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where to focus the eyes (eyes closed)

edited March 2012 in Meditation
Where should i be focusing my eyes when meditating? Should i pick a spot in the dark and set my eyes on it or should i just relax them? Sometimes i feel like if i focus my eyes on something, my awareness improves but when i do so, my eyes tend to cross and its quite uncomfortable. When i relax my eyes, however, i get sleepy. I've heard somewhere that you should point your see downwards towards the tip of the nose. What should i do with my eyes when meditating eyes-closed?


  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    Strange... not sure I ever really thought about it. OK, it may sound odd, but I seem to "focus" on the inside of my eyelids. Not even sure that's possible, but it feels like it when I meditate.

  • I keep my eyes open and " don't focus" on an object- one of my rocks, a candle flame, etc.
  • This seems like it could possibly be a big distraction in your practice. Just do whatever is comfortable for you, as it is really a matter of personal preference and what works for you. @BonsaiDoug gave good advice you could try. Another way of putting it is "focusing" on a spot between your eyebrows, or you could fix your gaze downward towards the tip of your nose. If you find yourself getting sleepy, perhaps you could try to slightly open your eyes keeping them on a fixed point such as a candle or other object. Personally, I meditate with my eyes slightly open/closed.

    I would simply suggest just trying out different things, and find what works best for you.
  • I might recommend trying to keep your eyes only slightly open and gaze at a blank wall or an object; the gaze shouldn't be focused or fixed.

    I find when I meditate with my eyes closed, I have more mental images running through my head. I now meditate only with my eyes open slightly, gazing a bit downward. I have a small Buddha statue that I normally use to "focus" on in the same way @lamaramadingdong recommends.
  • ZeroZero Veteran

    Should i pick a spot in the dark and set my eyes on it or should i just relax them?

    Sometimes i feel like if i focus my eyes on something, my awareness improves but when i do so, my eyes tend to cross and its quite uncomfortable. When i relax my eyes, however, i get sleepy.

    I've heard somewhere that you should point your see downwards towards the tip of the nose.

    What should i do with my eyes when meditating eyes-closed?
    Your eyes only 'focus' when light is passing through them and then they focus light.

    Perhaps when you feel you are focusing on the dark, your mind is just focusing on what it thinks it cant see or the shades of the light coming through your eyelids.

    One point of closed eye meditation is to park visual sense that can be very overpowering - perhaps by relaxing your eyes and relaxing your visual mind, you'll find your way through the meditation - its ok if you sleep - work your way up to longer and longer periods closed eyed.
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