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Blaming Religion: Unfair?

SileSile Veteran
edited June 2012 in Buddhism Basics
I was musing about something this seems to me that, when someone says, "Christianity is basically about love," someone else will say, "But look at all the killing that has happened because of Christianity - it can't be about love!"

Yet if someone avenges his brother by killing someone, we don't say, "Look at the killing that happened because of the love between two brothers." We don't blame the fact that the brothers loved each other as the reason for the revenge killing, do we? Yet if Christians kill each other over Christianity, we blame Christianity. Isn't it really the case that people just kill each other wrongly, and it's not necessarily anything inherent in the religion?


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    The Anglican theologian and novelist Charles Williams once observed in one of his metaphysical thrillers, "People believe what they want to believe." Again: People believe what they want to believe.

    The implications of such a statement may be unpleasant to swallow, but they are completely apt. What people believe is entirely their responsibility. It might be nice to praise or blame "God" or "enlightenment" or "compassion," but the responsibility and capacity of the individual precedes any religion, philosophy or whatever.

    It is a red herring to blame or praise Christianity, blame or praise Buddhism, extol or denigrate explanations, winkle out vast meanings ... instead, it is far better to find out who is the true boss and live according to his or her laughter.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Humpty dumpty said that words mean what I say they mean. Each person defines Christianity although there is a Bible to become a standard and touch stone of discussion.
  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    but the responsibility and capacity of the individual precedes any religion, philosophy or whatever.
    Nazism? I agree with your statement above, because that's the way it is. But there are more and less skillful ideologies.


    I was musing about something this seems to me that, when someone says, "Christianity is basically about love," someone else will say, "But look at all the killing that has happened because of Christianity - it can't be about love!"
    The Bible and Christian tradition, like the sutras and Buddhist tradition, are a mixed bag, reflecting wisdom, history, prejudice, hubris, speculation, politics etc etc

    It is true that some people latch on to the prejudice and politics, and make a practice of those things, whereas some people sift the texts for wisdom. But texts are by definition not blank sheets of paper which we impose our values on; some of them impart deep wisdom, admittedly in symbiosis with our attention, and the conditions which shaped the pre-existing understanding with which we approach them; but some are poorly constructed, vitriolic, or plain erroneous.

    So let's not make a choice based on our loyalties, a choice between holding people accountable and holding religion accountable - let's do both.

  • SileSile Veteran
    edited June 2012
    Might be appropriate to suggest that fundamental human instincts (i.e. defending what's "yours") can be conditioned by religion, but that religion rarely causes an instinct that isn't already there.

    In the same way, the positive side of religion urges us to resist following an instinct through to harm someone.

    There is also the "media factor" - - - at any given time, most Christians are not killing someone in the name of religion. But those Christians will rarely make the headlines, so what sticks in our minds is the newsworthy soundbite, "Protestant Ulster Defence Association blows up Catholic schoolbus."
  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    Might be appropriate to suggest that fundamental human instincts (i.e. defending what's "yours") can be conditioned by religion, but that religion rarely causes an instinct that isn't already there.

    In the same way, the positive side of religion urges us to resist following an instinct through to harm someone.
    Agreed. And those instincts condition aspects of religions themselves. Where most anti-religionists err is in believing that there is nothing more to religion than evolutionary psychology and power dynamics etc - but by insisting that a religion is wholly pure and not influenced by any of those factors, the faithful only serve to confirm that prejudice.

    But it's a difficult one to call, because strong faith may be needed just to get someone to practice the teachings, which is a huge uprooting of one's values in a secular world, and tends to cause people to fill the remaining void with some degree of fanaticism. Strong faith is not always compatible with rational, even handed thinking. The Buddha really tried to create a good balance between the two in the suttas, and if we look at Buddhists today, he did a remarkable job, if only comparatively speaking.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran

    but the responsibility and capacity of the individual precedes any religion, philosophy or whatever.

    Nazism? I agree with your statement above, because that's the way it is. But there are more and less skillful ideologies.
    @PrairieGhost -- Agreed, more and less skillful ideologies and ....

    I think there may be a mechanism that adopts a more or a less skillful ideology and then is lulled into the notion that the ideology somehow precedes or is responsible for the actions of the one who adopted it in the first place.

    All I am trying to suggest here is that anyone might be well-advised to keep a sharp eye on his or her adopted philosophy or ideology. Failure to do so promotes confusion and unhappiness, I think. What others do and do not do is not so much the point.

    And I am willing to concede that sometimes it is extremely difficult to do this ... if you doubt it, just try talking to any true believer, any 'me' at all. :)
  • genkaku
    I think there may be a mechanism that adopts a more or a less skillful ideology and then is lulled into the notion that the ideology somehow precedes or is responsible for the actions of the one who adopted it in the first place.
    Yes, I agree. We can tend to give our actions a 'Buddhist flavour', that actually distances us from awareness of those actions.

    All I am trying to suggest here is that anyone might be well-advised to keep a sharp eye on his or her adopted philosophy or ideology.
    See, that's the problem. Because gaining the skills to do so is at the very root of what Buddhism teaches. So while the Buddha clearly attempted to promote critical thinking in the suttas, his students were and are prone to misinterpret and ignore those teachings, and that's so even of those who studied with the Buddha himself.

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited June 2012
    @Sile - yeah, I've noticed the same thing. It is really silly. I mean, just because someone calls themselves a Muslim and blows up a schoolbus doesn't mean that Islam is pro-schoolbus bombings. The same logic would mean that anyone named Jeffrey or Ted should be constantly under scrutiny because they're potential serial killers.

    I think it's part sensationalism to get a reaction out of people, and part laziness in actually trying to understand the belief system. Egocentrism plays a good part too ("I only care about my own beliefs/my own world.")
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    @Sile - yeah, I've noticed the same thing. It is really silly. I mean, just because someone calls themselves a Muslim and blows up a schoolbus doesn't mean that Islam is pro-schoolbus bombings. The same logic would mean that anyone named Jeffrey or Ted should be constantly under scrutiny because they're potential serial killers.

    I think it's part sensationalism to get a reaction out of people, and part laziness in actually trying to understand the belief system. Egocentrism plays a good part too ("I only care about my own beliefs/my own world.")
    I agree. But let's also keep in mind that some of criticism of Muslims is not that they are all terrorists (which of course is stupid), but rather that so many of them are silent about what is happening to their religion. I was invited to a very large Pakistani party in the Washington suburbs several years after 9/11. I was the only non-Pakistani at the party, and thus somewhat the center of curiosity. About 2 dozen Pakistani men came over to chat with me (one at a time, sometimes with their wives). And, without exception, every one eventually asked me some variation on the question of (paraphrased) don't you believe that 9/11 was carried out by the CIA and/or Israel? Now I already knew some of these men through my son, an adopted Pakistani young man. They were good, respectable people who were always very kind and polite to me. And, as a principal I also knew a number of Muslim children and parents, and found them to be, on average, just as nice a group of people as any other. But I saw many Muslims (not all) playing the game on both sides -- complaining that Americans don't understand Muslims and Muslim values, while also being a very closed society. Try going to a mosque. Even as a guest. There may be exceptions, but I doubt you'll feel very welcomed.

  • JohnGJohnG Veteran
    Since the beginning of time, humanity has twisted religious idealogy to their whim. It's become a very lucrative buisiness, as well as a means of obtaining authority that no has earned;the idea of the 'Devine rights of kings'. has been used in one form or another for over many mellenia. The problem isn't the idalogy of Christianity, Judiasm, Islam, Buddhism, or whatever one ascribes to; it's those who seek power through these faiths that is the problem, along with those who mindlessly follow these leaders.

    Overcoming them, maybe, but the whole is to place our faith into action, no matter what that faith is. We may lose the war's, but the battles will be victorious!
  • genkaku

    but the responsibility and capacity of the individual precedes any religion, philosophy or whatever.

    Nazism? I agree with your statement above, because that's the way it is. But there are more and less skillful ideologies.
    @PrairieGhost -- Agreed, more and less skillful ideologies and ....

    I think there may be a mechanism that adopts a more or a less skillful ideology and then is lulled into the notion that the ideology somehow precedes or is responsible for the actions of the one who adopted it in the first place.

    All I am trying to suggest here is that anyone might be well-advised to keep a sharp eye on his or her adopted philosophy or ideology. Failure to do so promotes confusion and unhappiness, I think. What others do and do not do is not so much the point.

    And I am willing to concede that sometimes it is extremely difficult to do this ... if you doubt it, just try talking to any true believer, any 'me' at all. :)
    Thanks for your contributions as always @genkaku.

    Best wishes,
  • I'd like to disagree with the consensus of this thread. People do not need to twist certain religious ideologies to make them violent, if violence is inherent in their holy books; said to be the direct word of god. For instance, from the Koran:

    Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not (2:216).

    But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful (9:5).

    The former verse actually suggests people know that violence is bad, for they dislike it, but their god wants it and they should obey. The bible is also littered with violence including god ordering the slaughter of children. Both books are also full of a merciful god, teaching tolerance and forgiveness. But men do not need to do any twisting when the teachings contain both peace and violence, just select the pertinent section for the situation.

    We are quick on this thread to point out that it is man, not the ideology, that is flawed. The ideology, though, is man made.
  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    We are quick on this thread to point out that it is man, not the ideology, that is flawed. The ideology, though, is man made.
    Yes, I did mention this in passing.

    I agree with the rest of the post, and it should also be pointed out that not everyone freely adopts a religion. Most are born heirs to strong traditional and doctrinal obligations.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    Yet if Christians kill each other over Christianity, we blame Christianity.
    That's valid because Christians should not be killing each other.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    I don't blame religion, I blame the desire to possess and control others.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    We are quick on this thread to point out that it is man, not the ideology, that is flawed. The ideology, though, is man made.
    Good point. People created religions.
  • SileSile Veteran
    edited June 2012
    Very interesting points, all, and thank you for the thoughts so far!

    I think religion still gets an unfair rap, partly because (usually) it carries an inherent message to not harm others. Safe to go further and say that it stresses that message as a main point (again, usually).

    I think you could say organized soccer carries an inherent, sportsmanship message not to harm others, and while that message isn't as strong as it is in religion, when a soccer brawl among fans breaks out, we don't always blame the entire sport of soccer, but say, "hooliganism at soccer matches." There is lots of muttering about what type of behavior soccer inspires, but we tend to still blame "idiotic soccer fans" more than soccer itself, at least in my opinion. We all know that brawls also break out at basketball games.

    People nowadays tend to wrongly think that Islam is violent; and yet a Christian nation, we (the US) dropped an atomic bomb (twice) on innocent civilians. The number of Muslims killed by Christians in the past 100 years far exceeds the number of Christians killed by Muslims. I still don't blame Christianity, because in almost no case is violence between "religions" genuinely religious at its root.

    Very, very often there are ethnic, social, economic and historical foundations for conflicts which become caricaturized as religious wars.
  • SileSile Veteran
    Yet if Christians kill each other over Christianity, we blame Christianity.
    That's valid because Christians should not be killing each other.
    But I'd say the blame falls on the Christians, not Christianity. If they shouldn't be killing each other, according to their religion, then I'd say their religion has a good message, but they are ignoring it.

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited June 2012
    I'd like to disagree with the consensus of this thread. People do not need to twist certain religious ideologies to make them violent, if violence is inherent in their holy books; said to be the direct word of god. For instance, from the Koran:

    Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not (2:216).

    But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful (9:5).

    The former verse actually suggests people know that violence is bad, for they dislike it, but their god wants it and they should obey. The bible is also littered with violence including god ordering the slaughter of children. Both books are also full of a merciful god, teaching tolerance and forgiveness. But men do not need to do any twisting when the teachings contain both peace and violence, just select the pertinent section for the situation.

    We are quick on this thread to point out that it is man, not the ideology, that is flawed. The ideology, though, is man made.
    So @twobitbob, wouldn't that basically mean that mankind is the one that is flawed? That is, flawed for selectively taking parts of the scriptures they themselves wrote and misusing them...?

    Also, all the violent parts of scriptures usually have a socio-historical context which we can't ignore, a context which would help explain the inclusion of such verses in books generally filled with tolerance and wisdom.

    Just as a side note, your inclusion of a "hateful" verse from the Qu'ran but only a nod to the Bible and to the good stuff in the Qu'ran has a bit of an Islamophobic stench to it, not sure if you intended it that way. Be careful!
  • SileSile Veteran
    edited June 2012
    The Bible is filled with violence.

    It is interesting - we generally just sort of skirt around that fact, in my experience. I do think it's something the churches should address, because it is in such absolute contrast to the message of love we generally feel is the focus.

    At any given time, most practitioners of any religion are trying to do good things, not bad, and here I mean real practitioners, not just people who call themselves this or that. There are more people being kind, in general, than being violent, though we'd never get that from the TV news.

    From that I think one could gather that religions promote good, or at the very least do not promote bad, overall, since most people in the world practice some religion, and most people at any time are not committing a violent act.

    Note: I'm actually including atheism as a religion, given that many atheists are atheists for strong philosophical reasons which generally include a strong feeling that ethics should be secularized--meaning, their atheism itself has an ethical component.

    At this point we should probably refer to it as "spiritual philosophy" as opposed to "religion."
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    The Bible is filled with violence.

    It is interesting - we generally just sort of skirt around that fact, in my experience. I do think it's something the churches should address, because it is in such absolute contrast to the message of love we generally feel is the focus.

    At any given time, most practitioners of any religion are trying to do good things, not bad, and here I mean real practitioners, not just people who call themselves this or that. There are more people being kind, in general, than being violent, though we'd never get that from the TV news.

    From that I think one could gather that religions promote good, or at the very least do not promote bad, overall, since most people in the world practice some religion, and most people at any time are not committing a violent act.

    Note: I'm actually including atheism as a religion, given that many atheists are atheists for strong philosophical reasons which generally include a strong feeling that ethics should be secularized--meaning, their atheism itself has an ethical component.

    At this point we should probably refer to it as "spiritual philosophy" as opposed to "religion."
    The problem with the concept that "the Bible is filled with violence", is that the Dhamma is not filled with violence, yet in Thai history (I've done a lot of reading about Thai history, which is why I have chosen it to mention), one of the most fervent Buddhist nations, fought almost constant wars in the earlier history, Buddhist countries took over other Buddhist countries (what ultimately became Thailand conquered what ultimately became Cambodia (the Khmer)...which had controlled most of what became Thailand; the Burmese (also Buddhists) sacked Ayutthaya, made Thailand a vassal state, and kidnapped tens of thousands of Thais), etc.

    We often say that no war has ever been fought in the name of Buddhism, which I guess is true. But Buddhist nations are awfully good at conducting war.

    The rest of your post I pretty much agree with, and think you wrote well.

  • SileSile Veteran
    edited June 2012
    A sad but interesting map - I believe it is showing deaths within each region, i.e. the USA shows no deaths, and yet it's safe to say many of the deaths shown in the Middle East are caused by the US military; similarly, China has a high incidence of killing its own people, but since it's not considered "war," that also is not shown.

    At any rate, here's the map:


    Black: Major wars, 1,000+ deaths per year
    Purple: Minor wars and conflicts, 10-1,000 deaths per year

    It's probably best to included other death, sources, then, besides just war. Here is another grim statistic - the worst genocides in recorded history:

    The top four listed are:

    Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,000

    Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945) 12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)

    Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908) 8,000,000

    Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39) 6,000,000 (including gulags, purges, and Ukraine famine)

    The Stalin numbers strike me as far too low - even Russian papers in the 1980s ventured to put it near 20,000,000.

  • SileSile Veteran
    From Genocide Watch:

    Current Countries at Risk of Genocide, Politicide, or Mass Atrocities


    They have a breakdown of the various issues:
  • edited June 2012

    So @twobitbob, wouldn't that basically mean that mankind is the one that is flawed? That is, flawed for selectively taking parts of the scriptures they themselves wrote and misusing them...?

    Also, all the violent parts of scriptures usually have a socio-historical context which we can't ignore, a context which would help explain the inclusion of such verses in books generally filled with tolerance and wisdom.

    Just as a side note, your inclusion of a "hateful" verse from the Qu'ran but only a nod to the Bible and to the good stuff in the Qu'ran has a bit of an Islamophobic stench to it, not sure if you intended it that way. Be careful!
    Hi Invincible_summer. I would agree that mankind is the one flawed. Mankind also created all religions. Therefore all religions are flawed, if we accept the premise.

    As for the Islamophobic charge, i would ask whether you would have considered it christianophobic if i had only mentioned verses from the bible. I suspect not, so i ask what is the difference? Why is Islam regarded above satire, but not Christianity?

    To address the 'taken out of context' issue, and redress the perceived Islam/Christianity imbalance, please watch this video:

    Not sure why the video didn't embed, nevermind.

  • Ah, got it. Sorry for the double post.
  • Context is everything.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran

    Hi Invincible_summer. I would agree that mankind is the one flawed. Mankind also created all religions. Therefore all religions are flawed, if we accept the premise.

    As for the Islamophobic charge, i would ask whether you would have considered it christianophobic if i had only mentioned verses from the bible. I suspect not, so i ask what is the difference? Why is Islam regarded above satire, but not Christianity?

    To address the 'taken out of context' issue, and redress the perceived Islam/Christianity imbalance, please watch this video:

    Not sure why the video didn't embed, nevermind.
    Actually I would indeed say that you're being unfair (or "Christianophobic"). And I wasn't accusing you of being an Islamophobe, rather that the post had the trappings of one. I wanted to make you aware that your post could be taken the wrong way and rile people up. Just a note for future comparative religion-stuff.

    As for the video, I haven't finished watching the entire thing, but I think I get the gist of it. The problem I have with it is that the person making the "defenses" is obviously someone who believes the Bible is straight from God's mouth and that every single word is true and factual. And he's really bad at debating.

    Also, how does it 'address' the context issue?

    Debates using scriptures are tricky, because you have to know if the audience believes the holy book is the infallible word of God (or other deity) or not. If we accept that people wrote these books, it's very likely that the writers embellished their accounts and made things sound much more "epic" in order to keep attention.

  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Yet if Christians kill each other over Christianity, we blame Christianity.
    That's valid because Christians should not be killing each other.
    But I'd say the blame falls on the Christians, not Christianity. If they shouldn't be killing each other, according to their religion, then I'd say their religion has a good message, but they are ignoring it.

    Christianity was spread by the sword in many parts of the World. Even in the UK, our particular form of Christianity was forced upon the inhabitants because Henry VIII wanted a divorce and to shack up with a new woman, and if you refused to convert, bad things could happen to you.

  • Actually I would indeed say that you're being unfair (or "Christianophobic"). And I wasn't accusing you of being an Islamophobe, rather that the post had the trappings of one. I wanted to make you aware that your post could be taken the wrong way and rile people up. Just a note for future comparative religion-stuff.
    Fair enough, thanks for the advice. I'm not sure how to take it yet though. The problem is this:

    Imagine there is an ideology - no need to label it. That ideology contains within it descriptions of violence said to be just. A few people have also killed explicitly in the name of that ideology. I think it reasonable to question whether the ideology encouraged violence in any way. No?

    As for the video, I haven't finished watching the entire thing, but I think I get the gist of it. The problem I have with it is that the person making the "defenses" is obviously someone who believes the Bible is straight from God's mouth and that every single word is true and factual. And he's really bad at debating.
    Yes, it's a caricature for sure. And yes it assumes the person takes the bible to be the literal word of god, which may well be erroneous, depending on the individual.

    Also, how does it 'address' the context issue?
    It asks some interesting questions:

    Why is the context of the 'good stuff' never questioned, but the first response to the 'bad stuff' is to challenge its context. I think this a legitimate question.

    Another interesting question it asks is in what context is it OK to be punished by being forced to eat your own children, whether literal or allegorical?

    Debates using scriptures are tricky, because you have to know if the audience believes the holy book is the infallible word of God (or other deity) or not. If we accept that people wrote these books, it's very likely that the writers embellished their accounts and made things sound much more "epic" in order to keep attention.
    Yes, this is true. My arguments proceeded from the assumption that people took the bible to be the literal word of god. I know there are some differences within Christianity regarding this. The Koran is the direct word of god, no debates if you're Muslim, so this would not be an issue in debating the Koran.

    If we accept humans wrote these holy books, then we can accept there is much embellishment. There is no problem with this. It is the moral content of the stories that need to be examined.

    Could i ask you some questions to establish some ground rules for our debate?

    Is it ever OK to criticise a religion, or must religions be held above criticism?

    If yes to the first question, how is it possible to skilfully have such debates, when that very act of criticism is itself likely to cause offence?

    If such debate does cause offence, should it be stopped?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2012
    @twobitbob, everyone;
    As far as I can tell, even if the debate has become a little controversial in places (and it does sound like theo-bashing at times) we have not to date received any 'Alerts' or flagged comments.
    so I can only presume that so far, insufficient offence - if any at all - has been caused.

    However, we should all be mindful of our opinions, our attachment to them, their skilfulness and whether such opinions are conducive to our continued practice, calling and adhering to the 4, the 8 and the 5.

    Those are actually the main reasons i have not participated in this thread.
    I have opinions.
    I just personally feel it's more skilful for me to keep them to myself, and under my scrutiny, as frankly, I'm not too sure I'm exactly ok with them.
  • A sad but interesting map - I believe it is showing deaths within each region, i.e. the USA shows no deaths, and yet it's safe to say many of the deaths shown in the Middle East are caused by the US military; similarly, China has a high incidence of killing its own people, but since it's not considered "war," that also is not shown.

    At any rate, here's the map:


    Black: Major wars, 1,000+ deaths per year
    Purple: Minor wars and conflicts, 10-1,000 deaths per year

    It's probably best to included other death, sources, then, besides just war. Here is another grim statistic - the worst genocides in recorded history:

    The top four listed are:

    Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,000

    Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945) 12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)

    Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908) 8,000,000

    Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39) 6,000,000 (including gulags, purges, and Ukraine famine)

    The Stalin numbers strike me as far too low - even Russian papers in the 1980s ventured to put it near 20,000,000.

    hmmmm- the USA had 31,513 deaths from firearms alone in 2010...
  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    hmmmm- the USA had 31,513 deaths from firearms alone in 2010...
    Is that accurate? That's getting on for what one would expect in a low-level civil war, especially if we account for concentrations of violence in certain areas rather than being spread out equally over the U.S.A.

    Between 1991 and 2002 the Sierra Leone Civil War devastated the country leaving more than 50,000 people dead, much of the country's infrastructure destroyed, and over two million people displaced in neighbouring countries; mainly to Guinea, which was home to nearly one million Sierra Leonean refugees.[10] ECOMOG used cluster bomb in the war against convention.[11]
    Iraq Body Count (IBC) recorded 4,087 civilian deaths from violence in 2011. Evidence of these deaths was extracted from some 6,828 distinct reports collected from over 90 sources covering 1,884 incidents, each of which is openly listed on the IBC website. This brings the total number of deaths in the IBC database so far to 115,342. These numbers represent a verifiable documentary record of deaths, and are not estimates (for some partially estimated figures, see 'WikiLeaks update' below).

    Looking at the graph, even the higher estimated death figure (for all violent deaths) in Iraq is only roughly the same as the American firearm death toll.
  • Between the years 2001 and 2005 (81,634) people where murdered on the streets of America. Some evidence suggests that the two years following 2005 will place the murder rate in America well above 100,000 since the year 2001.
    Iraq Body Count project 105,052 — 114,731 civilian deaths as a result of the conflict. Over 162,000 civilian and combatant deaths[1][2] March 2003 to January 2012

    Sounds like someplace needs liberating.
  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited June 2012
    Disclaimer: many sources put the Iraq civilian death toll far higher; the body count project publishes numbers for documented fatalities, and civilian deaths have been poorly documented.

    Even so...

    Edit, no, not even so. What the **** is going on? The religion of consumerism appears to inspire more murderous fanatics than any other.
  • SileSile Veteran
    Most people are members of a religion, and most people are not engaged in acts of violence.

    I think it's clear that at the root of any violent conflict, one finds someone trying to hold onto something, whether that's their life, property, freedom, or the lives and property and freedom of "their" people. Then after that initial act, there is a reaction, and a new injury is caused, and then a reaction to that new injury...even if one is hollering out religious insults during the fracas, I don't believe it's religion itself at the root of these conflicts, but the human instinct to protect "our own."

    Are we really that different from the animal kingdom? If two bugs are fighting, are they angry at each other or both just obeying instinctive impulses to survive?

    I think it's clear that religion serves to restrain more human violence than it causes, when you add up all the instances of cause and effect across the course of one human day - not just religion, but ethics (which in most cultures are rooted in or sustained by religion).
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    ... I don't believe it's religion itself at the root of these conflicts, but the human instinct to protect "our own."

    That may be true, but does religion encourage these instinctive behaviours rather than moderating them? On paper religion ought to be a moderating influence, but in practice it often seems to make things worse.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    ... I don't believe it's religion itself at the root of these conflicts, but the human instinct to protect "our own."

    That may be true, but does religion encourage these instinctive behaviours rather than moderating them? On paper religion ought to be a moderating influence, but in practice it often seems to make things worse.
    But that may only be because we hear of the more radical situations.

  • There's no real need for debate anyway. If we frame it as the question: Does religion cause violence? then either yes it does or no it doesn't. Either way the question can be most accurately answered via the scientific method.

    I'm not sure if this particular question has been answered by science though.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    You cannot bring science in to an equation where religion plays a prominent part.
    By very virtue of its requirement of Faith from its adherents, you cannot apply logic to something that in many ways, is to Science, illogical.

    Religion in and of itself does not cause violence, but it speaks at times in violent ways and some followers believe that if Religion speaks of violence, then practising violence may be acceptable, in a context they classify as religious. Religion begets violent responses from those whose nature or morals either exemplify or accept violence as a central tenet of their Devotion.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    Religion in and of itself does not cause violence, but it speaks at times in violent ways and some followers believe that if Religion speaks of violence, then practising violence may be acceptable, in a context they classify as religious.
    The Old Testament doesn't set a very good example. ;)
  • You cannot bring science in to an equation where religion plays a prominent part.
    By very virtue of its requirement of Faith from its adherents, you cannot apply logic to something that in many ways, is to Science, illogical.

    Religion in and of itself does not cause violence, but it speaks at times in violent ways and some followers believe that if Religion speaks of violence, then practising violence may be acceptable, in a context they classify as religious. Religion begets violent responses from those whose nature or morals either exemplify or accept violence as a central tenet of their Devotion.
    I think maybe we're talking about different things. Just because religion plays a prominent part, and most religions are illogical, does not make a manifestation of religion immune to the scientific method. Take a simple statement like Jewish people eat less pork than do other groups of religion. This statement is true or false, and we can find out easily by conducting a study. Finding out whether a religion causes violence would be essentially the same type of research, though far harder for practical reasons.

    I agree with your latter statement though. I guess that if research such as i describe was conducted, religion would not be found cause violence, but would be correlated. This itself though would raise questions.

  • What the **** is going on? The religion of consumerism appears to inspire more murderous fanatics than any other.
    No, we're just better shots.
  • There's no real need for debate anyway. If we frame it as the question: Does religion cause violence? then either yes it does or no it doesn't. Either way the question can be most accurately answered via the scientific method.

    I'm not sure if this particular question has been answered by science though.
    If you look at it this way the only logical conclusion, going by the data, is an unequivocal no, religion does not cause violence, being that there is amble evidence of non-violent religious groups.
  • All we could really do is compare different religions since there isn't a culture unaffected by religion on Earth (is there?), to compare against. Like i said, i guess there would be correlation, not causation, but until someone does the research its anybody's guess.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2012
    The most effective way to create business wealth is to find a way to incite a large mass of people to move, one way or another. Fear through politics & religeon are at the top of the list of mass movers.
    The question is as simplistic as asking if guns kill people, bullets kill people or if people kill people when really it's is a lack of empathy & compassion that kills people.
  • All we could really do is compare different religions since there isn't a culture unaffected by religion on Earth (is there?), to compare against. Like i said, i guess there would be correlation, not causation, but until someone does the research its anybody's guess.
    As How may be suggesting the question is too simplistic to be of much use. Maybe you mean to ask something more specific or at least form some kind of hypothesis. How exactly do you think religion may cause violence?

    There is actually abundant evidence that religion does not cause violence. There are countless religious groups across the world that are not violent.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    There is actually abundant evidence that religion does not cause violence.
    Hmm. What about the centuries-old conflict between Christianity and Islam, which arguably is still going on today?
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    People and the things inside them cause violence rather than religion per se - religion conjures tangibility in place of inherent intangibility - on one level it is a very efficient way to manipulate and control, inevitably with a fantastical fantasy perdition for non-compliance... humans can't help but be humans - religion is no more to blame than the desire to eat, reproduce or survive... if there is any blame, it rests with each of us individually.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    People and the things inside them cause violence rather than religion per se - religion conjures tangibility in place of inherent intangibility - on one level it is a very efficient way to manipulate and control, inevitably with a fantastical fantasy perdition for non-compliance... humans can't help but be humans - religion is no more to blame than the desire to eat, reproduce or survive... if there is any blame, it rests with each of us individually.
    You actually have made a good analogy here.

    Does ice cream cause us to overeat?
    Does religion cause violence?

    To me, the answer to both is no. Millions of people eat ice cream because they enjoy it, but do not over-indulge, so they don't get fat. Some choose to over-indulge and they get fat (like me).

    Same with religion.

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