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Did Hitler STudy with Tibetan Lamas?



  • Yes, the "global ruler" is the Cakravartin spoken of in the Kalachakra Tantra. For some of their in-depth info they may have studied with the DL's tutor.
    Which tutor, do you know?

    My main problem with most of this stuff is that there seems to be little evidence of it--names, dates, particulars.

    I do realize suggesting the DL is responsible for Naziism is outrageous, but it's not true that no one has suggested that:

    "The next step in the process by the Heinrich Harrer's SS was to deport to Death Camps, those not shot by Heinrich Harrer's organization. Either by forced death march or by cramming people into cattle cars. See photos below on left and right. In the center nostalgically recalling memories together of the good ol' days are Heinrich Harrer and the
    Dalai Lama. Members of Heinrich Harrer's SS considered their massacres a "spiritual mission". Is this the kind of "spiriituality" that Harrer learned from the Dalai Lama?"

    Ad nauseam.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    I said, "may have" studied with his tutor. I would be as interested as you in learning more about this. In any case, my point was simply that at such a young age, the DL wouldn't have been familiar with the details of the Kalachakra, so they wouldn't have learned it from him, probably.
  • Charisma does not come from another person.
    Most often people are born with it, or you can get it through meditation. If you ever read, The Way of the Pilgrim you would see that it does, and all he was doing was reciting the Jesus Prayer.

  • Hitler read many books. He read Martin Luther and learned that he was anti-semetic, and this fueled his hatred. He read how the U.S. took the American Indians on the Trail of Tears with many dying, and this gave him ideas.
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