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Consciousness and the Why



  • This could be one of those topics which may be deemed unskillful to contemplate with relation to your daily practice, but it is one that has drifted into my thinking recently.

    If you take the literal notion of rebirth as a phenomena that takes place in the universe to be true, then why does our consciousness have to travel between body to body. Well, I have understood that it comes down to certain causes and conditions coming together, like with everything that will make this happen, but I want to try and explore above this idea. In buddhism, does it mention anything about why? When you arrive at a state of consciousness that the Buddha is said to have obtained, will you be able to see all of the workings of the universe as they are? What is above our station if you will?
    My lama says that it is due to trying to apply a rule of thumb like: the sun rises in the east. Since we don't know what we are how can we know the logistics of our rebirth? Or do we know what we are?
  • @ThailandTom

    here is a great link on emptiness meditations, which will lead to directly perceive emptiness.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    Buddhism is just looking at the most basic stuff. basic assumptions. basic experience.
    Yes, it's about trying to see clearly what is actually happening, and at times that can be quite uncomfortable.
  • @ThailandTom

    here is a great link on emptiness meditations, which will lead to directly perceive emptiness.
    What was quite funny is that when I clocked the link, it did not work and was therfore empty lol.
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