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Collective Karma

ClayTheScribeClayTheScribe Veteran
edited January 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Is there such a thing as collective karma or is it always personal? Like if a society or a nation's government acts in a certain way, does the whole nation reap what was sown? I'm still trying to wrap my head around karma and know I probably never will in this lifetime.


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I've heard it said that there is. I can't say I really understand it though. Like people in the military share the karma of the actions of the entire military in some way.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Is there such a thing as collective karma or is it always personal? Like if a society or a nation's government acts in a certain way, does the whole nation reap what was sown? I'm still trying to wrap my head around karma and know I probably never will in this lifetime.
    I'm really glad you brought up this issue, and I am looking forward to reading the responses.

    I guess first it depends on what you think karma is -- a process that exists, or something that exists only in your own mind.

    My personal view is that there can be "national karma", for example.

    I know what you mean when you say, "I'm still trying to wrap my head around karma and know I probably never will in this lifetime."

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    How about parents giving their Karma to their kids? Any good scientific research?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
  • Its both in a way but ultimately it is personal.

    All is a projection of an individuals karma.

    I'll write more on this later after i sleep. But hopefully someone answers this more directly and in detail.
  • I often think about that as an American. My government, and our society as a whole, has done a lot of really terrible things in the name of advancing our causes and values. I think it has caught up to us a little bit, but I wonder what's in store for us in that regard. I don't mean to get too political, but it's something I've been thinking about quite a bit.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I often think about that as an American. My government, and our society as a whole, has done a lot of really terrible things in the name of advancing our causes and values. I think it has caught up to us a little bit, but I wonder what's in store for us in that regard. I don't mean to get too political, but it's something I've been thinking about quite a bit.
    From that wikipedia source. Collective karma occurs amongst people who share the same collective intention. So simply being a part of a country doesn't sound like it would automatically include you. Who knows?

  • Pureland Amitabha is a very good example of awesome personal karma and collective karma. In buddha Shakamuni land, it is both personal and collective karma in general. The most rejoicing is definitely pureland amitabha as the 4 lands there is collective buddhaness while simultaneously having differing blessing and attainment level owing to personal non grasphing degrees :D They rejoice upon one another blissfully and non graspingly Wow awesomic ;)
  • wind and dust...directions speeds, masses, flying around, simple as that
  • oh but it is ALWAYS personal
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    wind and dust...directions speeds, masses, flying around, simple as that
    In a different thread you answer was "dust and wind".

  • auraaura Veteran
    People share and are united through time and space by their karmic issues, and they are born into circumstances reflecting those karmic issues.
    What's a nation?
    A nation is just a very big group of people.
    Can a very big group of people be united through time and space by their karmic issues and be born into circumstances reflecting those karmic issues?
    Of course.
  • Shurangama Sutra
    别业妄见。众生同分妄见。- :p

    Ananda said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, the Thus Come One has often spoken of the mixture and union of causes and conditions, saying that the transformations of everything in the world are created from the mixing and uniting of the four elements.

    "Why does the Thus Come One reject causes and conditions and spontaneity as well? I do not know how to understand your meaning now.

    "Please be so compassionate as to instruct us living beings in the final meaning of the Middle Way in the Dharmas which are not idle theories."

    The World Honored One then told Ananda, "You have renounced the Small Vehicle Dharmas of the Sound-hearers and those enlightened to conditions and have resolved to diligently seek unsurpassed Bodhi. Because of that, I will now explain the foremost truth to you.

    "Why do you still bind yourself up in the idle theories and false thoughts current among people of the world?

    "Although you are very learned, you are like someone who can discuss medicines but cannot distinguish a real medicine when it is placed before you. The Thus Come One says that you are truly pitiful.

    "Listen attentively now as I explain this point in detail for you and also for those of the future who cultivate the great vehicle, so that you all can penetrate to the real appearance."

    Ananda was silent and awaited the Buddha s holy instruction.

    "Ananda, according to what you said, the mixing and uniting of the four elements create the myriad transformations if everything in the world.

    "Ananda, if the nature of those elements does not mix and unite in substance, then they cannot combine with other elements, just as empty space cannot combine with forms.

    "Assuming that they do mix and unite, they are then only in a process of transformation in which they depend on one another for existence from beginning to end. In the course of transformation they are produced and extinguished being born and then dying, dying and then being born, in birth after birth, in death after death, the way a torch spun in a circle forms an unbroken wheel of flame.

    "Ananda, the process is like water becoming ice and ice becoming water again.

    "Consider the nature of earth: its coarse particles make up the great earth. Its fine particles make up motes of dust, down to and including motes of dust bordering upon emptiness.

    "If one divides those fine motes of dust, their appearance is at the boundaries of form. Then divide those into seven parts.

    "Aanada, if this mote of dust bordering upon emptiness is divided and becomes emptiness, it should be that emptiness can give rise to form.

    "Just now you asked if mixing and uniting doesn t bring about the transformations of everything in the world.

    "You should carefully consider how much emptiness mixes and unites to make a single mote of dust bordering upon emptiness, since it makes no sense to say that dust bordering on emptiness is composed of dust bordering on emptiness.

    "Moreover, since motes of dust bordering upon emptiness can be reduced to emptiness, of how many motes of such form as this must emptiness be composed?

    "When these motes of form mass together, a mass of form does not make emptiness; when emptiness is massed together, a mass of emptiness does not make form. Besides, although form can be divided, how can emptiness be massed together?

    "You simply do not know that in the treasury of the Thus Come One the nature of form is true emptiness, and the nature of emptiness is true form. Pure at its origin, it pervades the Dharma realm. It accords with living beings minds, in response to their capacity to know.

    "It is experienced to whatever extent is dictated by the law of Karma. Ignorant of this fact, people in the world are so deluded as to assign its origin to causes and conditions or to spontaneity. These mistakes, which arise from the discriminations and reasoning processes of the conscious mind, are nothing but the play of empty words which have no real meaning.

    "Ananda, fire, which has no nature of its own, depends upon various causes and conditions for its existence. Consider a family in the city that has not yet eaten. When they wish to prepare food, they hold up a speculum to the sun, seeking fire.

    "Ananda, let us look into your suggestion that the fire comes forth from mixing and uniting. By way of example, you and I and the twelve hundred and fifty Bhikshus unite together to form a community. However, a careful analysis of the community reveals that every member composing it has his own body, birthplace, clan, and name. For instance, Shariputra is a Brahman; Uruvilva is of the Kashyapa clan, and you, Ananda, come from the Gautama family.

    "Ananda, suppose fire existed because of mixing and uniting. When the hand holds up the speculum to the sun to seek fire, does the fire come out of the speculum? Does it come out of moxa tinder? Or does it come from the sun?

    "Suppose, Ananda, that it came from the sun. Not only would it burn the moxa tinder in your hand, but as it came across the groves of trees, it should burn them up as well.

    "Suppose that it came from the speculum. Since it came out from within the speculum to ignite the moxa tinder, why doesn t the speculum melt? Yet your hand that holds it feels no heat; how, then, could the speculum melt?

    "Suppose that the fire came from the moxa tinder. Then why is fire generated only when the bright mirror comes into contact with the dazzling light?

    "Furthermore, on closer examination you will find the speculum held in hands, the sun high up in the sky, and moxa grown from the ground. Where does the fire come from? How can it travel some distance to reach here?

    "The sun and the speculum cannot mix and unite, since they are far apart from each other. Nor can it be that the fire exists spontaneously, without an origin.

    "You simply do not know that in the treasury of the Thus Come One, the nature of fire is true emptiness, and the nature of emptiness is true fire. Pure at its origin, it pervades the Dharma realm. It accords with living beings minds, in response to their capacity to know.

    "Ananda, you should know that fire is generated in the place where a speculum is held up to the sunlight, and fire will be generated everywhere if specula are held up to the sunlight throughout the Dharmas realm. Since fire can come forth throughout the whole world, can there be any fixed place to which it is confined? :D
  • Here's a different view

    The basic premise of sorcery as don Juan presented it to me. He said that for sorcerer, the world of everyday life is not real, or out there, as we believe it is. For a sorcerer, reality, or the world we all know, is only a description. ...a description that had been pounded into me from the moment I was born.

    He pointed out that everyone who comes into contact with a child is a teacher who incessantly describes the world to him, until the moment when the child is capable of preceiving the world as it is described. According to don Juan, we have no memory of that portentous moment, simply because none of us could possibly have had any point of reference to compare it to anything else. From that moment on, however, the child is a member. He knows the description of the world; and his membership becomes full-fledged, I suppose, when he is capable of making all the proper perceptual interpretations which, by conforming to that description, validate it.

    For don Juan , then , the reality of our day-to-day life consists of an endless flow of perceptual interpretations which we, the individuals who share a specific membership , have learned to make it common.

    The idea that the perceptual interpretations that make up the world have a flow is congruous with the fact that they run uninterruptedly and are rarely, if ever, open to question. In fact, the reality of the world we know is so taken for granted that the basic premise of sorcery, that our reality is merely one of many descriptions, could hardly be taken as a serious proposition.

    His contention was that he was teaching me how to "see" as opposed to merely "looking", and that "stopping the world" was the first step to "seeing".

    From 'Journey to Ixtlan'
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Ok, let's hold it right here.

    It's one of the Buddha's primary lessons on what it's a waste of time to try to think about. it's an unconjecturable.
    "There are these four unconjecturables that are not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about them. Which four?

    "The Buddha-range of the Buddhas[1] is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it.

    "The jhana-range of a person in jhana...[2]

    "The [precise working out of the] results of kamma...

    "Conjecture about [the origin, etc., of] the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it.

    "These are the four unconjecturables that are not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about them."
    Sure, you can wonder - but there's no definitive reply one way or the other.
    If you spent every moment wondering what Kamma is affecting who, from when, how and why, and how it got there, and who started it, and why it went this'd never take another step, put a foot out the door, or breathe, even.

    the one and only thing you can - and should - make sure you consider very carefully, are your own mental, verbal and physical actions. Your Kamma. just yours.
    forget about collective'd tie yourself in knots....Just focus on yourself.

    Heckohboy, isn't that a challenge enough - !? :D

  • Like if a society or a nation's government acts in a certain way, does the whole nation reap what was sown?
    Yes, it does seem to work like that, for example look what happened to Germany in World War Two.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2012
    that's ridiculous.
    Have you seen how successful Germany is in the economic market currently?
    And what would Winston Churchill, Messrs Charles Stuart Rolls and Henry Royce, and countless thousands upon thousands of young men who gave up their lives for their country, say now, if they knew that one of the most Iconic brands in the United Kingdom - was now German....?

    it really isn't that simple.....
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited January 2012
    Agree federica ... it is, as you said before, unconjecturable and mentioned in teachings as such - and in this sense it is simple. Coming from me who still tends to overthink things, I do not see the need to " go there ".
  • All karma is collective, and all karma is personal. One does not negate the other. It's only the viewpoint from where you observe the action that determines what you see.

    Take a football game. When the man with the ball scores a goal, did the man score, or did the team score? Both of course, depending on where you are focused. Did the goal come about because of the actions of one team driving forward, or was the goal the fault of the opposite team not stopping them? Both, of course.

    The actions of an entire society of people are made up of individual actions, some working toward a common goal and some against. Karma is a vast interwoven web made up of indivdual actions. The consequences of your actions effect other people, leading to actions on their part, in a messy feedback loop.

    However, karma in the definition of judgement does not exist in either personal or collective form. Some idiot politician in Japan tried to say it was the "karma" of Japan to be hit by a devastating earthquake and flood because of some old traditions they had failed to follow as a nation. What utter nonsense! Neither was it an individual's "karma" to die in the flood because he happened to have drowned someone in a past life.

  • Ok, let's hold it right here.

    It's one of the Buddha's primary lessons on what it's a waste of time to try to think about. it's an unconjecturable.
    "There are these four unconjecturables that are not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about them. Which four?

    "The Buddha-range of the Buddhas[1] is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it.

    "The jhana-range of a person in jhana...[2]

    "The [precise working out of the] results of kamma...

    "Conjecture about [the origin, etc., of] the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it.

    "These are the four unconjecturables that are not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about them."
    Sure, you can wonder - but there's no definitive reply one way or the other.
    If you spent every moment wondering what Kamma is affecting who, from when, how and why, and how it got there, and who started it, and why it went this'd never take another step, put a foot out the door, or breathe, even.

    the one and only thing you can - and should - make sure you consider very carefully, are your own mental, verbal and physical actions. Your Kamma. just yours.
    forget about collective'd tie yourself in knots....Just focus on yourself.

    Heckohboy, isn't that a challenge enough - !? :D

    That's good and all and I'm willing to let it settle as that, but it's maddening trying to explain karma to my skeptical/atheist friends. If they don't know EXACTLY how it works and can be proven in a lab, then it's "magic" or I'm an idiot for believing in it because it's supernatural, especially with implications of past lives. But that's fine, I just won't bother trying to explain it anymore because some people are stuck in their ways of seeing and it's just my ego trying to validate itself trying to convince them. I am a know-it-all though, so not knowing how it works will probably always bother me on some level haha.

    I really liked @robot's sorcery explanation. I've come to the conclusion that this relative reality we live in is a projection of our collective consciousness, like a dream we are co-creating and that if enough of us accepted reality in a different way we could change it significantly. It's all very tangible, very tenuous. I guess that's where emptiness comes in. That other ongoing conversation on emptiness still boggles my mind, but I'm sure I'll get it someday. My ego just doesn't want to accept it doesn't exist, it's not real, I have no soul!
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