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Sea-Intelligence, Land-Intelligence, and Space-Intelligence

edited February 2012 in General Banter
Dolphins exist as very evolved beings who simply never left for the land. Sea-life represents a whole different aspect of evolution. There are other sea-beings who exist as quite evolved as well, but the dolphin is of primary interest. They are beings that never had land-gravity imprints imprinted onto them, and so evolved in a different way. They perhaps did not develop technology in the same way we have, but that does not stop them from having very evolved brains that are able to think, communicate, and experience reality in very advanced ways. It is perhaps very important that we come to understand how consciousness develops in water, never having land-imprints, yet continuing its evolution.

If we think about it, it is theoretically possible to develop a sort of language of the nervous system, which is essentially a language of consciousness. This is because the Nervous System is the long sought-after seat of consciousness, which has profound implications if truly realized. This could be done by tracking its impulses, and coming to understand the various patterns, and what they represent. This concept is mirrored in terms of the DNA, with the genetic code being uncovered. Now, if we understand what having a thorough understanding of the Nervous System implies, it has profound implications.

The intelligent Sea-Life I spoke of earlier, the Dolphins, have very well evolved Nervous Systems, just as we do. If we come to understand the Nervous System, and computer technology will no doubt play a large part in bringing this about, it follows that we would be able to establish communication with the Dolphins, who I’m sure have a lot to teach us. Through this understanding, including technological and electronic communication knowledge, it is also logical that we would be able to communicate with civilizations all across the galaxy, since we would all share the communication of the Genetic Code and the Nervous system.

You see, migrating to land could be looked at as a genetic experiment. How does the genetic code express, and how does the nervous system evolve, under the various conditions. Having come to land, though, we do hold a special purpose. Our migration to land, although giving us the linear-land imprints, also represents forward-upward movement-progression. The next logical step is migration into the limitless frontier of Space. The interesting thing about outward migration into space is that it coincides with a corresponding inward migration, inwards into body-intelligence, brain-intelligence, DNA-intelligence, and even sub-atomic/quantum-energy-intelligence. These are the four post-terrestrial circuits of consciousness.

Let us begin the inward migration now, and then bring about the corresponding outward migration into Space. Let us begin our exploration of infinite wonder and bliss, as we evolve and improve our self and our reality throughout eternity.


  • May it be so.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Love this thread!
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I always like reading your posts. Dolphins and whales though are thought to be originated from land mammals that reentered the water at some point, thus they are mammals and not fish.
  • Good thread. I once saw how killer whales, orcas, worked together with such intellect it was quite surprising. They can actually calcualte how fast they need to swim to approach the shore to grab a seal on the beach and then get back into the water. Another thing they do is work as a team, say for example a seal is on a sheet of ice. They form a line, swim directly at it at speed and then dive at the right moment to cause a wave either breaking the ice or shunting the seal. Killer whales also share the food between the group, this in my opinion shows a great deal of intelligence.
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