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What does Pat Robertson think of having a Buddha statue in a Christian household?



  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Anyone else see a similarity between Robertson, Gerry Springer stage participants or any of the flavour of the month reality show stars? I think I'm just seeing folks courting fame as if they are tweaking for their next fix. The saddest part is how the marketing of these slow motion traffic accidents has now become an acceptable part of mainstream entertainment.
    OK..End of my fuddy duddy rant..
    I don't think people like Pat Robertson or Fred Phelps are in it for 15 mins of fame, scarily enough...
  • It must feel powerful though to be in that position
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    Makes you wonder what the Buddha would have done with a Pat Robertson statue.
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited May 2012
    I'd ***love*** to find a "Christian" with a Pat Robertson statue in their house! To wit:

    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

    — Exodus 20:4-6

    I've always been perplexed that God seems to be so petty and ego-driven that He can't abide anyone having a Buddha statue (or a bear statue, or a dolphin statue, or a fake plant). He's "jealous"? What, like somebody's gonna upstage Him? Seriously?


  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    @Mountains - it's interesting that you bring up that verse from Exodus. At my parents' Baptist church, they are very strict about this and basically denigrate Catholics for "having idols" in their churches (e.g. statues of saints, the Virgin Mary, etc).

    But when I asked my parents what about the giant cross or crucifix you'll see at many Protestant (even Baptist) churches, they say "It's just a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice."

    So the cross/crucifix is okay as a "reminder," but if it looks like an actual person, it's an "idol." :rolleyes:
  • Right. And I'd lay you next month's mortgage payment that at Christmas that church (and every other one like it) has a nativity setup out in the front yard. With the baby Jesus in the manger and the three wise guys and mom & Joe and everybody (Oh, and they're all white).
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