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Cold Fusion will usher in a new age of spirituality and meditation.

OK I have been doing a lot of research in the past and have come to some potentially earth altering information.

I believe that we will probably have a coming revolution that will change everything. A lot of people don't know about cold fusion or LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) yet. It's going to be something everyone will be learning about soon probably. Cold fusion or the fusion of atoms at low temperatures, is not suppose to happen according to mainstream science. But if it is possible and mainstream science just has not fully understood it yet, it can transform the world. This is something mainstream science rejected back in 1989, and since then any cold fusion claims have meet a stone wall from the scientific community and criticism too. But since then many laboratories from around the world have reported excess heat from these kinds of experiments. Even DARPA a government agency said: " doubt that anomalous excess heat is produced in these experiments." Any scientist knows that if Cold fusion or LENR is real and someone could make a practical device that makes a lot of energy from transmutation, that it would transform the world. On a fundamental level if you have more cheap energy, then you can free up your own time and do less work so that you can focus on yourself, others and the environment. That is how it can transform the world. This is something everyone can quite possibly own soon. That is what cold fusion or LENR can do. If we can make a practical device to do it. I think we probably have done that. But the final proof will come relatively soon probably.

Why bring this up on the Buddhist forums. On a fundamental level if you can free up energy and make it super cheap you will be able to free up time from work. If you can do that you can spend your time helping others and yourself in so many ways. You will most of all be able to spend time in meditation.

I have been following cold fusion also known as LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) for a couple of years now. I realized the great, potential of this technology from research and watching a segment on 60 minutes about cold fusion. The segment was called "More Than Junk Science" You can watch it yourself, just Google Video "60 Minutes Piece on Cold Fusion" It's very compelling. This is what they said in the beginning:

This is what 60 minutes said about cold fusion: "all of our energy problems could be solved" and "it promised to be cheap, limitless, and clean" and "cold fusion would end our dependence on the middle east, and stop those greenhouse gases" and "for many scientists today cold fusion is hot again" and again "it would change everything."

There are actually quite a few companies coming out with cold fusion or even zero point energy devices. Here are the top 4 cold fusion and clean energy technologies that are more likely to make a real difference.

Top 4 Exotic Super Cheap Energy Technologies

Andrea A. Rossi Cold Fusion Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat)

PlasmERG's Noble Gas Engine

Power from CO2 and Fly Ash

The Potentially Core-less Cold Fusion Hyperion of Defkalion

Some of these technologies are just amazing. I find it hard to believe that all of them are frauds. I know that there are frauds out there in this kind of business. But I still find it extremely hard to believe that they are all frauds. I have done the research and find them to be extremely compelling. I have been following some of these technologies very closely. Like the E-cat. I realize technically we don't have empirical evidence that any of these technologies work but even still the evidence we do have is so strong, I have raised my hopes in a better future for all of mankind, rich and poor. Even skeptical people are following the the E-cat and Defkalion stories.

Andrea Rossi's device works by quite possibly by fusing hydrogen and nickel at low temperatures to make a lot of excess heat. And while it does that it probably converts nickel into copper at least according to Rossi. When the transmutation occurs, it releases a lot of energy. Rossi's device can output at least 6 times more energy then what is put in. Rossi said he found a US partner that can increase the output to infinite COP. I know not the best English, as he is Italian. He says he will be bringing it to market in about 12-18 months. He has probably already sold thirteen 1 megawatt containers of e-cats to 2 customers. The customers have not come forward yet. Probably to keep their competitors in the dark.

PlasmERG is even ahead of Andrea Rossi I think. There device outputs even more energy. It's is a motor that makes plasma from gases. It does not emit any greenhouse gases, it's quiet and has a lot of torque. It would only need refueling every 6 months to a year or so. PlasmERG has filed a patent and it has been published but not issued yet. They are expected to bring their engine to market roughly this summer.

Then Defkalion is right now expecting to have independent tests done by 7 well known organizations. They are expecting a COP of 20 which is pretty high. As I understand it in this case a COP of 20 would mean that 20 times more energy is going out than going in.

If these technologies are real then the implications are so great that it has the potential to solve many of our problems in time. The thing is mainstream science does not recognize cold fusion as science. They call it junk science and other demeaning things. There is something mainstream science is starting to understand and support. It's similar to cold fusion. It's called wisdom Larson theory. In fact MIT has started to come out and support wisdom Larson theory, which supposedly can make energy from a beta decay. What ever that means. LOL So it's exciting times.

I see the world as evolving and if cold fusion or zero point energy pans out and make it to the market it will speed up civilization and the evolution of man by leaps and bounds. I have great expectation for the future of mankind.

I see a time in the next 10-20 years when everyone will own an E-Cat and will change the powers be and give power back to the people, were it belongs.

Good links on this subject
60-Minutes Piece on Cold Fusion

So in the end this is either the greatest hoax on earth or the greatest technological advance since fire. We'll see.

If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them, as I am familiar with what has been going on.

Thanks for your time.



  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Thanx for the vid. Cold fusion--if they'd been seriously interested in it, they'd've done it already. Probably the oil and auto cartels have put a lid on it. Good topic though, A-P
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Cold fusion; the newest, best hope for humanity for 85 years and running. :-/

    If it works it would be truly remarkable for humanity, but frankly I'm not going to put my hope in it at this point.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    edited April 2012
    Fascinating - I was following this on new scientist for a few years - there were some encouraging results but the actual application was years away, even if the funding materialised - that was a few years back now - the trail seemed to go cold.

    They look like they're seriously considering why it isnt consistent though... this might be the time to start thinking about buying penny shares!!

    If it develops then it would be wonderful - I suspect that all the funding for the research, development, materials, marketing, operations, maintenance etc will have to be paid back and then some... I cant see the energy sector collapsing into a free-for-all - look at what has been done to prop up the banking sector... energy is probably too big to just be handed back.

    Even if we still have to pay at the same rate, at least it wont be as enviromentally unfriendly.
  • Cold fusion; the newest, best hope for humanity for 85 years and running. :-/

    If it works it would be truly remarkable for humanity, but frankly I'm not going to put my hope in it at this point.

    Pretty much this. It a carrot on a stick. don't invest any hope in this path.
  • There are some scientists including the notorious Michio Kaku who believe that we are not far away from getting to this point in our advancement through our stay on this planet. Then again, he also talks about the singularity which could be a huge problem when it occurs. Here is what he says about cold fusion anyway, just a quickie so don't be put off in watching it if you are into this thread.

  • I will let you all know if something develops in Cold Fusion, LENR if I don't die first.

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