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is VD almost over



  • Just another hallmark holiday for us to spend money on something that will be forgotten in a week or ate in 5 minutes.
    That Arj--he's such a sweet-talker! (Just kidding) You're right, that's all most holidays are. But V-Day is what you make of it.

    Ha yep. Guess it doesn't help that I'm in the forever alone club.
  • Ha yep. Guess it doesn't help that I'm in the forever alone club.
    More people than you think are in that club.

  • I feel that guys should have a holiday too! They get suckered on v day which is a female holiday.

    Meat and potato day, I don't have to take the trash out today day, you don't get to nag me today day, yes, you do look fat in that dress and don't ask me again day.

    What's the oposite of feminist for men?

    Pro masculinity?
  • football
  •'re not alone. We arw going to meet up on the 15 and trash stupid cupid.

    We might actually kill him.
  • and naked ladies day
  • What's the oposite of feminist for men?
    Don't ask. It's patriarchy. We already have that pretty much every day.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012're not alone. We arw going to meet up on the 15 and trash stupid cupid.
    We might actually kill him.
    idk, L-A. I haven't seen too many divorces, but I've known a number of women who really don't (or didn't) know who they're married to. I mean, they really don't know their guy very well. I wonder if women project what they want to see on their guy before they get married, and marry a mirage, sort of. Then after some years, the mist clears from their eyes, and they realize they made a mistake. Or they think he's changed. Some never figure it out, and meanwhile their guy is seeing other women. And I guess some guys put on an act to hide their less desirable qualities, which come out later, after the wedding, but I haven't known any cases of that. Sorry for your friends, though.

  • Yes I know but I think men have a responsability to raise the status of women and we in turn nurture and livein harmony andpeace with them.

    I speak for the emasculated man children of the world or those opressed by the prada heel of feminism that will not value their contribution. Both sexes are needed...

    Did I just rabble?

    Ah, forget it...
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    wow! Heavy!

    Definitely, a lot of guys in our culture have mom issues. But why? Why our culture? InHispanic culture, by my observation here and abroad, and in E European culture, men really respect their mothers and do everything they can to help.
    those opressed by the prada heel of feminism
    Really?? Do you know anyone like that? I don't know anyone who owns Pradas, or anything like them.

  • I agree..too many women and men in facade like relationships that cheat, lie and deceive one another 364 days of the year and then on v day it's peaches and cream.

    That's not love.

    Is that what v day represents?

    So love, love, love unconditionally everyda and everyone...not just one meaningless day.

    Do you hear that cupid...I just pulled out his fingernails with pliers...pretty boy may not make it to the 15.

    Thank you for your thoughts. I have no family and my friends are my sisters.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    So love, love, love unconditionally everyda and everyone...not just one meaningless day.
    Great idea! Let's take it as a day to remind ourselves to practice loving-kindness throughout the year. :)

  • I think there is some self deception by women looking at me, I also think we need to fully understand the red flags of a person. I have collected some, and a website called heartless bitches has an amazing list. In general i let these people go with compassion
    * anyone you know their childhood trauma in the first 30 minutes you meet them
    * anyone you know their 12 step program right away and they are not newly sober or at a 12 step function
    * anyone who has lived in an area for a long time and has NO friends (especially when it comes time to move)
    * and then trust your gut feeling, most of my mistakes have been right there, and the worst thing is i didn't have a bad gut feeling about my guy until it got serious, he is great but just not long term.

  • I wish I knew why stereotypical "everyone loves raymond " raymonds exist. They are lazy, complacent, and immature football watching zombies that bleet with the herd.

    In Hispanic culture you have your stereotypical soap opera male chauvinist who want submissive wives atrached to their rolling pin, barefoot and pregnant.

    Idk about the uk.

    And not all guys are like that. Just whe I was gonna loosemy faith in guys, I have met some of the most amazing tender, kind, and compssionate males on new Buddhist such as @zero, @jeffrey @leonbasin @brian @Arjquad @taiyaki

    So many I left behind.

    They renewed my faith.

    Oh, and my husband of 12 years.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    @AHeerdt Yes, red flags and gut feelings. Do not gloss over red flags, or any "there's something wrong with this picture" feelings.

    @Lady_Alison Yeah, there are some interesting people on this forum. You'd never be able to pick them out of a crowd if you had to. You might walk right past them and not notice them. But here, you really get to know people.

    I don't watch those soap operas. I only observe guys here and there in public, with their mothers.
  • Another red flag...he wants sex on the first date, he talks about himself, uses the word "procreate", is on his android checking see him at the supermarket alot, picking up other women

    Personal experience with a guy who camps out at walmart to hit on young women. I run into him alot andhe forgets tha he hit on me the week before. Lol.
  • I feel that guys should have a holiday too! They get suckered on v day which is a female holiday.

    Meat and potato day, I don't have to take the trash out today day, you don't get to nag me today day, yes, you do look fat in that dress and don't ask me again day.

    What's the oposite of feminist for men?

    Pro masculinity?
    In America I believe it's called the Super Bowl.
  • Sorry I went off guys and op. Just built up steam...I plan to kiss cupid with my fist now. . . Forgive me moderators! This is for all the broken hearts.

    I'm done now. I love you op.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Okay Alison, I will add my 2 cents worth. Valentines day, it is a day which was created by capitalism for capitlism. If you need a day dedicated to showing how much you care and love your partner, then you need to re-think your relationship. Instead of buying something on valentines day, do something spontaneous, make something sentimental and maybe spice things up a lil. These things IMO should be done in a relationship from time to time anyway, getting stuck into a routine is like a cancer to a relationship. Also, to finish I will say that valentines day can have a negative impact on those who do not have a partner, they may look around and see couples having fun etc and then reflect on this on observation and devalue themself as a person.
  • was giving you a hard time lol...I made you you!
  • If it is a valentines day hug bought at a petrol (gas station) then I do not want it! Yes you are a dictator who made me post, lol na it is no problem. Anyway those are my thoughts on valentines day.
  • Head over to It always gets a laugh out of me!
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Head over to It always gets a laugh out of me!
    Geeze... I thought that I had had some pretty bad dates until I started looking through some of those. Yikes.
  • Yeah, MVWD is always good for a laugh. Some people are strange! (Ok, we're all probably strange - but there are some doozies on that site.)
  • On the 15...dakini and I are gonna bah humbug Valentine's day with 75% off candy...we should do our own mvwd on this, I have stories!
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