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race to enlightenment cartoon

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited January 2012 in General Banter


  • Very cool. :)
  • One day they will advertise ENLIGHTENMENT for two payments of 25 dollars.
    Your guide to non dual awakening and the total cessation of suffering.
    Twelve step program.

    Call now and you will receive a free mala and a buddha statue.

  • Lol...maybe that wouldn't be so bad...most people laugh at our movement.

  • taiyaki, if you act now you can also get training for non-dual duals. And empty bucket. Hole not included.

    This is all a 4000 dollar value for just 25 dollars + shipping and handling.
  • LesCLesC Bermuda Veteran

    But wait... If you call in the next ten minutes, you'll receive a second enlightenment absolutely free... Just pay separate shipping and handling!!

  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Thank you enlightenCorp!
  • I once had a samadhi salad.

    Was fucking awesome.
  • why are hot dogs in packages of 8 and buns in packages of 10.
  • always loved this anecdote lol
  • Hey you can also pay $2,000 to randomly be hit up side the head while sitting quietly.

    (my kids get that for free, LOL)
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