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when/where is it inappropriate to meditate

buddhistokbuddhistok Veteran
edited June 2012 in Meditation
I have insomnia nearly every night, lasting anywhere from 1 to 5 hours. would it be appropriate to meditate in bed while im trying to fall asleep?

i'm also very drowsy in the morning and may spend a long time sitting down before I'm fully alert and active. is it appropriate to meditate as im trying to wake up?



  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Of course you can meditate while in bed, lying down. Try a body scan, it's very good for relaxing and going to sleep.

    And I don't think there's any time where meditation is inappropriate, so if you think it's useful, try it. You know there's even 'washing the dishes' meditations 'n' stuff like that. It's just a method of working with the mind; it's not sacred in the sense that there's places we shouldn't do it because it may offend the Buddha or something.
  • Of course you can meditate while in bed, lying down. Try a body scan, it's very good for relaxing and going to sleep.

    And I don't think there's any time where meditation is inappropriate, so if you think it's useful, try it. You know there's even 'washing the dishes' meditations 'n' stuff like that. It's just a method of working with the mind; it's not sacred in the sense that there's places we shouldn't do it because it may offend the Buddha or something.
    thanks. i actually meant something more along the lines of "does it make a person associate meditation with falling asleep instead of "falling awake" [as some author phrased it]". also i don't really care if i "offend the Buddha" :P
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Okay, thanks for the clarification.

    No, I don't think doing something like a body scan would make you fall asleep during a formal sitting meditation. Or at least, that's never been my experience of it.

    During a formal meditation sitting, I'll sit, all nice and straight and it's rare I'll feel sleepy, but if I do, it's more usually to do with having had a busy day or something, rather than anything to do with doing a body scan when I go to bed.

    I'm not sure if that answers your question fully, so here's a 'catch all' answer. Meditation while you're in bed will have no adverse affect other than it may make you fall asleep. If you wish to stay awake, don't meditate in bed. But if you're having trouble sleeping, and falling asleep is what you're after, then no harm will come from meditating in bed.

    I'm sure some wiser people will comment too.
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    edited June 2012
    I have insomnia nearly every night, lasting anywhere from 1 to 5 hours. would it be appropriate to meditate in bed while im trying to fall asleep?

    i'm also very drowsy in the morning and may spend a long time sitting down before I'm fully alert and active. is it appropriate to meditate as im trying to wake up?

    What do you mean by meditating? Focusing on your breath?

    Using meditation techniques to relax and help you fall asleep is fine. So you're counting breaths instead of sheep. Don't worry that it will "train" you to fall asleep when meditating. People actually doze off when meditating all the time.

    When you're trying to wake up, don't meditate. Hit the cold shower and go for a brief walk outside or something. Do activity.

    How long as insomnia been a problem? What have you tried to do for it in the past?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I often wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. Since I'm not able to get any rest anyway I'll get up and meditate. It usually helps settle my mind and makes falling asleep easier once I'm done.
  • Is there anything in your diet that could be causing problems?

    Are there any activities prior to bedtime that may be interfering with your sleep?

    Is there something you're worried about that could be making you stressed and, thereby, unable to sleep?
  • SileSile Veteran
    edited June 2012
    These are some of the things that have helped me sleep better (sleeplessness plagues me, too):

    1. Half-hour walk every day
    2. Much earlier supper, and not huge
    3. If you drink alcohol, don't drink it as late in the evening
    4. Check out your licorice consumption (including the licorice that is now in tons of health teas). I found that licorice jazzed me up so much, I might as well have slammed a cup of coffee just before turning out the lights!
    5. Read a book in bed instead of computing/watching TV in the hour leading up to bedtime.

    I realize you may have already tried all this. Hope you get some relief!!
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