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It Annoys Me and I Know it Shouldn't



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    oh i fully realise such dishes do not exist in India. The vindaloo, for example, is unheard of there, and recipes are more subtle, more varied, more flavoursome than those prepared for the hungry eat-now-eat-cheap-eat-quick market in the UK.....
    I was fortunate enough once, to work with a Sikh lady who would bring specific dishes to work every day for her lunch.
    It got to the point where she was bringing in enough to feed the workforce (there were only 8 of us, i would add!) and we would pay her for the ingredients and her time. We so looked forward to lunchtimes, and it was a real jolt to the system when i left...
    the local business who made our lunchtime sandwiches lost out big time on that - but her food was absolutely divine!
  • It is that way though in the west, well at least in the UK. Most of the tim Indian food isn't Indian, Thai fod isn't Thai, Chinese food isn't Chinese, Turkish food really is not Turkish and so on.
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