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NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
edited February 2012 in Meditation
Since the year began, my meditation practice stopped. Or, I had to stop. Either because I was too tired to keep it ( exams and stuff) either because I had other things to bother with. And this thing, prolonged for nearly two months made me 'lazy', meaning that meditation, even if I want to meditate ( if you ask, what has helped me with, the answer is a lot) my whole body, or my whole mind just opposes the idea. Since I 'quit' meditation, I feel that most part of my (self) awareness has disappeared.
What is to be done ?


  • you know the answer already.

    Which bit are you looking for guidance on?
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    The bit where I 'quit' being 'lazy'.
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    you know the answer already.

    Which bit are you looking for guidance on?
    I agree.
    Why give up on practice?
    Was it beneficial to you when you DID do it?
    What's your lack of motivation?

  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran

    I didn't give up on practice because I wanted to. I 'gave up' because I have to deal with studying large pieces of...( first year subjects that you'll find in any kind of medical school). In a way, college imposed a rhythm that I should follow in order to 'survive', which meant study->go to sleep->study.

    Yes, it was beneficial when I did do it.

    Don't I said, I have become so zombiefied by the routine mentioned above, that my whole body (and mind) rejects even the idea of sitting one minute cross-legged and so on.
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    In order to 'survive', use your practice as a tool.
    Medical school?
    After the test on the have to use them, you know?
    Meditation, practice things, things that are essential for you...
    the person who will be trying to save my life!
    Please take care of you...for me. :)
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    Well, I said medical school meaning that both MD School, and Veterinary Med school ( where I am ) have the same curriculum. ( So I'll take care of your pets first, and you second, if necessary :)) )

    I used my practice as a tool just yesterday ( what I call 'cool-down' ) at an exam. But that doesn't change even one bit of my 'laziness'. It was more of a short term action.
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    When the school is finished,
    the career starts.
    You will be busy.
    Kids, life, friends, etc.....
    You will be busy.
    Life is always busy.
    Aging is busy.
    Just try to cultivate a calming mechanism now,
    because it makes things easier, on everyone.
    Make caring for your mind and emotions a must do.

    May your ambitions of caring for others in times of emergency be blessed
    with knowledge, love, and fullfillment. :)
  • Can you not even find five minutes a day in your schedule to set aside for meditation? Failing that, you might want to consider practicing walking meditation instead of sitting meditation for now, until more time opens up to allow you to get back to a regular practice.
  • I have to study and work a lot at the moment too. Most of the times i dont want to sit but even so i do it, because i know its the only way to bring myself back to the ground.

    Usually after a period of intense thinking about work or study subjects my thoughts are a complete mess. If i sit then, its like sitting in a rollercaster getting swept away by the toughts. I sit 30mins a day even i dont want to because i know im much clearer after the sitting even if thought the sitting didnt went well. This result is my main motivation.
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    @Vastminds : Thank you for your kind words !

    @weighted: I can find five minutes only when I'm about to fall asleep. But even then, I can't meditate, because I'm too exhausted to do anything. I'll take your idea , and try to do walking meditation while going from college all the way to the 'country-side' bus. If you can tell me, in a few words, how should I meditate while walking, I'll e grateful !
  • ah, too late to edit:

    additionaly my capacity to learn decreases after a certain time of studying, so the meditation helps with refilling it. maybe include 10min sessions every 3 hours.
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran

    Not bad ! :thumbup:
  • weightedweighted Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Here's a good video on how to begin a walking meditation practice:

    And here's Thich Nhat Hanh on walking meditation, too:

  • NDB - meditation is no more linear than everyday life.

    I can relate to a routine - any routine - you breathe, you work, you breathe, you live.

    Your dedication to your studies is admirable - it takes time and focus and it is intensely personal - constructed in this way, your moments (as they are required to be expressed now) are your practice.

    Noone said you have to do the same thing all the time - the pressure of studying and the imposed solitude necessary may mean that you need to do other practical activity when you unwind - there will be time for sit down meditation later when most of your day is spend running on your feet! Perhaps now try doing the opposite and see if you can ascribe some practice merit to a task that helps you unwind from studies - and be kinder to yourself and say instead that you are doing good practice, just different practice!
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran

    The Thich nhat Hanh video got a point. So, I'll try walking meditation on my way home from college.


    If it's related to everything I do...well, I guess I'm already meditating when washing dishes or chopping vegetables for soup. :D . The thing is , that the state in which I find myself while doing those ordinary things ( a state in which I just follow the motion of the sponge/the knife and thinking about nothing else than just getting the job done perfectly) seems just normal for me, and somehow, if I do it for a long time my mind just drifts away...Don't know what to say about this situation...
    Also, doing the opposite of what ?
  • @nomaDbuddha - :) absolutely - there are lots of different types of meditation - examples have been posted here on lots of threads if you search - Vastminds (I think) has a bagfull of tricks for everyday meditation techniques... as do others... its quite a popular topic.

    There's lots to explore on the situation... search and try them out.

    Opposite of whatever it is that youre doing the majority of the time - for example, if you sit and study alot perhaps rather than then trying sitting meditation instead do an active form like walking meditation or visa versa etc.
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