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is VD almost over

edited February 2012 in General Banter
Valentines day that is. Argh, not my best year for it unless I take my sister's suggestion and find the obsessive person who went after my former guy and date him. I am not sure I am listening to her advice any more. I think listening to the ads this time of year just inflates expectations right through the roof and then we all get cranky.

I could just listen to CD's instead of the radio for 4 days,


  • It's just another marketing opportunity, Heerdt. Like chocolate bunnies and candy eggs at Easter.
  • One year for easter we dyed eggs with natural materials. The pinkish ones from beets were the best. And then was had lots of eggsalad!

    I wil accept the commercialization of most holidays, but Halloween is still sacred. Please don't pop my bubble of denial
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    No, no. Wouldn't think of it. Halloween is still cool. :) Thanksgiving, too.
  • This is why my tv is unplugged.
  • I though this was going ti be about

    Veneral diseases...
  • I though this was going ti be about

    Veneral diseases...
    seee, I got you to read it didn't I

  • That AHeerdt, she knows what she's doing...! She's raising some very challenging teenagers, she has experience at getting people's attention by hook or by crook. :)
    seee, I got you to read it didn't I
  • I'm not a holiday person. Every single one is just another day to me that people get way to hyped up about and for companies to make more money. I'm not a birthday person either.
  • I'm not a holiday person. Every single one is just another day to me that people get way to hyped up about and for companies to make more money. I'm not a birthday person either.
    I can relate. What do you do at Christmas and New Year, Arj?

  • haha yea its just anotherday. Its nice to give and love.
  • When is the last time you hated a friendly pat or encouragment or friendly gesture?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    It's just another marketing opportunity, Heerdt. Like chocolate bunnies and candy eggs at Easter.
    Exactly! Anyway they can make money!
  • I feel like Valentine's day is a violence on relationships. More of a female holiday. It seems texas february 15 is steak and b.j day..they announce it on the radio for the guy.

    I don't need to spell it out.
  • I feel like Valentine's day is a violence on relationships. More of a female holiday. It seems texas february 15 is steak and b.j day..they announce it on the radio for the guy.

    I don't need to spell it out.
  • An oppurtunity to let go if you ask me =)
  • @Dakini during the winter solstice, otherwise known as Christmas I spend time with my extended family. New Years I don't do anything, just watch tv and change channels when the ball drops in New York since Chicagos version is terriable.
  • Here in NM there are winter ceremonial dances throughout the holiday period including "King's Day"--Jan. 6--in the Native communities. It's a nice alternative to regularly-scheduled programming. :)
  • My only valentine memory my friend was trying to detox and I was worried because she had had seizures in the past and was sleeping all day. I was psychotic and thought Jesus was guiding me that day. So I went to the mall to find something and wandered around and found an orange blanket. It was sad. No chocolate for her, just a blanket.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    My favorite part of Valentine's day is afterwards when all of the candy gets marked down. Mmm.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    My favorite part of Valentine's day is afterwards when all of the candy gets marked down. Mmm.
    I never thought of this! :hair: Hey, gang--cheap chocolate!

    It must be the same after Easter, too.
  • Hell yeah! I forgot the advatage of that heart break holiday!

    75% off! Now, not only are you single and broke your new year's resolution to loose weight, but you will never fit into your bikini by spring break now!!!

    (Pops another dove square into pie hole)
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    @Lady_Alison Dove chocolate is so freakin smooth, I love it.

    @Dakini Really??? I actually told my girlfriend not to buy me any chocolate until after so she can get a good deal. I'm a spend thrift, obviously.
  • For you single people, if you are going on a date on Valentine's day and plan to spread legs...wear a love glove.

    VD on VD is not good, umkay.

    If you pizza before french fries, you're gonna have a bad day...
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    oh, MOM!! Chill! :rolleyes:
  • I don't want you guys complaining on the forum that crabs were had and the doctor took a blow torch to your
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    wear a love glove.
    btw, MOM! This isn't going to stop the crabs. (It's only partial protection, you know.)

  • Smart girl..maybe instead of taking off your clothes, you show your date that kundalini technique ...that'll blow his/her mind!
  • Dakini..are you a girl? I forget.
  • wellll, since there is no loving for me this year I am pretty darn safe,
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Kundalini., I don't think so. Kundalini = playing with fire.

    Hey, who was St. Valentine, anyway? Tell us a story, mom.
  • If I was single, I'd be too damn eccentric to go on a date...don't worry op. I think v day can be fun with girl friends...forget guys!
  • There was a reason I didn't date for so many years, and no amount of 'protection' will stop what just happened to me, Sorry I am not in a light mood, I just wrote a short story fictionally of what happened (someone who 'cares for' me finding my guy and texting him horrible things a dozen times in the middle of the night, and it looks like I gave out the phone number because no one has his number, they clearly stated they ar a friend of mine, and I did not share the number)

    So I am not sure what protection you can get to stop this kinda crap but I think there is none.
  • I'm sorry did I say something wrong?
  • no not at all, just my current attitude considering what has happened in the last week and a half. I get a little pissed off and scared ya know. Please don't take it personal, I just had a moment that triggered it.
  • The first representation of Saint Valentine appeared in the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493); alongside the woodcut portrait of Valentine, the text states that he was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius II, known as Claudius Gothicus. He was arrested and imprisoned upon being caught marrying Christian couples and otherwise aiding Christians who were at the time being persecuted by Claudius in Rome. Helping Christians at this time was considered a crime. Claudius took a liking to this prisoner – until Valentinus tried to convert the Emperor – whereupon this priest was condemned to death. He was beaten with clubs and stoned; when that failed to kill him, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate.

    Romantic eh?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    I'm sorry did I say something wrong?
    Heerdt has been on an emotional roller-coaster, because some creep harassed her guy via text, and caused the relationship, such as it was, to fall apart.

    It was nothing you said, L-A.

    Fascinating! Except for the beheading part. :p Thanks!

  • Thanks Dakini, I don't want to upset LA, just a little harder this year than not having a date.
  • Trigger away, op. Do you wanna hold my bow and àrrows?

    I took them from cupid, so that little asshole doesn't break anymore hearts. I have him tied to the kitchen chair.

    Do you wanna help me kill this delusion?
  • I took them from cupid, so that little asshole doesn't break anymore hearts. I have him tied to the kitchen chair.
    I love this! Let's have a Bah-Humbug! party on the 14th, for Heerdt. No, wait--on the 15th, when the chocolate's cheap! ;)

  • Oh...ty...I'm still new. No it's. Cool. All my friends are single because 2011 was a divorce year for our group. I'm trying to be there for them.
  • Yeah! You should start the thread. I will bring the demi god, beaten to a pulp but he will be there.

    Good thing I'm on my period, it turns me into an Amazonian.
  • The best chocolate is not Hershey bars, dove or any name brand "fancy" stuff. It's plain old semi-sweet baking chocolate.
  • Okay that makes me laugh, There is so much in my mind about this, but i recall one great VD. I was moving back to Colorado. My ex had to come before us so I drove in our van with 3 kids and 3 animals by myself from California to Colorado. Instead of the 2 days we usually drove in I took a leisurely 4 days so we had time every night in a hotel room. the first night was hilarious. The cats each had a half pill of the same medication the dog had a whole pill of. So I didn't crush the cats pills and they just ate all the cat food around it and avoided the pill. We got to the hotel, poor Zoe had never been in snow, never walked up stairs and then ate the remaining cat food so she was doped up. Imagine a big lab/shepherd mix bumping into walls and not able to jump on the bed.

    We were traveling on Valentines, actually the first day we were back in Colorado! We stayed in a hotel with a bunch of firefighters? ( in Idaho Springs) There was something big for them, I don't think a fire in february. So they all had their giant boots sitting in the hallway. The kids and i ordered take out to be delivered and ate in the room. I felt home! Snowy and driving in the mountains was perfect, the whole last day of driving I recognized where we were. The best pizza place is in Idaho Springs and so we used to drive up now and then. Ahh,
  • The best chocolate is not Hershey bars, dove or any name brand "fancy" stuff. It's plain old semi-sweet baking chocolate.
    Welcome, Arj. What's the guys'-eye view of the big day?

  • @Aheerdt when I moved to Colorado there was a giant blizzard the week before and roads were still closed. Where did you live there?
  • The best chocolate is not Hershey bars, dove or any name brand "fancy" stuff. It's plain old semi-sweet baking chocolate.
    Welcome, Arj. What's the guys'-eye view of the big day?

    Just another hallmark holiday for us to spend money on something that will be forgotten in a week or ate in 5 minutes.
  • Op...that made me chuckle.

    I wonder what the fire fighters were doing.

    My husband was an emt firefighter...I love their boots.
  • I live in denver now, south of Stapleton if you know the area.

    BTW when Ihave a sweetie in my life I kinda love this holiday, not for big gifts but I love a nice bit of chocolate with tea. It really is the small guestures for me
  • Just another hallmark holiday for us to spend money on something that will be forgotten in a week or ate in 5 minutes.
    That Arj--he's such a sweet-talker! (Just kidding) You're right, that's all most holidays are. But V-Day is what you make of it.

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