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Best and worst books for and against the existence of God?
I don't like to be one-sided, so my question is: what are the best books arguing for and against the existence of God? Or anything supernatural or faith-based for that matter?
Conversely, what are the worst books arguing for and against the existence of God?
The Bible is the best 'for'.
'the God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins is the best 'against.
As for the remainder, really, objectively, it's up to you....
God is Not Great
-I liked Hitchens but thought it was a rambling, somewhat incoherent book. I love most of his other writing.
Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
-Daniel Dennet's I found to be a bore. Interesting theory though.
Best Against Existence of God:
Origin of Species and Descent of Man
-Darwin wasn't writing them intentionally against the idea of a creator by any means, but at least in my opinion, evolution seems to crumble the edifice of theism. I respect that many theists accept it and hybridize their religion with evolution, but I can't quite see it myself.
Really, the point is to try to avoid discussions with others that would bring us into conflict, and awaken resentment and aggression in others.
Peoples' faiths are theirs to practice as they wish, and while it's a good thing to digest different arguments and adopt an equilateral point of view, it's best to not accumulate this kind of information, if all you're going to do is beat people over their heads with it....
you know....?