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A webpage for hating on people?

still_learningstill_learning Veteran
edited March 2012 in General Banter
Wow, I was shocked this weekend. I was hanging with my GF at one of her friends' house. Afterwards my GF told me that friend and a small circle of people have a webpage where they talk shit about two particular people.

Now, we're all adults between 29 to 35, I thought people would have stopped doing childish things like that by now.

What's even worse is that those 2 people are regularly invited to their events. When my GF asked why they would even invite those 2 people if they weren't liked, the "circle's" response was that it gives them entertainment.

At this point, my GF was worried if they secretly hate her too. I, on the other hand could care less. We weren't close friends with the "circle" anyway.

I've met these 2 hated persons, they are a couple, the BF did seem like a jerk, but the GF was just a little weird. Still, that does not warrant a dedicated webpage to hate on them.

My first reaction was, don't they have better things to do, but I would guess that the people in the "circle" have extreme self-esteem issues and make themselves feel better by putting others down. Kinda like the movie "Mean Girls."

I told my GF that we should be glad that we're not close friends with them, because I don't want either of us to be around such negative people.

I know stuff like this is definitely possible, but it is just still very shocking to hear about it.


  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    I'm not even sure what to say. That situation is quite disturbing. As are the people involved.

    You can't change them, but I would suggest divorcing them from your lives.

    Do not associate with evil companions;
    do not seek the fellowship of the vile.
    Associate with the good friends;
    seek the fellowship of noble men.

    ~ Dhammapada
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I agree. This is what I used to see as a middle school principal...but the kids doing it were 12-14 years old.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Let me share something with you. I had two girls when I was younger make a website about me. They put all kinds of thing on that website. I was probably still an adolescent. It was shocking to say the least. I think I got over it, when I found out that one of them liked me. People will do whatever to get "noticed."
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2012
    People have all sorts of emotions. I beta that they don't feel all one way. It's pretty typical and you should worry about what you are doing and what you are about.

    See what happens if you try to be kind to these two. What will the circle do about it? They can't stop you from acting on your good intentions. It might be just the thing to do.
  • Disturbing, that's the word. I agree.

    There are other many many ways to boost your self esteem. I feel sorry them them because they don't know what that.

    @LeonBasin I'm glad you got over it. I imagine you could have been really damaged as a teenager. I think I would have sank into some kind of depression if that happened to me.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Let me share something with you. I had two girls when I was younger make a website about me. They put all kinds of thing on that website. I was probably still an adolescent. It was shocking to say the least. I think I got over it, when I found out that one of them liked me. People will do whatever to get "noticed."
    Gee, thanks for letting us know how young you are! If it had happened to me when I was young it would have been stuff written on the Rosetta Stone!

  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Let me share something with you. I had two girls when I was younger make a website about me. They put all kinds of thing on that website. I was probably still an adolescent. It was shocking to say the least. I think I got over it, when I found out that one of them liked me. People will do whatever to get "noticed."
    Gee, thanks for letting us know how young you are! If it had happened to me when I was young it would have been stuff written on the Rosetta Stone!

    @vinlyn what's the Rosetta Stone? :D

    (just teasing :lol: )
  • @Jeffrey

    good points. But I don't plan on getting involved much with any of these people. I don't see them very often. I'll tread carefully when I do. As for my interaction with the 2 people, I'll be cordial when I see them.
  • In highschool was with a group of my friends walking along the river headed for down town and one girl, Jackie, I liked lost something in a huge pile of gravel or whatever and we all looked for it. I found it and asked 'what's my reward', kind of sounded odd but oh well.

    Anyhow I was with that girl and she asked me about the dance and I said I wasn't going. Then later I went with a different girl just sort of happened.

    My car had a huge hole in the side of it, true story, from an accident I had gotten into. The first girl who I had apparently lied to climbed in through the hole and wrote in lipstick shit all over the place.

    Then I think their guy friends slashed all of my tires.

    Then Jackie's friend the next year asked me out after I had another break up and I said no that because my tires were slashed. But all these people were really cool people in some ways and I miss them.

    So that's what you get for creating karma. Internet just adds some distance for them rather than egging or toilet papering.

    Another time I helped a girl wrap toilet paper around her ex boyfriends car. There is a dark side to people congregating. It's called mob mentality.
  • Oh I thought you said website for hitting on people :cool:
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Seems like odd behaviour doesn't it. We all know what it feels like to not like someone very much, but to set up a webpage about someone in that way?! I wonder if this sort of thing will become more and more common now that we are in such a technological/computer age? I feel sorry for teenagers these days because I think an awful lot of cyber bullying goes on, and a hate page seems like a branch of something like that, although it's only being used by the group of friends. Is it the kind of page that anyone could stumble upon though? Or is it private? That would be quite worrying if available to the public, that's taking things to another level really.
    I'd be upset too if I discovered some of my friends were doing this.
  • Yes wow. When I started to read this (and because I do not know much about you @still_learning) I thought it was a load of teenagers at best, but to say that they are adults, hmm. I can't help but feel a little bad for the two people in question, because of their 'differences' they are subject to this. This kind of action can cause a lot of suffering and negativity, in the past it has caused kids to commit suicide.

    I personally would revalue her these people are that you hang around with. You said that you were there with your girlfriend so it is not going to be so easy to simply leave the entire group at the drop of a hat, but it still requires some deliberation.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Disturbing, that's the word. I agree.

    There are other many many ways to boost your self esteem. I feel sorry them them because they don't know what that.

    @LeonBasin I'm glad you got over it. I imagine you could have been really damaged as a teenager. I think I would have sank into some kind of depression if that happened to me.
    I got down quite a bit. It was basically a website about what I said to them when I was in their classes, or to other people, or they made fun of my appearance, my style, my looks and so on. It was quite interesting to say the least. Lol.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I'm tempted to ask you to give us the website coordinates to flood it with nice things - hatred is not appeased by hatred - let's choke it to death with Loving kindness and compassion.....! :thumbsup:
  • I'm tempted to ask you to give us the website coordinates to flood it with nice things - hatred is not appeased by hatred - let's choke it to death with Loving kindness and compassion.....! :thumbsup:
    Ah what a speldid idea it is. I only wish it would have been my idea to propose!
  • It's sad how some people actually don't grow up. When I was a kid, I thought that the older you got, the more mature you got. As I get older, I realize that that's not true for a lot of people.
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    I would hate people to create a website and write stuff about me. What if I found out about it?

    I'm big headed enough as it is.
  • I would hate people to create a website and write stuff about me. What if I found out about it?

    I'm big headed enough as it is.
    lol you have never visited
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    Just forget about them OP.

    That's what I'd do, who gives a care if they add you to the list of "most hated people" all it is is some lowlives spouting distasteful junk on the internet. In other words, it is exactly like the 90% of the internet, that is not porn. Just let them alone, you know? if your GF does not want to stop being friends with them, it might be time to have a talk with her.
  • I don't know anything about the webpage, nor do I want to.

    I've already told my GF that I don't want to be around them, but she's a people pleaser and wants EVERYONE to like her. I'm trying to wean her off that kind of thinking. :P

    Yeah, mob mentality sucks. I think half of the people in the circle wouldn't do something like that if they were on their own.
  • This is sad and disgusting.

    The people being talked about have a right to know about this. They think these people are their "friends" - they should know the truth.

    I was in a imilar situation - we'd been friends over 10 years, but she said some seriously hurtful (and untrue) things about me to a mutual friend. The mutual friend told me, to allow me to deal with the situation. Believe me, I did. Know what she said hurt, but it gave me the chance to make an educated decision, which was a good thing.

    I hope, if these people sit around and talk about these poor people (in person) behind their backs, you don't sit there silently.

  • i know you mean well but i would becareful how you deal with your girlfriend. You don't want to sound like a father figure and tell her what to do. She needs to realize that it's wrong on her own. Otherwise she will stop hanging out with them to please you and not because it's the right thing to do and then resent you for it.

    you can't forbid her to do something.
    I don't know anything about the webpage, nor do I want to.

    I've already told my GF that I don't want to be around them, but she's a people pleaser and wants EVERYONE to like her. I'm trying to wean her off that kind of thinking. :P

    Yeah, mob mentality sucks. I think half of the people in the circle wouldn't do something like that if they were on their own.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    That is so immature! I would feel absolutely crushed if I found out that my circle of friends had done this and only tolerated me as "amusement"

    Mean girls grow up into mean women.

    OP, I would definitely persuade your gf to get new friends. Some people just like to have enemies, someone to focus on for anger issues. My ex roommate was like that. We systematically went through two female roommates in this particular room, both of which couldn't handle her anymore and subletted the room, but finally, this awesome guy moved in that nobody could hate... so I became the new scapegoat. If provoked, I can be a real bitch, so it wasn't as huge of an issue for me as for some people... But I did draw the line when she tried to punch me in the face one night... But I digress. Some people just need to have enemies in their lives, what if those friends stopped hanging out with that circle? They would probably find a new scapegoat to make fun of because they enjoy it. I don't like people that constantly make you wonder if they mean what they say.
  • Just to clarify, my GF and I are not close with these people, and we don't hang out with them very often. And she has plenty of other friends who are much nicer and would not do something like this, AFAIK.

    As for my GF being a people pleaser towards me and me telling her not to hang out with these friends, that's not a problem. Around me, she is not a people pleaser. She feels safe around me, so with me she takes her time to think about what she wants to do and make up her own mind.
  • OP. Have you thought that maybe your gf is not so much a people pleaser, but a "people person ", who tries to see the innate good in others no matter how bad their actions may seem.? Just a thought. It just seemed like you were complaining about some quality you see as a fault in her but may be a great strenght too. I don't want her to be weaned of her ability to empathize and enjoy every variety of people... some of the best people had to go through a period of ignorance.

    Am I making any sense?
  • Sorry for the late reply @Lady_Alison. This got buried in my notifications somehow.

    Sometimes she seems like a people person because she likes being around people, but sometimes if she doesn't like the cut of someone's jib, she'll speak about them like she's trying to rip them a new one (behind their backs).

    In terms of empathy, she has a hard time putting on other people's shoes. She always assumes by default that a person doesn't like her (a weird way of playing it safe I guess?). Sometimes she feels stupid or awkward about herself in certain situations, and at the same time she has a hard time understanding that others could feel the same way too. She always assumes that she messed up, and other people know what they're doing.

    She's a people pleaser because assumes that she is not liked and has to take action to make sure they like her, because she needs to be liked by pretty much everyone.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    I would venture to say that someone who does things like the situation described in the OP isn't really anyone's friend.
  • TheEccentricTheEccentric Hampshire, UK Veteran
    That's horrible I used to have a face book page hating on me and was very upset when I saw it, I think you should tell your Friends to delete it because it could be very hurtful if they found out.
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