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The Chocolate Thread!

DakiniDakini Veteran
edited February 2012 in General Banter
What's your favorite kind of chocolate, and why do you like it?

I just discovered Trader Joe's own brand of Belgian milk chocolate. This stuff is smooth, like really creamy Swiss chocolate, only it doesn't have cream, it has a lot of cocoa butter. Great stuff, they make it in 100-calorie bars, several to a box. It's more creamy than sugary.


  • Oh no she di'int! Did you just make a chocolate shrine?!

    Okay, lindt orange chocolate, dove bar, lindor balls and gourmet truffles that are $20 an ounce.

    Mama's got expensive taste.

    A glass of Merlot and a sad romantic Jane Austen novel.
  • Hey, do they have See's chocolates in TX? I think See's started as a West Coast thing. You mentioned truffles, that's what made me think of it. See's are boxed chocolates, and there's a huge variety of filling with dark or light chocolate on the outside.
  • Idk I would have to ask around. It does sound familiar.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I will have to check out those TJ bars... sound delicious.

    I prefer any sort of dark chocolate. Dove is great... I really like the lindt white chocolate coconut one too. Mmm.
  • Purdy's! That's my brand - they're so gluten-free-friendly, plus they're Canadian, so as a a Canuck, I feel like I'm helping out my peeps. Their chocolate is thick and rich - I would compare it to Cadbury's.

    Flavour-wise, I'm all about mint. (Mint ANYTHING, actually - but especially chocolate). Orange chocolate is tasty as well.

  • It sounds nasty, but I had some chocolate with cayenne pepper in it, and it was awesome. Can't remember the brand. Moxie or something like that I think. Good stuff.
  • I use to use to love chocolate, but I have also grown bored of that as well. Especially as here in Thailand they do not know how to make anything decent that is sweet IMO.
  • Chocolate covered Valentine's strawberries and pink champagne!
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran

    ARRGGGHHHHH This is so good!
    I have a big attachments to the 80's :D
    Do any of the forum members not in the U.K have fry's turkish delight? It's surely weaponised, no way could it taste so good otherwise.
  • I use to use to love chocolate, but I have also grown bored of that as well. Especially as here in Thailand they do not know how to make anything decent that is sweet IMO.
    No imported German chocolate?

  • Tolberone and semi-sweet baking chocolate.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Mocha Java coffee with a shot of caremel. Hershey's kiss.
  • @Jeffrey penut butter?
  • I use to use to love chocolate, but I have also grown bored of that as well. Especially as here in Thailand they do not know how to make anything decent that is sweet IMO.
    No imported German chocolate?

    Probably if I went looking for it, but I have not bothered to. There are stores where they sell 'farang food' and it obviously is all very expensive. I have only come across hershies in 7/11 that is any good, but I have lost my sweet tooth, not literally, well actually maybe literally.
  • penut butter and chocolate sandwich. mmmm
  • dark chocolate, the darker the better, no specific brand. And then either tea (I like bitter tastes) or Malbec wine

    Chocolate covered strawberries, Shari's Berries will save your rear here in the US if you forgot a birthday. They overnight ship chocolate covered berries and a bunch of related stuff. I especially love the bride and groom berries using white and milk chocolate.

    Gotta add mint chocolate chip ice cream, for my not as fancy shmanzy foods
  • Rich chocolate cake with several layers of chocolate cream frosting.
  • I am feeling a chocolate craving. Damn..ofcourse @Aheerdt had to get descriptive.

    I use to eat 1/3lbs of chocolate back when I was 40lbs heavier. It was the Hershey's with almonds Texas size.

    It was damn delicious.
  • Generally, I don't like Hershey's, it's kind of 2nd-rate chocolate. But add almonds to it, especially in those little "nugget" pieces, and I'm out of control!
  • Hey girl. I don't remember caring about taste back then I just pushed it down my pie hole.

    I need to go to bed, I just wanted to say hello and goodnight.
  • G'night. :)
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    @Dandelion I've never had Turkish Delight but the term reminds me of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Isn't that what the White Witch uses to bribe the brother? It's been years since I've read that book, but I always remember wondering what the hell that was...
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    ARRGGGHHHHH This is so good!
    I have a big attachments to the 80's :D
    Do any of the forum members not in the U.K have fry's turkish delight? It's surely weaponised, no way could it taste so good otherwise.
    I'll take your fry's turkish delight and raise you a Cadbury's Flake

    if this isn't blatant sexy, I dunno what is....

  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Oooo @federica! When was the advert made? It must be another 80's one surely... they don't make then like that anymore, more's the pity. Excellent find!

    @zombiegirl yes, that was what the witch used to bribe. I could be easily bribed with Turkish Delight too, but it has to be fry's turkish delight with the chocolate round the outside. It tastes best when cut into little cubes I.M.O lol!

    HAHAHA! :eek:
  • Wow, talk about a niche market! Nestle really knows how to get to the guys!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @Sagat, I eat one every day just to wind the guys up..... :grr:

    (did you know a Yorkie bar can kill a Yorkie terrier?)

    Do not give your dog human-consumption chocolate!!
  • Yorkie's trolling advertisement campaign caused a bit of controversy when it first started a long time ago.
  • Oh, my cat likes mean it's bad? I give her a little lick.

    I didn't know!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    human chocolate contains ingredients and compounds that not only upset a dog's digestion, but they're poisons and toxins and can, in high enough doses, kill them.
    Cats may be the same, but a little lick may not be too harmful!
  • No more chocolate for Kitty, then.

    No I was just letting her lick the melted remains from my fingertips. Thank you though. And she makes love to the chocolate wrapper...
  • Yorkie's trolling advertisement campaign
    Oh, so you're getting paid to post that around the internet? ;) Well, we can't blame you. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to stay afloat in these days of high unemployment.

  • Ok well in honor of Dandelion and all the rest of you chocoholics :p

    I give you:
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited February 2012
    What is with that "IT'S NOT FOR GIRLS!" advertisement scheme? It's like those Dr. Pepper 10 commercials (their slogan is, "It's not for women.") I'm not really complaining, just wondering if that actually works... Do men feel threatened that they might enjoy the same chocolate bar that a woman might?
  • Star trek!

    "Would you like for me to leave you two alone? "

    She jumps on the table, pushing the ice cream to one side. Guarding it with menace as her head spins into a 180.

    "Yes!!! My precious! "
  • That for men doctor pepper is disgusting...btw.
  • That for men doctor pepper is disgusting...btw.
    You better take that back.

    My old dog once are a whole bag of Hershey kisses, wrappers and all. He survived. I also have the opinion that Hershey is second rate, not enough flavor or bitterness to it.
  • What is with that "IT'S NOT FOR GIRLS!" advertisement scheme? It's like those Dr. Pepper 10 commercials (their slogan is, "It's not for women.") I'm not really complaining, just wondering if that actually works... Do men feel threatened that they might enjoy the same chocolate bar that a woman might?
    @zombiegirl, men are afraid of being perceived as 'unmanly'. There is a whole ad campaign for Bud light where the man who is drinking the wrong beer does unmanly things such as asking other guy to go to restroom with him. That's a thing I've seen women do before. That doesn't mean some men don't like chocolate. Chocolate is awesome and men like it too.

  • @arjquad I WILL NOT TAKE THAT BACK! Dr. Pepper original is the way to go!

    Shame on you for passing second rate chocolate to your poor dog, I bet he had the Hershey squirts!

    I think chocolate has been marketed for women for many reasons...and well, I have a hard time imagining any woman who doesn't like it.

    Weird, other middle eastern countries, or even dubbai, men hold hands and kiss each other on the cheeks.

    This is a western thing, i suppose...although any man that has no problem doing what was mentioned above is considered very secure with himself, IMO.
  • :Yeah, I agree, Lady. Firstly, the statement should be qualified: "some" men don't want to look unmanly. Others couldn't care less, they're confident in themselves. Men in Vietnam who are good friends hold hands. This can be very uncomfortable for Vietnam vets who go back to make amends.
  • i dun eat sweets. >.> unless an occasional donut or sweet roll. I dun like sweets..
  • Good for you! That's healthier. :thumbsup:
  • Sweets make me ill XO lol
  • @arjquad I WILL NOT TAKE THAT BACK! Dr. Pepper original is the way to go!
    I'm sorry, I misread that. I thought you said Dr. Pepper was bad. This is what happens when it's 1 am and your running on 3 hours of sleep for the past 2 days.
  • @arjquad I WILL NOT TAKE THAT BACK! Dr. Pepper original is the way to go!
    I'm sorry, I misread that. I thought you said Dr. Pepper was bad. This is what happens when it's 1 am and your running on 3 hours of sleep for the past 2 days.
  • What is dr.pepper? pepper flavored soda I meen what flavor is it rly?
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited February 2012
    What are you doing on this forum, I mean really?
  • What is dr.pepper? pepper flavored soda I meen what flavor is it rly?
    It's can't describe soda! @arjquad...poor soul! They have a diet version marketed for men, I believe. Not that impressed!
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Dr. Pepper is coca-cola-flavored, isn't it? It's a different brand of the same thing. It doesn't have any more to do with the spice pepper than Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts' Club Band does.
  • Don't believe the "Dr. Pepper for Men" hype. It's just diet DP repackaged. I tried some one time here recently just to see if DP had added a new recipe or altered a recipe somehow, and I can assure you it's the same ole' nasty diet DP. They just worked up an an us versus them campaign to get attention, and sell product.

    Denkatsu, Dr. Pepper is a soda like any other. Supposedly the inital recipe has 23 different flavors,most of them fruit based. The closest example I can think of that comes even close is root beer, and root beer lacks some of the subtlety of Dr. Pepper if that helps any.

    Chocolate Mousse!
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