the west, a way of life here.
  • Thanks for the tip. I'll stay out of them whenever possible.
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