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Migstema: A very powerful Mantra.

cazcaz VeteranUnited Kingdom Veteran
edited April 2012 in Philosophy

Here contains the Instructions of Migstema practice which is the Mantra of Je Tsongkhapa, Enjoy !


  • There aren't a lot of Tibetan Buddhist folk here eh? :D must seem like the lonely standard bearer sometimes.

    That sounds like a tricky mantra to memorize. How long did it take you?
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    There aren't a lot of Tibetan Buddhist folk here eh? :D must seem like the lonely standard bearer sometimes.

    That sounds like a tricky mantra to memorize. How long did it take you?
    Oh I Dont do it In Tibetan my teachers been Kind enough to allow Migstema recitation in English. :)
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    That is a really cool website, very interactive and sensory.
  • Tibetan Buddhist eh? May I ask you something then? I have a decent grasp on Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism but Tibetan Buddhism seems somehow impenetrable to me. Could you tell me a few of the main differences between Tibetan Buddhism and Theravada and Mahayana?
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Tibetan Buddhist eh? May I ask you something then? I have a decent grasp on Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism but Tibetan Buddhism seems somehow impenetrable to me. Could you tell me a few of the main differences between Tibetan Buddhism and Theravada and Mahayana?
    Tibetan Buddhism is Mahayana the majority of it is a separate branch of Mahayana known as Vajrayana which is known as the quick vehicle, Whereas Theravada induced the state of an arhant, and Traditional Mahayana training's progress through the Bodhisattva grounds and attain full enlightenment after about 3 incalculable eons Vajrayana methods result in Buddhahood within this or a few lives at the maximum, There is usually a combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings as in order to effect Buddhahood one needs to develop the union of Bodhichitta and emptiness which Sutra provides a perfect very firm basis especially the teachings of the stages of the path ( Lam rim ) which originated as a essential compilation of all of Buddha's Sutric teachings...For more on Vajrayana.
  • hi caz ...Could you describe the role of the teacher in the Vajrayana?
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Tibetan Buddhism seems somehow impenetrable to me.
    There's four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, so I believe, and I've done a foundation course in Gelug Buddhism and it seemed to me to be very analytical and scholastic. We started with what I think is normal Buddhist fare; The 4 Noble Truths, then Two Truths, then Buddhist psychology - at which point I'm taking a break. But the rest of the course is Boddhichitta, Emptiness (more of since it's covered in the Two Truths) and an introduction to Tantric Paths.

    Why does that sound impenetrable?

  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    hi caz ...Could you describe the role of the teacher in the Vajrayana?
    When Buddha was alive it is said that his disciples gained very quick and profound accomplishments because of his blessings and their proximity to him, The role of the student in Vajrayana is to perceive his or her Guru purely seeing them as a Buddha this way the mind is developed quickly and it is like being taught by Buddha himself.
  • Thank you.
  • Thanks Caz.

    Tosh: It may just be that after Theravada and Mahayana my brain is unwilling to absorb any more information.
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