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What does Pat Robertson think of having a Buddha statue in a Christian household?

B5CB5C Veteran
edited May 2012 in General Banter



  • its the satan at work! in jesus' name, i banish you, oh satan.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Even people from my parents' conservative Baptist church thinks that this guy is a nutcase.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    It's just Brother Robinsons way of saying If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. :D
  • ArthurbodhiArthurbodhi Mars Veteran
    Youtube comments :)
  • JohnGJohnG Veteran
    On of the many problems with this open issue, is that their are people who will do as this man say's, without questions. In the past how many bullies were enabled with such instruction from people like this.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    It really is hard for me to believe that so many of us can get to be so old and yet remain so ignorant and childish.

    Oh well.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited May 2012
    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"

  • What does Pat Robertson think of having a Buddha statue in a Christian household?
    Who cares what Pat Robertson thinks about anything?
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    My wife likes to rescue Buddha statues from the local thrift stores. We have a small eclectic collection of mostly Laughing Buddhas now that way. This one church ran thrift store, she told the woman who runs it about what she does and was told, "Oh, I destroy all those when they get donated. I'm so sorry you're married to a Buddhist."

    You can't argue with a mindset like that.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    What does Pat Robertson think of having a Buddha statue in a Christian household?
    Who cares what Pat Robertson thinks about anything?

  • GuiGui Veteran
    hey, it's all show biz
  • DharmakaraDharmakara Veteran
    edited May 2012
    Is there really much difference between Pat Robertson and the behavior of monks in Sri Lanka involved in tearing down the houses of worship of other faiths on the premise that a particular piece of dirt is sacred to Buddhists?

    I think not.
  • It's all ego.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    Is there really much difference between Pat Robertson and the behavior of monks in Sri Lanka involved in tearing down the houses of worship of other faiths on the premise that a particular piece of dirt is sacred to Buddhists?

    I think not.
    What does one have to do with the other? I would suggest nothing other intolerance and stupidity.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Is there really much difference between Pat Robertson and the behavior of monks in Sri Lanka involved in tearing down the houses of worship of other faiths on the premise that a particular piece of dirt is sacred to Buddhists?

    I think not.
    What does one have to do with the other? I would suggest nothing other intolerance and stupidity.

    I thought his point was that there is intolerance in all religions.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    Vinlyn your right, my brain isn't fully engaging :crazy:
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    ^ Welcome to the club! ;)
  • ^ Is there room for another member in this club? :)
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Yes, but it may be a battle when we elect our president!
  • DharmakaraDharmakara Veteran
    edited May 2012
    Well, I can't vote or hold the office myself, so you'll have to work that part out amongst yourselves --- darn Vinaya, it gets in the way of everything fun LOL
  • FireSongFireSong Explorer
    I wonder what Jenny's friend would say: "You broke my Buddha statue!"
    "Pat Robertson said to!"
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Is there really much difference between Pat Robertson and the behavior of monks in Sri Lanka involved in tearing down the houses of worship of other faiths on the premise that a particular piece of dirt is sacred to Buddhists?

    I think not.
    I don't think anyone was saying otherwise

  • DharmakaraDharmakara Veteran
    edited May 2012
    No, no one was saying that, but that was the point --- we can't really do anything about the Pat Robertsons of the world, but when it comes to our own behavior, as well as that of our fellow Buddhists, do we not have an obligation to do so?
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Pat Robertson...proof god is malevolent :D
  • Pat Robertson...proof god is malevolent :D
    Sorry, I dont know who this dude man is but (laughs) I doubt he represents God anyway - at least not fully :)
  • I wonder what Jenny's friend would say: "You broke my Buddha statue!"
    "Pat Robertson said to!"
    Then Pat Robertson told me to go jump off of a 200' cliff into the crashing surf below. So I did.. Because he's a "Christian".
  • I doubt he represents God anyway
    Oh, but he does! If you don't believe it, just ask him (or watch anything he's ever broadcast or read anything he's ever written).
  • Ahh got it. :rolleyes:
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    edited May 2012
    Pat Robertson...proof god is malevolent :D
    Sorry, I dont know who this dude man is but (laughs) I doubt he represents God anyway - at least not fully :)
    He's more like the OT representation of God :D If god was real Id imagine him to look and act like Pat Robinson.
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    Pat Robertson is a hate monger within the far Christian right of the United States. He's made accusations against Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, and pretty much anyone who doesn't agree with the Evangelical movement. Most reasonable Christians do not take his statements seriously. He's right up there with people like Glenn Beck...
  • And yet, he's got at least as much money as God, if not more, and he didn't get it by being a nice guy. Lots and lots and lots of people send this charlatan lots and lots and lots of money. I know the guy who flies his private jet out of Lynchburg...
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    The irony is that Buddha wouldn't mind having a Pat Robertson 'statue' meditating with him. Two parts wise crack, one part black humor, one part namaste seeing the Buddha nature within us all including Pat and co.
  • He's more like the OT representation of God :D If god was real Id imagine him to look and act like Pat Robinson.
    Well we don't know what God would really look like yet, so that is premature methinks :) Nevertheless, I see, ta for the info.

  • Floating_AbuFloating_Abu Veteran
    edited May 2012
    @Takuan and @Mountains

    Interesting, and @Mountains -- Gosh :eek: This is how the world works yes!!!??

    Sometimes I think the world does need a huger doser of suffering to wake people up, but maybe I am being discharitable...

  • LionduckLionduck Veteran
    We don't need more suffering. The Pat Robertsons of the world show such deliberate blindness (darkness) that they create needless suffering.
    The issue is not a statue - the issue is fundamental respect for anyone you disagree with. Mr Robertson does not appear to have respect for anyone who's views contradict his. Enough "ink" wasted on this on, good night all.
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    This is a perfect illustration of why religions, which should bring the world together with their talk of moral behavior, instead are the cause of death and suffering, and why Gautama had to reject his own family's Brahman religion before he could seek the real cause of suffering.

    Rev. Pat Robertson is not evil or heartless, only blinded by his own desires. Most religions teach a world of strict boundaries, of black and white, of sinner and saved, and he really does believe his God will wipe out an entire city and kill innocent babies because they don't worship and obey this God. It says so right in the Holy Scriptures. And Satan is a real, conscious, supernatural thing that he is at war with. Seeing a statue of Buddha to him is like some General seeing a picture of Hitler on a wall during the war, with the same reaction.

    People have an infinite ability to justify their own prejudices and fears. Tribal thinking is so instinctive, we don't even question it in most cases. After a lifetime of seeing the world as a battlefield, Rev. Robertson doesn't see people anymore, he sees soldiers and enemies. In his own mind, he is trying to save us all from God's wrath. This is a cautionary tale for all of us.

    Remember, his voice would never be heard, if there were not millions of people who agreed with everything he said. Good people with bad beliefs.
  • Yes to Cinorjer and Lionduck

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Even more shocking today is that Baptist minister in North Carolina who -- on video -- proposes putting all gays and lesbians within a huge electrified fence, and letting them die off so that there will be no more gays or lesbians!
  • Wow, sometimes I reckon America is a bit scary
  • Vinlyn, are you talking about the same fool that pickets the funerals of those who die from AIDS?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Only 'sometimes'....? :wtf:
  • Well there are obviously good folk among the midst too, I hope no crazy person wins the election though.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited May 2012
    Vinlyn, are you talking about the same fool that pickets the funerals of those who die from AIDS?
    That's the Westboro Baptist Church. But evidently there's more than one totally uncompassionate, intolerant church out there. Jeez. :eek:
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Vinlyn, are you talking about the same fool that pickets the funerals of those who die from AIDS?
    No, this is a different nut case:

  • Even more shocking today is that Baptist minister in North Carolina who -- on video -- proposes putting all gays and lesbians within a huge electrified fence, and letting them die off so that there will be no more gays or lesbians!
    Which, while very sick, I find extremely humorous, since he fails to take into account all the newborns who will grow up to be gay or lesbian (or bisexual, heaven forbid). And if he put all of them in a fence, all the ones that would continue to be born to "straight" parents from now until eternity. And on, and on, and on, just as it's always been.
  • enkoenko Explorer
    "Don't worry Marge, I'll see to it you fundamentalist Christians live to take over all America by the 21st century!"
  • Well, you'll never find a Pat Robertson statue in my house for what it's worth.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Anyone else see a similarity between Robertson, Gerry Springer stage participants or any of the flavour of the month reality show stars? I think I'm just seeing folks courting fame as if they are tweaking for their next fix. The saddest part is how the marketing of these slow motion traffic accidents has now become an acceptable part of mainstream entertainment.
    OK..End of my fuddy duddy rant..
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