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1 week

VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
edited February 2012 in Meditation
Easy Aggregate Exercise : Form

In meditation, as well as in an awakened state of outer awareness,
look at your hand. Look deeply. What do you see? Very often I see my mother's hand
when I look at my own.
Ask yourself, what does this hand, face, leg, etc., mean to me?

Now, pick an object in your home that holds great importance for you.
Look at it deeply. What do you see? If it were lost or stolen or destroyed in some
way, how would you feel?

Now...put that object out of your sight for one week.
Do you miss it?

Realize it is just a "thing", and you have given it all
the meaning you ascribe to it.

--The Lotus Still Blooms


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