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9 virtues of the Buddha

personperson Don't believe everything you thinkThe liminal space Veteran
edited June 2012 in Buddhism Basics
1.worthy (of honor and hospitality, gifts and praise, veneration and respect)
2.self-awakened (enlightened through his own trailblazing efforts rather than benefiting from the discovery of another fully enlightened teacher)
3.endowed with knowledge and conduct (six unparalleled aspects of superknowledge and ethical personal behavior in accordance with wisdom and compassion)
4.well gone (attained to the supreme, the unexcelled, nirvana)
5.knower of the world (who fully knew both inner and outer worlds, the dimensions and paths of karma)
6.supreme trainer of persons to be tamed (a master physician for the physical pain and, moreover, the mental suffering of living beings)
7.teacher of devas and humans (guide of "shining ones," sometimes called "gods," who are subtle-unseen beings of various kinds, as well as ordinary human beings)
8.awakened (buddha, awake and able to awaken others by inspiring and pointing out the path-of-practice that brings about the realization of liberating truth)
9.blessed (holder of great virtues).


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    *MOD NOTE:*
    This thread has been created in the "Buddhism for Beginners" forum.
    Please be mindful of needing to Keep It Simple, therefore please temper your responses appropriately, to suit those who may be new to Buddhism, if you intend to add any points to ponder or comments for clarification.

    Too many times, threads placed in this forum need to be moved to "Advanced Ideas", due to discussions becoming way more complex than originally intended or predicted.
    Case in point is this thread.

    Many thanks.

    Carry on.
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