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  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Well, I gotta chew on this one a while.

    Only joking.

    Eerily it sounds like a vampire!
  • Yea or zombies... But zombies don't die after being shot. It is weird though, a naked guy starts to eat somebodies face in public and then gets shot by some cop... :-/
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I don't understand why the officer felt he had to shoot the man, doesn't he have pepper spray or a billy club and some hand to hand training?
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Speed (as in quickness)?
  • I feel that maybe PCP will be involved because people often end up naked after a big old trip on PCP. Also officers are scared of people on that stuff because they have something like 3x the stregth they normally would have. But yea I would have thought he would have had pepper spray or a stun gun or something.
  • AmeliaAmelia Veteran
    But zombies don't die after being shot.
    They do if they get shot in the head... or if the head is removed from the body.

    What I find strange is that the man didn't stop eating the victim's face even after he was shot the first time. Maybe he was on PCP and couldn't tell he was being shot. I don't know why lethal force was considered necessary, though. I would think that the cop would worry about accidentally shooting the victim. A tazer might have gotten the job done.
  • But zombies don't die after being shot.
    They do if they get shot in the head... or if the head is removed from the body.

    What I find strange is that the man didn't stop eating the victim's face even after he was shot the first time. Maybe he was on PCP and couldn't tell he was being shot. I don't know why lethal force was considered necessary, though. I would think that the cop would worry about accidentally shooting the victim. A tazer might have gotten the job done.
    People on PCP have been pepper sprayed before and continue to fight as if nothing has happened, they have also been stunned and tazered and get back up as if nothing has happened. I think a shot in the leg would have been the best option, but still it is one strange scenario to say the least.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    1. If someone is murdering a person, do you just use pepper spray? I wouldn't think so.
    2. In this case, since he was eating a man's face, the victim would have also been hit by pepper spray, and considering the open flesh, that would be very bad.
  • 1. If someone is murdering a person, do you just use pepper spray? I wouldn't think so.
    2. In this case, since he was eating a man's face, the victim would have also been hit by pepper spray, and considering the open flesh, that would be very bad.
    Good point. If this happened in the UK standard officers don't carry guns, only special armed units do and that would take a while for them to be called in. So the only thing they could have done is hit the guy with his kosh or spray/tazer him. Being shot at least half a dozen times though, that really sounds like a case of PCP or some sort of weird zombie virus, have to wait to see what happens to the victim, we mat have an epidemic on our hands!
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    Good point. If this happened in the UK standard officers don't carry guns, only special armed units do and that would take a while for them to be called in. So the only thing they could have done is hit the guy with his kosh or spray/tazer him. Being shot at least half a dozen times though, that really sounds like a case of PCP or some sort of weird zombie virus, have to wait to see what happens to the victim, we mat have an epidemic on our hands!
    The zombie apocalypse has to start somewhere. Soon we should start hearing about more of these attacks. Start stockpiling food, water and ammo. :buck:
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